The News Thread

This isn't a good reason to specifically not vote for him, but this does serve to reinforce already known issues regarding how he conducts himself and what he considers acceptable.
He's really fucking stupid. He basically said he sexually assaults women and they let him because he's powerful. He's been sued a bunch of times for sexual harassment (which he basically admits to on the video) yet millions of people think he's the best person to lead the country.

Exactly. If he was anyone's employee he would be fired. If he had anything to do with academia he would be fired, or if he was the president made to step down. People get away with this kind of shit at the CEO levels but should we honestly enable him further? Trump is more monkey than man.
I don't think he actually knows what he wants to do as president. I think he's running for purely selfish reasons, to prove to himself he can do anything, it's all a big ego trip. And there's the possibility to give himself a ton more money through policies.
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I don't know why anyone is surprised by the recording. I also think it's pretty childish if *this* is the thing someone uses to decide how they are going to vote. There are plenty of other policy related reasons not to vote for Trump. If you're voting on "character", most politicians fail that test, and Hillary definitely does. The whole election is more of a shitshow than usual.

It's not only character. He's not even qualified to lead the country. This is just icing on the cake.
I mean, he's not quaified to work at Walmart, he would be fired for talking to customers like that. We should hold the upper class to the same standard.

He didn't say this behind closed doors this was a tv show taping that possibly could have aired.
That's actually a good point. Us average folk can't be caught talking like that :lol: yet a presidential candidate can brag about forcing women to kiss him and not paying taxes. There is something wrong with that.
He's not even qualified to lead the country.

Is Hillary? Are most politicians?

He's really fucking stupid. He basically said he sexually assaults women and they let him because he's powerful. He's been sued a bunch of times for sexual harassment (which he basically admits to on the video) yet millions of people think he's the best person to lead the country.

This is what Bill Clinton did, yet people still hail him as a top President and his wife as a viable candidate for the party even though we all know she is bought by every special interest group known to man

AAAAND, she's vowed to give an executive order to mandate gun control if she gets into office. Under no circumstances can she even get close to that.

I know Breitbart wtf but wikileaks is at your fingertips:

That's actually a good point. Us average folk can't be caught talking like that :lol: yet a presidential candidate can brag about forcing women to kiss him and not paying taxes. There is something wrong with that.

Clinton avoiding taxes like Trump did (because any tax paying citizen can fucking do this if you know what you're doing):

It's probably similar to using capital losses on stocks to offset capital gains (because I've done that and it's legal)

Let's not even mention Hillary losing 6 billion as head of the State Department
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I don't like either candidate.

Trump is demonstrating a propensity for idiotic behavior on the regular and isn't doing himself any favors with anyone. He also supports idiotic viewpoints like the anti-vaccination movement and has for years.

Hillary Clinton has some experience but has made questionable or outright bad decisions on several occasions.
I don't know why anyone is surprised by the recording. I also think it's pretty childish if *this* is the thing someone uses to decide how they are going to vote. There are plenty of other policy related reasons not to vote for Trump. If you're voting on "character", most politicians fail that test, and Hillary definitely does. The whole election is more of a shitshow than usual.

Republican leads were able to play blind and stupid until this video came out. Anyone with half a brain could infer what Trump is all about, but without this sort of definitive proof, Republicans could still pull out the "well if he just would act more presidential..." nonsense. Not that they actually believed it, but they could wear the mask. Now they can't, which is why you're seeing an unprecedented number of Republican politicians rescinding their endorsement or asking for Trump to step down.

Is Hillary? Are most politicians?

I am not a Clinton supporter, but even asking that question rhetorically is profoundly stupid. Trump doesn't know the first thing about governing a nation. He's literally unqualified to be president. Clinton is. So was Cruz. So was Kaisch. So was Sanders. They understand what the job entails and have the experience in the field to take on the job. Now, how well each of them would have done is debatable, but they have the resume, experience, and knowledge to be candidates for president.

Trump has none of that. His policies, and especially international politics, is terrifyingly thin, and his pathological lying, impulsiveness, and extreme narcissism make him a national security threat. What would it take for him to declare war? A nasty tweet?
Eisenhower is the only president we've had as unqualified as Trump during the 20th century, and he was one of the worst and most easy to manipulate presidents we've ever had. Qualifications are important in that a president should at least know what the fuck they're doing.
That email does not contain the previous quote you referenced, and moreover, it was sent by some guy from the Netherlands. If I sent you a PM right now advocating pedonecrocoprophilia, does that make you a pedonecrocoprophiliac?
It's possible that I'm bad at reading or maybe because of how my phone displays that link, but I'm not seeing anything that implicates Hillary Clinton of making those comments there.

I guess that I can look at it on a computer when I get home.
@The Ozzman

I'm tired of hearing about what a terrible choice we ended up with between the two of them. These are the people this country voted for in the primaries and it's time to own it and stop acting like both are equally awful choices.

Hillary isn't who I voted for in the primaries. She may be corrupt, be in bed with Wall Street, and many policies I disagree with her on but:

1. Trump doesn't know the first thing about how to run a country, and he doesn't know the first thing about policy or international relations and has not cared to learn either.

2. Hillary did not run an entire campaign by fueling the hatred of the ignorant masses towards immigrants.

3. She's not a misogynist talking publicly about it being cool to grab and kiss women against their will.

4. She hasn't made a career out of stiffing contractors and ruining middle class businesses by refusing to pay them for the work they did.

5. She doesn't appear to have the temperament of a 6 year old and isn't scaring the shit out of world leaders in the world talking about breaking alliances and leaving nukes on the table for every deal.

My conscious is clear as I didn't vote for neither of them to be the running candidates. However, if this shit gets him into office I don't think it would be good for the country. Times are changing , as this country is ever more diverse and progressive. It's funny how the Republican party was supposed to be doing the opposite of what Trump is doing to adapt to the voter demographics of the near future. Pandering to white old dudes isn't going to cut it anymore. I mean I doubt many of them would support him as they are too busy clutching their pearls at his comment on Access Hollywood. Good. They've put a child to run for president and not someone who is actually qualified.
As long as Hillary is pro-illegal, pro-refugee, anti-gun and pro-Obamacare, and as long as Trump lowers taxes for me and the company I work for, there is nothing Trump can do to make me not vote for him.