The News Thread

And democracy is great. It doesn't matter how uneducated or mentally handicapped you are, you get a seat at the table. Which perfectly aligns arg's values.

Playing devil's advocate for a second here.. Is it? Do you want uneducated and mentally handicapped making decisions that affect you and those you love?
California and New York should not be all-or-nothing. There are many highly educated, business-owning republicans whose votes don't matter. That is simply fucked.

Fortunately in America the majority are not (yet) hopelessly impoverished wretches like in actual third world shitholes which we are not (yet). A popular vote would still be in our best interest imo. And with that power we must crush the 1)corrupt establishment and 2)dregs of society by limiting their voting rights before the country is too fucked for any kind of election to save.
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Playing devil's advocate for a second here.. Is it? Do you want uneducated and mentally handicapped making decisions that affect you and those you love?

Do you want the uneducated and mentally handicapped making decisions that affect themselves? We must think of those less fortunate.

NASA is using PMC to permanently preserve and provide easy public access to the peer-reviewed papers resulting from NASA-funded research. Beginning with research funded in 2016, all NASA-funded authors and co-authors (both civil servant and non-civil servant) will be required to deposit copies of their peer-reviewed scientific publications and associated data into NASA’s publication repository called NASA PubSpace. This EXCLUDES patents, publications that contain material governed by personal privacy, export control, proprietary restrictions, or national security law or regulations. NASA PubSpace is part of PubMed Central (PMC) which is managed by the NIH.
Yeah that has been in the works for awhile. Thing is they can still hide anything by claiming national security. You won't get to see the juicy stuff like new technology in development or papers that point out flaws in existing systems..
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I love that everybody got the memo about how just assuming women are weak is sexist, except for the feminists.

I am mad. I am mad because I am scared. And if you are a woman, you should be, too. Emailgate is a bitch hunt, but the target is not Hillary Clinton. It’s us.

Yeah, this is one of the more comical articles I've ever read.

The only reason the whole email flap has legs is because the candidate is female. Can you imagine this happening to a man? Clinton is guilty of SWF (Speaking While Female)

How could someone be this ignorant of political history?

FBI Chief James Comey has shown himself to be another bully of the same kind.

Funny considering Comey was the Hillarycrats' favourite human ever only some weeks ago.
Time magazine has been Buzzfeed-tier for at least a decade now. I mean, I never particularly cared about their legacy or any other media franchise, but there's still something sad/pathetic about it coming from them.