The News Thread

leave it to the black guy to bring up race on live tv calling electing Trump a "whitelash" against a black president.

just let it go.

its possible he's right, just too early for all the demographic info. Crazy how many Dems Hilary lost compared to Obama
As a true American and patriot, with strong leanings of separatist nationalism, I consider this a fantastic victory and look forward to individual state culture being fucking respected the way it's supposed to be. Let federal government handle federal issues with a big swinging dick, while issues back home are tailored to the area. This I believe he will encourage.

We are the United States (of America), not (the United States of) America. Let's make it great again.
Anyone saying anything that remotely resembles 'make America great again' should probably be drowned in concrete.

Fuck faggoty slogans.

Holy shit, was Trump's first order of business to get you reinstated? This has been a great day so far, looking forward to our chats.
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