The News Thread

it shouldnt change. places like new york, LA, houston, chicago, etc would basically choose the next prez every 4 years drowning out the voices of people that dont live in urban areas
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it shouldnt change. places like new york, LA, houston, chicago, etc would basically choose the next prez every 4 years drowning out the voices of people that dont live in urban areas

Although this is basically saying that rural votes are worth more than city votes. City folk's votes are worth some fraction of a person etc

Friend of mine said he'd eat his own socks if Trump won. He's a really popular dude trying to move up in the entertainment business, and I think he's actually gonna do it to stay true to his word for his followers. He's promised a live video. I'll repost if it happens.
You fuckers from Boston gonna be hittin the shizzle? Fuck im jealous

I will be spending the night in with my wife. We're going to make dinner, have some drinks, and watch decidedly apolitical television and/or movies. I'll be dealing with the political ramifications of this for the foreseeable future, in the workplace and in my writing - so I'm taking a night off.
hillary actually won the popular vote by 200k votes, that's 2x in 16 years the electoral college gave us a different result. but it may never change since why would the winner change the system that elected them?

come on man, you know the electoral college is a state thang and not national?
come on man, you know the electoral college is a state thang and not national?

That is true but the map that HamburgerBoy posted makes it clear that the red states aren't really interested in changing the way that it works, unlike many of the major blue states.
Although this is basically saying that rural votes are worth more than city votes. City folk's votes are worth some fraction of a person etc

Why should people who squat on a tiny piece of the entire country dictate policy over tons of mileage they don't even care to see? I'm in favor of this check and balance.
It's a national policy for each state to have their own electoral college. States implement that in different ways. If individual states backed out of the electoral college they would simply be giving up voting power to other states. It could however be a policy change at the national level, forcing all states to switch to the popular vote simultaneously.