The News Thread

Yeah, fuck Europe. :rofl:

But I have no problem with this toilet thing, I do think trans people that don't pass should maybe be more mature and realistic and use the toilet that more suits how they look outwardly, if no unisex toilets are nearby.
Yeah, fuck Europe. :rofl:

But I have no problem with this toilet thing, I do think trans people that don't pass should maybe be more mature and realistic and use the toilet that more suits how they look outwardly, if no unisex toilets are nearby.

passing is irrelevant
If passing is irrelevant, you're stating that any man can just say "I'm a transwoman" and then use the women's toilets, for whatever nefarious reasons he desires. Whether this does happen or has happened is irrelevant, once you strip any and all standards (passing being the bare minimum for Christ sake) you're creating a chance for it to happen.

If you think you can be some hairy bear-type transwoman or a transwoman that doesn't even try to look feminine and walk into women's toilets and there not be any controversy, alarm or offence you're just an unrealistic piece of trash not really interested in anything other than your own validation. Talk about privilege.
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Who cares? We already allow homosexuals to use same-sex bathrooms. The only people that are going to think "Hot damn, all I gotta do is identify and I get to hear all the female poop noises to my heart's content" are stupid enough to get caught.
How is it not? A faggot can go peek at any dude's dick in the urinal he pleases, even more easily than a lecherous pseudotranny would be able to spy on a woman in the next stall.
I'm a scrawny little twink, most men could have their way with me, fuck you and your assumptions shitlord.

Realistically, a man pretending to be transgender in order to rape women in bathrooms is only going to try when a bathroom is otherwise unoccupied. Do you think rapists don't already prey on women's bathrooms late at night or in remote locations?
Merely questioning the idea that trans passability should be dismissed in this. Because once you do this you create a situation wherein any dude can just go in and say "I'm a woman" and it's allowed.

Not rocket science.
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I actually agree with HBB in this case.

The scare tactics about transgender people using the bathroom of their choosing are completely irrational. If a sexual predator wants to sneak into a bathroom to target women, he is going to do so when that bathroom is empty except for his chosen target, thereby making any kind of "disguise" completely unnecessary. The entire scenario is just ludicrous.

Now, hypothetically speaking, let's say that a sexual predator is able to craft such an amazing disguise that women in the bathroom actually think he's a woman, making his target easier to attack because she's unsuspecting. Okay, but making trans-choice bathrooms illegal isn't going to do anything about this problem because the sexual predator isn't a transgender person. Any fucked predator can craft an elaborate "disguise" and go where he isn't supposed to be; laws about transgender options won't stop that. You may as well put up a sign saying "criminals not allowed." Good luck.

And now let me just say that I'm quoting "disguise" because it kind of disgusts me that I have to talk about this subject and refer to transgender appearance as a disguise.