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I suppose it's SJW to not think it's okay for men to kick the shit out of women because they're on HRT and have pretty hair. :lol:

If a woman wants to try out for american football, do you automatically deny her?

second, if the woman wants to get her ass whooped by men, i'm all for it. people do a lot of weird things that doesn't effect me, i sure as shit am not going to legislate against it

Also, I respect Joe's opinion on martial arts,

"Ronda Rousey can beat male featherweights" - Joe Rogan
If a woman wants to try out for american football, do you automatically deny her?


second, if the woman wants to get her ass whooped by men, i'm all for it. people do a lot of weird things that doesn't effect me, i sure as shit am not going to legislate against it

Good for you. The vast majority of people disagree. That's not a showing of sport, that's just a demented sideshow for people that want to see men seriously injure women.

"Ronda Rousey can beat male featherweights" - Joe Rogan

Nobody is always right.

wow, killer of liberty here. didn't know your opinions lined up with that of old shitty republicans. Women can and have played in high school football, College, and could in the NFL btw

That's not a showing of sport, that's just a demented sideshow for people that want to see men seriously injure women.

I can see you have no understanding of what 'wrestling' is. the texas law forces him to only fight women yet you think the law is sound. seriously making no sense.
wow, killer of liberty here. didn't know your opinions lined up with that of old shitty republicans. Women can and have played in high school football, College, and could in the NFL btw

Men have died playing professional American football. :lol: But sure, let the women join in, it will obviously up the quality of the sport and their bodies can handle it...

I can see you have no understanding of what 'wrestling' is. the texas law forces him to only fight women yet you think the law is sound. seriously making no sense.

He is only him in his head.
do you have a problem with trans people, even if it is decided they are mentally ill/disabled whatever? I personally don't care, I only have problems with the idea that their surgeries and treatment is trying to be publicly funded and supported and not a private thing

if you do, then i'm really not sure why you're participating in this discussion.

He is only him in his head.

not necessarily true since he is taking hormones for male transition. He isn't a biologically-standard male, nor a biologically standard female outside of still likely having a vagina.

and he is literally too heavy for the female competition in his region so that is why the match was cancelled, because no one is in his weight class
How? I said he. Respecting a trans person's preferred pronoun is a thing of pure respect. For what other reason would I bother, considering my own free will?

What I meant by that specific comment was that self-identifying as a male does not put you on equal ground with a biological male, which is what you were trying to push. Transgenderism is rather subjective. You cannot prove that someone is or isn't trans, objectively, etc.

Yes, a biological female on testosterone and steroids will elevate their power, strength and so on over the average female athlete, but this does not take into account things like bone density which plays perhaps the biggest role in injury. Of course this doesn't much matter in wrestling, but it does in martial arts or contact sport like football.
by saying its only in his head and then forcing him to compete in his birth sex is by definition against the idea of trans people. he is not a woman anymore. if he wants to get his ass kicked, which means he consents to it, who the hell cares?

the problem with the MMA fighter is that you can suffer severe damages from fights and, without knowing the fighter, she apparently looks like a man in all facets but a facial structure. I agree in combat sports more research has to be done to ensure it's a level playing field, but high school wrestling or fucking swimming has no reason for this separation.
Sure, if you say so.

I understand that wrestling isn't literally fighting. Way to get semantical. I really don't care that much, if it happens it happens, but it will be fundamentally unfair and unequal competition.

Take all the steroids and testosterone you want, you're still biologically female and biological males will destroy you.
what's to stop a cis male pretending to be a transwoman in order to compete against cis females? How are you going to prove they're not transgendered?

I answered this like 10 replies ago. The Olympic committee tests hormone levels and decides when an athlete who transitions can compete in their new gender. This process takes 3 years by their standards if I recall correctly.

I do not think and I am not aware of tests for all forms of boxing/mma that includes violence in the form of contact, so this should be the exception to the rule at this present time. The science is just not there. But this exception, for me, is only for male-sex fighting in female gendered weight classes and not vice versa. If a trans man wants to fight in the male weight classes, that is his choice. If a trans woman wants to fight in the female division, that is not the choice of the athletes in that division and that choice can harm the other competitors, if my fears are backed by research.

I imagine jiu-jitsu, wrestling and sports similar to those do not have anywhere the same physical consequences of that in Boxing/Kickboxing/Muy Thai/UFC etc.

This isn't going to be a problem because women-only sports do not financially incentivize men to "fake" transition in order to gain, just like unisex bathrooms don't incentivize child rape/molestion/kidnapping or whatever. you're really illogical and irrational here and I wish you just admit it and stop wasting my time.
I don't agree. I see no connection beyond the same words being used. Care to explain how it's the same beyond the words?

I'll try to explain how I see it.

I disagree with this, true identity is often much more fluid and evolving, which is why identity politics (as in, grouping people based on superficial differences) in regards to skin, sex, etc is so flawed, because you can't evolve out of being black or white. There is no culture that comes with having a brain in a coloured or white body.

I'm not sure I understand all of what you're saying, but I think I get it and will try to respond.

true identity is often much more fluid and evolving, which is why identity politics (as in, grouping people based on superficial differences) in regards to skin, sex, etc is so flawed, because you can't evolve out of being black or white.

I agree that identity is fluid, which is why the metaphysical foundations of identity don't make sense. Identity proposes a fixed sense of oneself, which is why gay people insist that being gay isn't a choice--that that is "who they are," so to speak. The metaphysics of identity go back to notions of interiority and selfhood that reveal one's true source of being. Traditionally, this isn't viewed as fluid or shifting, which is why modern identity politics exposes its contradictions when it appeals to identity, since modern identity (what you call "true identity") is all about fluidity. The metaphysics of identity invoke the notion of the insular self, a self that is consistent and unchanging despite external conditions. This is part of the contradictions of identity politics, since it wants to elevate identity at the same time it wants to elevate cultural contingency and social constructionism.

I think you're reversing the issue, saying that identity is fluid and therefore identity politics is fucked because you can't "evolve out of being black or white." The issue isn't "evolving" out of being a racial, gendered, class, etc. subject though; it has to do with how people classify themselves in any stable and consistent way. For example, individuals of mixed race may not be able to evolve in any individual way out of their biological makeup, but into which category do they fall? Is it selective (in which case we all have the choice when it comes to our identity), or is it obligatory (in which case your identity is entirely contingent on the way people treat you)? The former option is the path of identity politics, which attempts to isolate and elevate a true interior self; and that is what I'm skeptical of.

Now, your comment regarding national identity isn't explicitly proposing a selective attitude, I don't think; but it is proposing that Western culture is non-fluid, or non-fluctuating, since what you're criticizing is the "ghettoizing" of Western culture by outsiders. Basically, you're saying that Western culture shouldn't change, that it shouldn't be inconsistent, that it should stay the same. So from my perspective, you're trying to reify (or stabilize) Western identity in a manner that invokes selectivity; you're saying "This is what Western culture is." And you may be right that, in general, Western culture supports a set of recognizable values and ideals; but calling it a cultural identity insinuates that it's constant and stable, and that external influence might cause it to change and that's a bad thing, when in fact it's been changing for centuries. Even if your position is that it's been evolving and now should stop evolving, you're basically implying that Western culture has finally realized its best possible form, or its "true identity" (which, in contrast to what you said earlier, isn't fluid at all).

Apologies for the length and verbosity of this post-- tl;dr I think that your sense of Western identity contradicts your admission that "true" identity is fluid (and in that sense, not really "identity" at all).
I answered this like 10 replies ago. The Olympic committee tests hormone levels and decides when an athlete who transitions can compete in their new gender. This process takes 3 years by their standards if I recall correctly.

I do not think and I am not aware of tests for all forms of boxing/mma that includes violence in the form of contact, so this should be the exception to the rule at this present time. The science is just not there. But this exception, for me, is only for male-sex fighting in female gendered weight classes and not vice versa. If a trans man wants to fight in the male weight classes, that is his choice. If a trans woman wants to fight in the female division, that is not the choice of the athletes in that division and that choice can harm the other competitors, if my fears are backed by research.

I imagine jiu-jitsu, wrestling and sports similar to those do not have anywhere the same physical consequences of that in Boxing/Kickboxing/Muy Thai/UFC etc.

This isn't going to be a problem because women-only sports do not financially incentivize men to "fake" transition in order to gain, just like unisex bathrooms don't incentivize child rape/molestion/kidnapping or whatever. you're really illogical and irrational here and I wish you just admit it and stop wasting my time.

Just admit you have a thing for seeing women get beaten up by men and want to watch it on your couch. ;)

Now, your comment regarding national identity isn't explicitly proposing a selective attitude, I don't think; but it is proposing that Western culture is non-fluid, or non-fluctuating, since what you're criticizing is the "ghettoizing" of Western culture by outsiders. Basically, you're saying that Western culture shouldn't change, that it shouldn't be inconsistent, that it should stay the same.

I'm not saying this. I'm saying that new cultures are coming in and are inadvertently changing western culture in a direction that goes directly against the current trajectory of western culture. For example, oppression of women and the queer used to be a part of our identity much more wholly, we have evolved away from that and as it currently stands, to be western means to be against that oppression. Now we have inferior (yes, inferior) cultures coming in and clashing with that cultural identity.

Our progression away from authoritarianism and oppressive practices is our fluid identity.

I hope that clears up my comments previously given, I was distracted when I typed them and couldn't give any detail. :tickled:
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If a woman wants to try out for american football, do you automatically deny her?

There's a big difference between high school American "football" and professional American football. And of course you deny her. Unless you enjoy watching women get rag-dolled and their spines shattered.

"Ronda Rousey can beat male featherweights" - Joe Rogan

He himself has came out and said how stupid that statement was.

I can see you have no understanding of what 'wrestling' is. the texas law forces him to only fight women yet you think the law is sound. seriously making no sense.

and i see you have no understanding of what following a conversation is. If i remember correctly, we were past the wrestling thing and were talking about fallon fox(a man) beating up on women.

stop weaving debates to your liking.
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