The News Thread

North Korea is pissed because Bill Clinton got blown by Monica Lewinsky, now Donald Trump has to deal with humanity. Kim Jong Un is going to guide missiles with satellites.
Here's an incredibly well-written article on how politicians and the media are trying to normalize these things.

I started thinking about this after the Charlie Hebdo attacks, and I've literally seen it multiple times after Paris, Nice, Miami, Brussels, London, Stockholm, and now Manchester. Lines like "the terrorists want to created a divide between us" is the media's new knee jerk respone to these events, it's like clockwork. Isn't a concrete, political response the last thing they want, since they would have no way to carry on if they were no longer "united" with us? Nah, let's just undermine, bully and ostracize everyone who points out the cause and continue complaining about the effect for eternity.
Don't react! That's what the terrorists want, if you react they win.

Uh no, I'm pretty sure they win if they get to keep blowing up civilians and all we do is say "oh well what are you gonna do hyuck hyuck we've dealt with worse we'll be fine besides you're more likely to be killed by lightning or a toaster."

Sometimes I think the west deserves to crumble and fall.
Sometimes I think the west deserves to crumble and fall.

It's funny to me that you sometimes feel this way because of progressivist rhetoric about complacency and political correctness, while I sometimes feel this way because the West has been responsible for its own brand of terrorism against non-Western regions for centuries.

Hell, maybe collapse is the way to go. :D
I don't despise the West for its terrors, I was just sympathizing with Cassette's occasional sentiment.

I think we have to reconcile the West's success with its history of terrorism (in forms quite distinct from that of modern non-state terrorism); but I think that also means making some effort to reconcile the atrocity of contemporary terrorism with the conditions that give rise to it.
Don't react! That's what the terrorists want, if you react they win.

Uh no, I'm pretty sure they win if they get to keep blowing up civilians and all we do is say "oh well what are you gonna do hyuck hyuck we've dealt with worse we'll be fine besides you're more likely to be killed by lightning or a toaster."

Sometimes I think the west deserves to crumble and fall.

Almost all of the suggestions for WHAT WE MUST DO seem to be things that have been shown to be totally ineffective, at best, in the past.

I dunno what the reaction is like in other countries, but the reaction in the UK, from across the spectrum, is always over the top, sensationalist bullshit. Endless fucking interviews with witnesses and family and BBC presenters standing by flowers instead of being sat in like newsroom like they should be. Fuck it all.
Limiting immigration/refugees from war-torn countries, regardless of the reason for the war-tornness, but then again especially if NATO is involved, is effective. That it is odious to some of certain ideological sensibilities is in no way an argument against the unfortunate necessity of policy based on the realities of human cognition, sentimentalities, and ultimately action. While the ideology of neoliberalism and progressivism combined, most succinctly referred to as "invade the world - invite the world", is increasingly shown to be a failure in both aspects, it is the latter half which must be corrected most immediately, because the damage is already done.

The hatred of Israel by those of the Islamic persuasion surpasses hatred of any particular NATO country, yet Israel is relatively free of these incidents in comparison with NATO countries (with the exception of those persons interspersed originally in their geography!). Why? Because Israel pursues an effective policy of self-protection while NATO countries do not. If NATO countries want to look more and more like the Middle East save Israel, they should continue to invite the Middle East. To borrow, sarcastically, some of the words of Louis Armstrong: What a wonderful world (that would be)!
Almost all of the suggestions for WHAT WE MUST DO seem to be things that have been shown to be totally ineffective, at best, in the past.

I don't agree with this at all.

Like Dak just said, the suggested remedies seem to be either war or ignore it and hope it goes away. Nobody is willing to seriously address and then tackle the issue.

I dunno what the reaction is like in other countries, but the reaction in the UK, from across the spectrum, is always over the top, sensationalist bullshit. Endless fucking interviews with witnesses and family and BBC presenters standing by flowers instead of being sat in like newsroom like they should be. Fuck it all.

Stop watching the BBC, for a start. :rofl:
Or, watch it with very low expectations.