The News Thread

Antifa and WN both obviously go back far beyond the last year, but the current flair-up was started by Antifa at Berkeley etc. When you have absurd beliefs like "windows represent unfair wealth distribution" (a two-for-one incoherent belief) and "speech is violence", it's hard to claim any sort of high ground, even against ignorance like white nationalism.
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Literally haven't seen anything saying libs are cucks for beating up the antifa crowds. Just more horseshit non existent opinions being cited as legitimate sentiments of the population
The leftist protesters can thank themselves for giving the WN groups the the idea to organize these marches. The idea that people can get attention by taking to the streets every time their sensibilities seem threatened by a counter idea...the counter-protesters are bringing more attention to the WN groups than the hillbillies themselves- apparently 100 to 1, I guess...? No matter the reason, the counter-protesters are still 'receiving' the message just by being there. A truly intelligent person wouldn't be open to receiving their message to begin with, let alone partaking in the event...especially having a family at home. I couldn't imagine my father, or grandfather when I was a kid putting on a baseball catchers' mask and duct-taping a handle on a club and getting ready to go flail around and scream obscenities in public because someone else "believes" something ridiculous. Think about it...why aren't we beating child molesters and NAMBLA members? Who cares about a rag-tag group of bearded dullards and angry gingers (no offense lol) waving flags that only high school dropouts appreciate? A smart person spends time with their family instead of participating in behavior that lowers the quality of life for everyone in the community. You assholes on both sides litter everywhere and cause people to be scared to use their own parks and streets. It's OUR (working taxpayers) streets...not just theirs. Screws their retarded messages and 'rights'- counter-protesters think they're helping?- wrong, admitting that you're littering and destroying shit 100 to 1 over the racists sounds completely ignorant.
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People are now calling for the removal of a George Washington statue and someone vandalized a statue of Abraham Lincoln. :lol:

It's almost as if they skipped history class on the last one. Do they think he owned slaves!?

Really hard not to side with North Korea against America right now...
That's kinda my point...are people really worried that the 'south is gonna rise again' and these oppressed racists are going to win at the voting booths??...brony counter-protesters make fun of how much they outnumber them, yet there they are in public with just as stupid looking outfits, acting equally as really showed them. How are rednecks psyching out these violent peace mongers so easily?
That's kinda my point...are people really worried that the 'south is gonna rise again' and these oppressed racists are going to win at the voting booths??...brony counter-protesters make fun of how much they outnumber them, yet there they are in public with just as stupid looking outfits, acting equally as really showed them. How are rednecks psyching out these violent peace mongers so easily?

Speaking for myself, no--that's not the concern.

My concern isn't one of paranoia or fear, but of what I believe to be the moral standard worth pursuing. If the choice is between "white supremacy isn't important, just ignore it" and "white supremacy is a problem, let's deal with it," then I opt for the latter. It doesn't have to do with expecting it to become the next widespread populist movement, but simply with the fact that I believe it's wrong on moral grounds and unethical and irrational on intellectual grounds (I wouldn't force the moral argument on anyone else, but the unethical and illogical valences of white supremacy are standard discourse and don't really bear repeating).

I don't condone violent suppression of white supremacist values, but I do support an organized rally on a Saturday to voice opposition. There's nothing juvenile, invasive, unintelligent or illegal in doing so. It's a choice, just as white supremacists have the choice to assemble.

The major problem here is the presence of violence, not the voicing of concern. I think you can have the latter without resorting to the former, and I don't think it's misguided to speak out against public displays of bigotry, no matter how small or infrequent.
The major problem here is the presence of violence, not the voicing of concern. I think you can have the latter without resorting to the former, and I don't think it's misguided to speak out against public displays of bigotry, no matter how small or infrequent.

My issue is with the overwhelming response to minuscule displays of ignorance and bigotry and the conversely overwhelming ambivalence towards and/or support of violence, whether it's at Berkeley, Baltimore, or Ferguson. The disparity in responses reveals not a rational approach, but a religious theology which posits insufficient worship of *Diversity* as Original Sin, and any and all antisocial action by minorities as covered under the blood of Martin Luther King Jr.
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Speaking for myself, no--that's not the concern.

My concern isn't one of paranoia or fear, but of what I believe to be the moral standard worth pursuing. If the choice is between "white supremacy isn't important, just ignore it" and "white supremacy is a problem, let's deal with it," then I opt for the latter. It doesn't have to do with expecting it to become the next widespread populist movement, but simply with the fact that I believe it's wrong on moral grounds and unethical and irrational on intellectual grounds (I wouldn't force the moral argument on anyone else, but the unethical and illogical valences of white supremacy are standard discourse and don't really bear repeating).

I don't condone violent suppression of white supremacist values, but I do support an organized rally on a Saturday to voice opposition. There's nothing juvenile, invasive, unintelligent or illegal in doing so. It's a choice, just as white supremacists have the choice to assemble.

The major problem here is the presence of violence, not the voicing of concern. I think you can have the latter without resorting to the former, and I don't think it's misguided to speak out against public displays of bigotry, no matter how small or infrequent.
That's the thing...white supremacists AREN'T a problem. If uneducated wanna-be liberals weren't there ALSO upsetting their community and feeding them attention, there'd be no message to "not tolerate". Jeez man, racist people have ALWAYS existed...yeah...let them have their stupid, narrow minded view. If you're intent is to destroy citizens opinions by singling them out and attacking them (no matter how vile their message), then that also makes you an oppressor. Gearing up to flail around in the street screaming makes the leftists look EQUALLY as stupid. Educated people DO NOT act like that.
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The Aug. 18-21 poll found that 54 percent of adults said Confederate monuments "should remain in all public spaces" while 27 percent said they "should be removed from all public spaces." Another 19 percent said they "don't know."

Responses to the poll were sharply split along racial and party lines, however, with whites and Republicans largely supportive of preservation. Democrats and minorities were more likely to support removal.
I find it funny how many people are outraged about things in their community they don't like, and won't stand for...yet these same people are on welfare, food stamps and a combo of "free stuff" programs and don't even pay for themselves, or their own kids...most of these "outraged" types don't work, pay taxes and do absolutely nothing to contribute to their community. Now all the sudden these people act like they have morals and values. Old saying...actions speak louder than words.
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