The News Thread

I am not directing this at Pat, but he's unfortunately the only person in this thread that my opinion on marching applies to:

People with time to march in a non-military capacity about anything are boring and ignorant. Marching in the military is about reaching an objective in a way that saves the environment and dollars. Marching in the streets is for ignorant people with too much time and too small a mind. Get on a city council, join a think tank, or something, if you want to make a real difference.
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If you are able to and want to march on a weekday, you probably don't pay taxes. Unless you are skipping work to do so, in which case we see where your real priorities lie.
Making a change in your community starts first with working and paying your taxes...that makes your opinion valid. Second- when things are out of balance, you take it to the voting polls and REPLACE the local authorities who are screwing things up next voting go round. This isn't a unifying movement, it's a polarizing movement. Our government has us blaming each other...diverts attention away from the Wall Street assholes we're supposedly told are causing the problems lol. If only we were as outraged at rapists and criminals...?
Not everyone works 9-5 Monday to Friday.

I don't work a 9-5 M-F and haven't for years, but I also have duties and education that would prevent me from marching. Apparently many don't have either duties and/or sufficient education.

Making a change in your community starts first with working and paying your taxes...that makes your opinion valid. Second- when things are out of balance, you take it to the voting polls and REPLACE the local authorities who are screwing things up next voting go round. This isn't a unifying movement, it's a polarizing movement. Our government has us blaming each other...diverts attention away from the Wall Street assholes we're supposedly told are causing the problems lol. If only we were as outraged at rapists and criminals...?

Run, vote, or educate. Don't stand around and shout like an ignorant bum.
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It's "talk and reason" when it comes to radical Islamists...but a few southern rednecks say offensive messages and it's "grab the bat and bullhorn "
That's the thing...white supremacists AREN'T a problem. If uneducated wanna-be liberals weren't there ALSO upsetting their community and feeding them attention, there'd be no message to "not tolerate".

That's a good point, but how can you prove it? You're arguing for an originary cause--that is, if leftists didn't protest, the white supremacists would disappear. History tells us otherwise though; and even if an experimental attempt to see if your claim proved true, you can't dismiss the accompanying threat of the alternative happening (i.e. that if we stopped speaking out against white supremacy, it would increase). The safer option seems to be continuing to speak out and argue against it.

Jeez man, racist people have ALWAYS existed...yeah...let them have their stupid, narrow minded view. If you're intent is to destroy citizens opinions by singling them out and attacking them (no matter how vile their message), then that also makes you an oppressor.

I'm not sure what you mean by "attack," but simply arguing against white supremacy isn't oppressing it. And speaking out against it publicly isn't oppressing it. There's a line there, but I'm not sure a public demonstration reaches it.

I am not directing this at Pat, but he's unfortunately the only person in this thread that my opinion on marching applies to:

People with time to march in a non-military capacity about anything are boring and ignorant. Marching in the military is about reaching an objective in a way that saves the environment and dollars. Marching in the streets is for ignorant people with too much time and too small a mind. Get on a city council, join a think tank, or something, if you want to make a real difference.

If it applies to me, then it is directed at me, isn't it?

I can do what I want on a Saturday when I'm not working. My wife and I work all week, and if we want to attend a rally over the weekend because we find it to be morally and ethically responsible, then it's our choice.

Where do you get off telling me I'm ignorant for spending my free time the way I want? I don't call you out for painting little action figures in your spare time, despite the fact that maybe I find it boring and ignorant (for the record, I do find it boring, but not ignorant).

I don't have time to join a think tank or city council--they demand more time than a few hours on a Saturday. This is what I can do for what I happen to agree with.
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