The News Thread

...even the counter groups are a very small slice of the combined American consensus. Take all the antifa, anti-trump, occupy 'blankety-blank', brony's etc, add them all together and you still have a very small demographic of malcontents upsetting the majority of us responsible taxpayers. They believe in their hearts their cause is just- but thanks for making us taxpayers clean up your messes and pay for police forces to keep you retards from killing each other. I think protesters found to be on ANY public assistance program should have their state benefits revoked...we don't pay these people to abuse our public property and act like this. What are the paranoid types so afraid of? Lol...end child hunger?-nope. End sex trafficking?-nope. End child cancer...nah. But attempting to stop racist thoughts is now a 'hands across America' waste of resources to unify against "hatred"...well, everything is considered hatred to these free lunch groups. They pass around some pretty heavy judgment and labels on people, and think THEY get to decide who's a good and bad person. Reminds me of internet "flash mobs" in the 90's but on a bigger scale. That's why they call it mob mentality.
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Why do white opioid addicts deserve humane treatment whilst black drug dealers deserve to be met with violence, all the while keeping drugs illegal and perpetuating more gang violence?

I for one don't think any repub candidate can run on a policy other than 'tough on crime' for the foreseeable future. but, white opioid addicts aren't destroying communities and cities. this distinction seems rather obvious.

and there's a reasonable amount of responsibility towards the doctors, political system and healthcare industry that has afflicted a large amount of people. black drug use in the ciities isn't because of pain addiction gone bad.

and to your first two, complicit seems like poor word choice for these. indifference, hesistance idk, but complicit suggests more intent and action than what i think you're suggesting
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'Opioid addicts"- even the terminology words it to not sound so bad, lol...Meth and heroin addicts have ruined my community (and almost every community)...FAR WORSE than any WN, or 'racist' group has. Honestly, pay attention. Hypothetical: A tweaker wants to sell meth to your kid and you want 'compassion' for the guy, but as soon as he says 'racist' things, he is to be "targeted with violence"...I'm confused lol
I for one don't think any repub candidate can run on a policy other than 'tough on crime' for the foreseeable future. but, white opioid addicts aren't destroying communities and cities. this distinction seems rather obvious.

Agreed, that's why I made the comment about gang violence.

I'm mainly pointing out how there's a potential solution to the problem of gang violence--i.e. legalize the drugs they traffic. But that's never an option, it's always tough talk and increased police enforcement. Meanwhile, opioid addicts are treated as victims. And like NS said, they do ruin communities, although perhaps not to the same effect that organized gangs do.

and there's a reasonable amount of responsibility towards the doctors, political system and healthcare industry that has afflicted a large amount of people. black drug use in the ciities isn't because of pain addiction gone bad.

True, and I realize that legalizing drugs doesn't solve the problems of addiction. But drug epidemics in cities have their own complex history, it goes beyond the disposition of a community toward drug use.

and to your first two, complicit seems like poor word choice for these. indifference, hesistance idk, but complicit suggests more intent and action than what i think you're suggesting

Indifference and hesitance work too. Complicity doesn't necessarily indicate intent, it can connote indifference or even ignorance (I don't mean that in a malign sense, I just mean that complicity can mean people don't realize the extent of their actions).

And don't act like you're not insinuating violence, because how else do you propose to get rid of them?

Is this directed at me? I'm not proposing to get rid of them...
First, it would go back to his refusal to admit that the Central Park Five are guilty despite revealed DNA evidence. Some might chalk this up to his inability to admit being wrong; but even if it is that, the optics are horrible. If he doesn't care enough to mediate between his stubbornness and social interpretations of his comments, then I'd say he contributes to a pattern of racism through which minorities are artificially and unfairly targeted.

Yet if this case had happened today (a gang of young men accused of raping and assaulting a woman into a coma) the feminists and leftists of today would do exactly what Donald Trump did. This sounds way more like some product of #BelieveTheVictim than racism. Sorry, not buying it.

Donald Trump is boorish and most boorish men turn into snowflakes when women are victimized. Gynocentrism etc.

Second, I would cite his strange attempts to avoid acknowledging David Duke during his election campaign. He said that he'd only learned who Duke was the day before (giving the interview, that is), despite the fact that he specifically denounced Duke back in 2000 while distancing himself from the Reform Party. So this weird little turn of events suggest at minimum that he wanted to avoid offending David Duke during the election so as to ensure a portion of his base. Even his condemnations since then have been so uncomfortable. He makes condemning racism look like trying not to hurl after chugging sour milk.

It's almost as if he thinks the Republican voter base is racist to a degree more hysterical than the Democrats think they are. The way he awkwardly answers or denounces things reminds me of when he was asked in an interview about the bible. It was obvious that he'd probably never read the fucking thing in his life but he had to do the whole song and dance.

So you might have a point about David Duke, though I think it has much more to do with Trump trying to secure as much of the white vote as is possible.

Nobody has ever to my knowledge argued that he is a moral or even an ethical man, he's a rich business man that has spent his whole life bribing and paying off every moderate Democrat and Republican's favourite politician after all.

Finally, I'd cite his conflicted positions toward the war on drugs. Opioid addiction disproportionately impacts white people, and Trump has spoken about this as a national crisis, something to be treated in a humanitarian fashion. Yet his commitment to "getting rid of the gangs" draws heavily on the fact that they transport and sell illegal drugs, which is suddenly no longer something to be treated humanely but to be targeted with violence. The ostensible logic here is that gangs are violent and need to be met with violence. Okay, sure--but what about the argument that gang violence would probably decrease if the war on drugs was ended? Why do white opioid addicts deserve humane treatment whilst black drug dealers deserve to be met with violence, all the while keeping drugs illegal and perpetuating more gang violence?

Black drug dealers? I don't believe Donald Trump said anything about blacks at all did he? You're simply inserting that in yourself, after all in poor white areas where meth runs rampart the dealers are also usually white.

I'm suspicious about what you just did there by making that racial.

As to the drug war, I don't know that America will end it anytime soon, nor will they elect a leader with enough guts to even suggest it. Hillary certainly wouldn't have made the move and Barrack Obama straight up laughed at a questioner who brought up marijuana legalization, so really Donald Trump is just following a long line of puritanical cowardice in the American top-tier politician environment.

Gangs are objectively more of a problem and a threat than opioid addicts, right off the back opioid addicts are usually solo actors are they not? Gangs by their nature require more heavy-handed tactics, regardless of what their criminal function is.
Not aimed at you directly...should've worded it third party- no offense. Counter groups are ABSOLUTELY advocating for violence against "bigots"...if the opposition isn't trying to drive them out, then what's the ideal outcome? How is throwing punches, swinging clubs, screaming profanities, and throwing jars of piss and shit at them NOT trying to get rid of them?'s already past getting violent. Just because the police successfully babysat one MOSTLY non-violent protest doesn't mean that 'peaceful' has been the counter groups message thus far. Curious... what is the proposed solution for dealing with the racists then?
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I wouldn't call them gangs, but in Portland, the junkies and tweakers certainly group up into large homeless camps, and run in packs. In homicide numbers, the gangs seem worse...but the garbage, needles, aggressive beggars etc. certainly have the gangs beat in the destruction, assaults, and ruining property value department. Even in upper class neighborhoods. Here drug addicts ARE criminals but like much of the west coast, it's being treated as a medical problem while the city is going to shit. Portland is "utopian" for needle users. Can't speak for other cities, but here the homeless are a plight worse than the gangs.
Not aimed at you directly...should've worded it third party- no offense. Counter groups are ABSOLUTELY advocating for violence against "bigots"...if the opposition isn't trying to drive them out, then what's the ideal outcome? How is throwing punches, swinging clubs, screaming profanities, and throwing jars of piss and shit at them NOT trying to get rid of them?'s already past getting violent. Just because the police successfully babysat one MOSTLY non-violent protest doesn't mean that 'peaceful' has been the counter groups message thus far. Curious... what is the proposed solution for dealing with the racists then?

I'm not sure that it's a solution, but I'm a proponent of public discourse, of which rallies are one valence. My preferred mode of discourse takes place in print. I don't think discourse would ever exorcise white supremacy entirely, but it can hold it in check.

Yet if this case had happened today (a gang of young men accused of raping and assaulting a woman into a coma) the feminists and leftists of today would do exactly what Donald Trump did. This sounds way more like some product of #BelieveTheVictim than racism. Sorry, not buying it.

You mean, you don't believe that the CP5 are likely innocent? Or that if a group of young minorities was accused of rape, women would be up in arms against them. I'm sure you're right; but I like to think that DNA vindication would have some authoritative value.

Black drug dealers? I don't believe Donald Trump said anything about blacks at all did he? You're simply inserting that in yourself, after all in poor white areas where meth runs rampart the dealers are also usually white.

I feel like Trump specifies gangs in minority communities, not just black--but I don't know off the top of my head.

As to the drug war, I don't know that America will end it anytime soon, nor will they elect a leader with enough guts to even suggest it. Hillary certainly wouldn't have made the move and Barrack Obama straight up laughed at a questioner who brought up marijuana legalization, so really Donald Trump is just following a long line of puritanical cowardice in the American top-tier politician environment.

Gangs are objectively more of a problem and a threat than opioid addicts, right off the back opioid addicts are usually solo actors are they not? Gangs by their nature require more heavy-handed tactics, regardless of what their criminal function is.

Gangs are more violent, I'm only commenting on the administration's ambiguous position toward drugs. In the hands of opioid addicts, the drugs are the problem; in the hands of gangs, the violence is the problem, despite the fact that legalizing those drugs would likely have a substantial effect on violence.

But I do agree that republicans won't be adopting a legalization policy anytime soon.
You mean, you don't believe that the CP5 are likely innocent? Or that if a group of young minorities was accused of rape, women would be up in arms against them. I'm sure you're right; but I like to think that DNA vindication would have some authoritative value.

No I know the story, I watched the documentary etc so I know they're innocent based on DNA evidence and the confession of an unrelated person to the crime.

I'm saying I don't buy that he's being racist. More likely he's being a moron by clinging to the old no longer credible evidence.
Probably even more likely that he didn't even know the reason they were found to be innocent of the crime.

But maybe he is a racist because of this very reason, I just think it's a flimsy accusation.

I feel like Trump specifies gangs in minority communities, not just black--but I don't know off the top of my head.

I've not heard him do it, of course he is from New York so when he speaks about gang activity he probably is being inner city-centric.

But I do agree that republicans won't be adopting a legalization policy anytime soon.

I think it's unfair to single out the Republican Party on this, especially considering libertarians are always more likely to run as Republicans.
We've essentially decriminalized drug use in Oregon. The idea itself is feasible with some parameters, but the downside was they had no game plan. Once the addicts hit rock bottom the cities plan is to let them fend for themselves on the street and the city has literally gone to shit in the last five years. Drug addicts have taken over all the parks, and free spaces, downtown has gotten dangerous with homeless stabbings almost daily. Oregon is a good example of liberalism gone out of control. We and Seattle are at a crossroads over drugs/homelessness. I don't care what people do, just don't ask me to pay for costs our city roughly 12 million per month to clean up the crazy amount of garbage and needles their camps generate. Every ambulance trip when they OD costs the taxpayers $1,500 a pop. Elderly and injured are having trouble getting an ambulance because they're all tied up giving out 'opioid blockers' to people who OD'd. Even liberals are now getting outraged about it- kids are getting stuck with needles at playgrounds, parks are practically unusable. For those ideas to work, I think there has to be a game plan. It probably sounds like I'm exaggerating- but here it's truly gone too far.
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The money is running out for dependency programs- at some point there's nothing left to utilize. This is where Democrats lose me. Our national deficit is inevitably/eventually gonna cause another war. Our country has routinely used war to relieve government debt. History majors have a good idea what's coming on the horizon...liberals hate war, but have no problem running up the debt that will cause them...
It's not just taxpayers' money anymore, we're bankrolling "black hole" programs on leveraged money borrowed from other countries...fucking scary.
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We've essentially decriminalized drug use in Oregon. The idea itself is feasible with some parameters, but the downside was they had no game plan. Once the addicts hit rock bottom the cities plan is to let them fend for themselves on the street and the city has literally gone to shit in the last five years. Drug addicts have taken over all the parks, and free spaces, downtown has gotten dangerous with homeless stabbings almost daily. Oregon is a good example of liberalism gone out of control. We and Seattle are at a crossroads over drugs/homelessness. I don't care what people do, just don't ask me to pay for costs our city roughly 12 million per month to clean up the crazy amount of garbage and needles their camps generate. Every ambulance trip when they OD costs the taxpayers $1,500 a pop. Elderly and injured are having trouble getting an ambulance because they're all tied up giving out 'opioid blockers' to people who OD'd. Even liberals are now getting outraged about it- kids are getting stuck with needles at playgrounds, parks are practically unusable. For those ideas to work, I think there has to be a game plan. It probably sounds like I'm exaggerating- but here it's truly gone too far.

doesn't sound like you're exaggerating at all. You're basically describing the exact same thing thats going on out here in California right now.
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Yeah, I try to only speak for myself but I know this is going on everywhere...I believe the behavior is symptomatic of an unhappy (mostly) younger generation. They're being undereducated, look forward to shitty jobs and are essentially being told that republicans and other conservative groups are the cause of their declining quality of life- despite the fact that here they seem to spend their days in coffee shops and their nights in bars, rendering them out of money, and actually limit themselves with their own lack of ambition. I think it's fucked up that able-bodied people in their 20's and 30's are so lazy from being promised "free living" essentially. Now many are claiming they are 'unhirable' and are stealing social security from retired elderly and are angry when they're told to "get a job". They blame wealthy people...and this is the result of their anger. Now more violence in Phoenix at the Trump rally. Yep...looks like mainly angry kids in their teens and 20's.