The News Thread

"My decision to resign is in response to your attacks on the core values of the United States. Your failure to condemn white supremacists and neo-Nazis has domestic and international ramifications," Kammen wrote.

But within the one page letter was a less obvious message -- an acrostic, with the first letter of each paragraph spelling "IMPEACH."'
Holy shit, what the holy fuck is happening in your country?
On Tuesday night, the network confirmed that its management moved an Asian-American announcer, Robert Lee, off the University of Virginia's home opener football game "simply because of the coincidence of his name."

Earlier Tuesday, a source had told CNN that Lee was abruptly switched to the Youngstown versus Pitt game. He had recently been promoted by ESPN, so the switch was a sensitive matter.
Sure, but when corporations or individuals confer political significance it has both a leveraging function and a function of further government empowerment. Both of which attempt to wield government like a personal outsized cudgel and to simultaneously, ultimately, weaken the wielder.

The excesses of governance are another conversation. I'm just saying that government isn't the only politicized (or politicizing) social system. The politicization of everyday life is not a good thing, but I wouldn't call it a horrible thing either. It's an unavoidable effect of complex society.

I do think that politicization leads to corruptibility, groupthink, cognitive dissonance, and other symptoms that I'm no doubt guilty of (for what it's worth, all of these things are symptoms of any closed community). My self-awareness isn't an impetus to depoliticize, but to not lose sight of conflicting positions. I follow F. Scott Fitzgerald's comment in "The Crack Up": "the test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function."

Finally, "Weaken the Wielder" sounds like the name of a doom metal band/album.

Yeah, this is really unfortunate.
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I believe I read that he was asked if he would like a different assignment and chose to take another one. Not as bad as it seemed, but him needing to be asked even is dumb tbh.

a lot of double speak on this. PR statement came out with higher up saying they "mutually came to a decision" and I can't imagine the play by play cared enough to even ask. trying to get people to admit ESPN is fearful of the leftist twitter mob is a tough one though

America should just collectively cyanide itself at this point.

mother fucker, we're still the least ridiculous of all the "democratic nations"

Is he fulfilling the campaign promise if Mexico isn't paying for it?

He still has 7.5 more years. Just wait.

Trump retweeted his own version of an Obama/Eclipse meme. Shitposter extraordinaire:
