The News Thread

These are not peaceful people...antifa and other groups are using their recent media traction to label anyone who disagrees with them as a nazi, or fascist...and then advocate for violence against them. It's pretty clear
For what it's worth:

An argument against the "speech is violence" position.

Under a legal regime where hate speech was not considered free speech, Trump and Sessions could likely punish words used by members of Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Do you think he’d police their speech more or less vigorously than white supremacists?

Under a legal regime that treated more kinds of speech as incitement, on the theory that Nazis and other white supremacists are pushing an inherently violent ideology, Trump would very likely use the same rules and precedents to target, say, imams at whatever mosques Sessions judges to be inciting Islamist violence; or Twitter activists who tell their followers that punching Nazis is woke. Those whom Trump has taken to calling the “alt-left” would be most at risk.
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:rolleyes: Yes, because the counter-protest caused these things to happen.

There were no Antifa in Boston? Unfortunately, Twitter is given way too much weight by it's users, which happen to significantly be those persons who think Twitter carries weight (and is significantly comprised of media creators referencing each other in breathless reflection). I have always thought that Twitter is for the less intelligent "Twits". Unfortunately, there are some persons who insist on being outliers. Antifa is not in that small group.
I'm not following. Yes, antifa were in Boston. But even if they were, they were a small percentage of people at the counter-protest, so I don't understand the connection you're making between what antifa is doing in those links and the Boston counter-protest.

They'd be doing that shit even if that counter-protest hadn't happened.
I'm not following. Yes, antifa were in Boston. But even if they were, they were a small percentage of people at the counter-protest, so I don't understand the connection you're making between what antifa is doing in those links and the Boston counter-protest.

They'd be doing that shit even if that counter-protest hadn't happened.

I would agree with you, but that also requires agreement that the "Free Speech" protest you countered wasn't simply a neo-nazi event counter, which obviously you wouldn't make given your participation.
I would agree with you, but that also requires agreement that the "Free Speech" protest you countered wasn't simply a neo-nazi event counter, which obviously you wouldn't make given your participation.

It wasn't simply a neo-nazi event. But it partially was. I was there protesting the presence of white supremacist values.

I admit that there was violence committed at the rally by antifa-type individuals, and that this violence tainted the counter-protest. But now you're just trying to connect incidents after the rally to the counter-protest itself. That's a tenuous argument if I've ever seen one.

I doubt it's fake.

The guy that runs Behold Barbarity had a bunch of shit about him put on the internet a while back. Even NWN! has a disclaimer on their forum now. Bolzer had a bunch of shit thrown at them to the point they released a big message about how one of the guys in the band's grandfather is literally from Nigeria.

tbh it kind of makes me wonder when people will start hacking these distros to try and "out" people that have bought music they deem inappropriate.

I say this shit all the time... but metal isnt a

Kind of makes me happy I live somewhere that draped the statue of Stonewall Jackson in an American flag instead of trying to tear him down.
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People like this just pray and pray for shit like #Charlottesville to happen, authoritarians prey on drama and terror.
9/11 gave America the Patriot Act, the alt-right will give America neo-McCarthyism and censorship of art (as in, inspiring justification for these things). Pangs of the Satanic Panic to boot.

It's in the best interest of anybody of a sound mind to expose and intellectually dismantle the far-right and far-left, which is why it's frustrating to see so many people hero-worshiping and doing apologia for Antifa.
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