The News Thread

.... cute

So i was flipping through the channels last night and there was this one woman on TMZ who was like "we have 3 million more people on our side, so a Civil War would not be in their favor" :lol::lol: the amount of fail on so many different levels there is hilarious.
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I'm glad my kids are practically grown because somebody down at the school would have a broken nose for teaching my kids about sex at 5 years old. What's next? Giving little kids 'sex therapy' ?...teaching kids that the 'sex industry' is a good career choice?...maybe you can teach 5 year olds sex positions?. This is actually a legal agenda for these constitution smashers- People need thrown in a wood chipper for vocalizing this sick shit. Keep your thoughts off of other people's kids. These same people eventually end up on TV in front of Chris Hansen showing up with condoms and Mike's hard lemonade.
Who cares what ANY study says. It's not not other people's right to sexually "awaken" people's kids for them. Once again, racism is not to be tolerated while they're helping your kid have his/her first orgasm. How enlightening...
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This is an extreme liberal ruse to further their careers/agendas/job preservation by grooming children on 'identity politics' at a very early's not enough to molest your kids- they want to get paid to molest your kids.
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Same thing happens with fringe beliefs and fringe genres too though, as the far-right ideology that seeped into metal and punk. There was an interesting article recently about how metal and punk labels became channels neo-fascist agendas by distributing merchandise and music through particular venues.
I've never bought into that. Those Hammerfist style music genre's are a microcosm. Pantera, hatebreed etc. might have some undertones, but race rock was always pretty underground.
I laughed when Scott Ian blasted Phil Anselmo for racist remarks when both S.O.D. albums were pretty fucking derogatory. That's another anti-left standout...I hear your point though- that's ok, the left always has cattle decap...
always wonder why the really indepth trans people are so in love with anime at the same time. what's the common interest here? it's like college aged white girls and their deep love for saving african children
Interesting, post that article...

It's by no means all metal, just to be clear.

This was the article:

When the punk and metal scenes came to prominence first in the 1970s, they encapsulated the feelings of working class people betrayed by conditions out of their control. Exploiting an economic downturn in the UK under a left-wing Labour government, fascists began organizing for a political party called the National Front but faced violent opposition from the left. A group of National Front members agreed on a "metapolitical" approach, intervening in subcultural milieus like punk and metal to turn them into breeding grounds for fascism. This approach, gleaned from a group of fascist ideologues known as the European New Right, would later form the bedrock of the alt-right's ideology.

Taking inspiration from a network of "national revolutionary" terrorist cells structured like left-wing nuclei and inspired by the occult fascist, Julius Evola, this breakaway group founded the Official National Front and began actively working to recruit fascist skinheads as "political soldiers." Their seminal point person in this regard, Ian Stuart Donaldson, fronted a band called Skrewdriver, which emerged with the gritty rock' n' roll of the Oi! punk scene in 1976. When leftists organized an annual concert called Rock Against Racism to build a grassroots movement against the National Front and fascist skinheads, Donaldson created a counter-event called Rock Against Communism and a distribution network called Blood & Honour, both of which continue to this day.
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seems crazy that so many need glasses and benefit just from having something on their face to help them read. Raw #'s are not cited in the article, just percentages, so it's hard to know how many but seems strange. This quote is confusing as hell to me though;

The cost is covered with or without a Medicaid number, but Worthy-Owens said some parents did not want their children to get glasses even after they were identified, either because they fear the cost or resist revealing other personal information to the school. “Trust was an issue,” she said. “You have to have the relationship with the community in order for the consent process to work.” Worthy-Owens said she often has to persuade reluctant parents to fill out the one-page consent form, which asks for the child’s name, gender, birthdate, address, school and Medicaid identification number, as well as the parents’ names and phone number.

seems to be a strange issue with parents doing their part to get MediCaid in all of this, as I cannot imagine what reasons they would not qualify for the service
always wonder why the really indepth trans people are so in love with anime at the same time. what's the common interest here? it's like college aged white girls and their deep love for saving african children
It's part of Japanese culture- watch series like Ranma etc. They censor certain depictions but everything else is off limits...and it's visually right up the trans' alley
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