The News Thread

I dont bother listening to what morons like him have to say about anything. Why dont you inform me a little.

Well I was more referring to their platform. I don't agree with everything but it's easily an improvement over the current corporatist-progressive Democratic Party.



Super PACs should be banned, private donations to politicians and campaigns should be banned, and a clean public financing system should be implemented to end the takeover of our government by corporations and billionaires. Americans deserve free and fair elections — free from the corruption of big money donors. The Supreme Court has effectively legalized bribery. It’s time for an Article 5 convention to take our Democracy back from the brink of Oligarchy. Prior to passing this amendment, all Justice Democrats should reject billionaire and corporate donations when running for office to show the American people we don’t just talk the talk, we walk the walk. Ranked choice voting should also be implemented to make smaller parties a viable option. All provisions of the Voting Rights Act should be reinstated, and gerrymandering for partisan gain should be eliminated.


Despite engaging in systemic fraud and causing a subprime mortgage meltdown and the great recession, you can count the people from Wall Street who are in prison for their crimes on one hand. It’s time to prosecute the criminals, bring back Glass-Steagall, and re-regulate Wall Street to prevent another crash. Prison is not just for the poor and the middle class anymore. We will have cops on Wall Street, not just Main Street.


We support the right to express unpopular opinions without fear of censorship. We support free speech on college campuses. The marketplace of ideas should be embraced. A vibrant debate is healthy for democracy, and we should cherish our first amendment. We also support net neutrality for a free and open internet.


The United States maintains 800 military bases worldwide at a cost of $100 billion a year, this is money that can be spent at home creating jobs, rebuilding infrastructure, and investing in the future of the people. The disastrous war in Iraq cost trillions, the war in Afghanistan is 15 years in with no end in sight, and we’re currently bombing 7 different countries. We spend more on our military than the next 8 countries combined. Despite countless lives lost and destroyed, terrorism has only gotten worse. It’s time to end the wars and the perverse monetary-incentive structure that makes politicians flippant about sending young men and women to die. Unilateral U.S. military force should only be used as a last resort to defend the nation. The current budget could be cut drastically if we used our department of defense for what it was intended — defending us, instead of waging interventionist wars.


The goal is legalization, taxation, and regulation. Prohibition only makes drug cartels more powerful, increases crime, and makes drugs more dangerous due to lack of enforced safety standards. What you put in your body is your own business, and your right. A free society should allow individuals to make their own choices about their bodies. While most users are recreational and moderate, rehabilitation and treatment should be provided for people struggling with addiction. Additionally, those serving time for non-violent drug offenses should be pardoned.


Ban the NSA from bulk data-collection and warrantless spying. Shut down Guantanamo Bay and all extrajudicial prisons. Prosecute torturers and those who violated the Geneva Conventions, Nuremberg Tribunal, International law and US law. Return habeas corpus and due process. Pardon whistleblowers like Edward Snowden. We shouldn’t be leading from behind on human rights, we must be the home of liberty. We should practice the values we preach.

Sorry for the stream of edits. Anyway, these are the positions I especially agree with myself.
I dont bother listening to what morons like him have to say about anything. Why dont you inform me a little.



Annnnnd i disagree... who is he to decide who and how much money one can donate to whoever they think is the rightful man for the job? If i wanted to support someone with every cent in my pocket, i should be able to. That is un-American as fuck tbh.

End "unnecessary" wars? The war on drugs? Man that's hilarious. Like a 19 year old college student wrote that shit out.

The re-regulating wall street and the freedom of speech parts are cool. But again, he is pointing out the obvious. So cliche and pedestrian that its funny tbh.
Isn't it already against the law for a citizen to donate over a certain cap? I thought that's what Dinesh D'Souza was locked up for.
I dont think thats what he was locked up for. But yes there is a limit to campaign contributions. And i dont agree with it. But we should be able to see where every cent is going .. not sure if that's possible though.
and why is that? I think the comparisons you were making earlier were beyond strange.

LOOK AT OUR NEW MOVEMENT THAT ECHOES THE MOST BASIC OF POLITICAL VIEWS THAT HAVE BEEN PUSHED FOR YEARS!! What i am complaining about is they are acting like they're actually contributing something new or fresh to this countries politics.
But yes there is a limit to campaign contributions. And i dont agree with it.

I figured as much, I was hoping that some of the forum leftists (@Einherjar86 @zabu of nΩd @Baroque @crimsonfloyd @Funerary_Doom etc) might give me their opinions on the Justice Democrats.


Pushed but never implemented. I think that's the point, to try and achieve what people in the past have claimed to want when it's time to be popular, then when they're in power they sink back into typical progressive-corporatism and neo-liberalism. Obama's #change fallacy was a great example.
what i was saying is they aren't saying anything new. Just the same old shit that's been sung for the past 20 or so years. Why is that so hard for you to understand?

and saying shit like END THE WAR ON DRUGS, or saying no more "UNNECESSARY" wars is the definition of generic "political" stances. Who the fuck goes to war thinking its unnecessary? Legalizing all drugs will keep crime down? Spoken like a true shielded college kid from the suburbs who has never lived in the ghetto and seen what drugs can actually do to a community. Those are not "good opinions" unless you're as simplistic as the people who are pushing those "fresh" and "revolutionary"(lmao) ideas.
what i was saying is they aren't saying anything new. Just the same old shit that's been sung for the past 20 or so years. Why is that so hard for you to understand?

and saying shit like END THE WAR ON DRUGS, or saying no more "UNNECESSARY" wars is the definition of generic "political" stances. Who the fuck goes to war thinking its unnecessary? Legalizing all drugs will keep crime down? Spoken like a true shielded college kid from the suburbs who has never lived in the ghetto and seen what drugs can actually do to a community. Those are not "good opinions" unless you're as simplistic as the people who are pushing those "fresh" and "revolutionary"(lmao) ideas.

Mmmm... I didn't expand the quoted source. The war on drugs is a waste of time though. Drugs will continue to ruin communities legal or not, but i get the ethical reasoning behind not legalizing drug use. Perhaps the emphasis should shifted away from enforcement and more on recovery for addicts. Drug dealing scum is another thing....
saying no more "UNNECESSARY" wars is the definition of generic "political" stances. Who the fuck goes to war thinking its unnecessary?

I think they're pushing non-interventionism, which would mean their definition of a necessary war is one of self-defense.

and saying shit like END THE WAR ON DRUGS... is the definition of generic "political" stances.
Legalizing all drugs will keep crime down? Spoken like a true shielded college kid from the suburbs who has never lived in the ghetto and seen what drugs can actually do to a community. Those are not "good opinions" unless you're as simplistic as the people who are pushing those "fresh" and "revolutionary"(lmao) ideas.

Are you saying that you think prohibition works? Surely America's history of alcohol prohibition makes this point better than anybody else can.
I figured as much, I was hoping that some of the forum leftists (@Einherjar86 @zabu of nΩd @Baroque @crimsonfloyd @Funerary_Doom etc) might give me their opinions on the Justice Democrats.

Pushed but never implemented. I think that's the point, to try and achieve what people in the past have claimed to want when it's time to be popular, then when they're in power they sink back into typical progressive-corporatism and neo-liberalism. Obama's #change fallacy was a great example.

What hasnt been implemented? Free speech? Or having cutoffs to political contributions? And romanticizing bullshit statements like "unnecessary" wars and legalize all drugs is fucking nonsense and anyone that even entertains those ideas belongs nowhere near political power.

then when they're in power they sink back into typical progressive-corporatism and neo-liberalism. Obama's #change fallacy was a great example.
I agree with this part. That's how all these rotten politicians work. For example, this time i will be the one to bring up the Armenian genoicde. Do you know how many of the past presidents picked up the Armenian vote beacuse they said they would recognize the Armenian genocide? Clinton, the Bush's, Obama ...

I figured as much, I was hoping that some of the forum leftists (@Einherjar86 @zabu of nΩd @Baroque @crimsonfloyd @Funerary_Doom etc) might give me their opinions on the Justice Democrats.

Pushed but never implemented. I think that's the point, to try and achieve what people in the past have claimed to want when it's time to be popular, then when they're in power they sink back into typical progressive-corporatism and neo-liberalism. Obama's #change fallacy was a great example.

The what now? politics has been the last thing on my mind

[EDIT] I read this. I agree with some and disagree with others.
Are you saying that you think prohibition works? Surely America's history of alcohol prohibition makes this point better than anybody else can.

The king of strawman arguments right there("well alcohol is legal"). That means legalize all drugs? You would have to be legitimately separated from reality to even imply that cocaine, heroin etc should be legalized and sold to the public out here.

And imo alcohol is a drug and alcoholics are some of the most dangerous people on this planet who kill a shit load of people every year.
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Do you know how many of the past presidents picked up the Armenian vote beacuse they said they would recognize the Armenian genocide? Clinton, the Bush's, Obama ...

And of course, in perfect alignment with his #change fallacy, he walked back his promise to formally recognize the Armenian Genocide's legitimacy. Because he was a watered down, corporatist-progressive piece of shit.

legalize all drugs is fucking nonsense and anyone that even entertains those ideas belongs nowhere near political power.
The king of strawman arguments right there("well alcohol is legal"). That means legalize all drugs? You would have to be legitimately separated from reality to even imply that cocaine, heroin etc should be legalized and sold to the public out here.

And imo alcohol is a drug and alcoholics are some of the most dangerous people on this planet who kill a shit load of people every year.

For some reason I thought you were a libertarian. I think maybe it was those Dont Tread On Me knives you posted.

The point isn't that drugs should be legal because alcohol is, but rather that we've seen what happens when alcohol is prohibited and then made legal again.

We know how criminal organizations are birthed and grown around the prohibition of something that people will go out of their way to buy anyway and given that drugs, like alcohol, are of the personal realm (ie "what I put in my body is my business") there isn't any real reason to tell people they cannot use them.

Furthermore, like alcohol, if people aren't relegated to the criminal category just by the simple usage of something, they're more likely to reach out and get help rather than hide away like a criminal because they use an illegal substance.

At the very least, marijuana should be totally decriminalized. Another thing Barack Obama completely sold out over.
And of course, in perfect alignment with his #change fallacy, he walked back his promise to formally recognize the Armenian Genocide's legitimacy. Because he was a watered down, corporatist-progressive piece of shit.

For some reason I thought you were a libertarian. I think maybe it was those Dont Tread On Me knives you posted.

The point isn't that drugs should be legal because alcohol is, but rather that we've seen what happens when alcohol is prohibited and then made legal again.

We know how criminal organizations are birthed and grown around the prohibition of something that people will go out of their way to buy anyway and given that drugs, like alcohol, are of the personal realm (ie "what I put in my body is my business") there isn't any real reason to tell people they cannot use them.

Furthermore, like alcohol, if people aren't relegated to the criminal category just by the simple usage of something, they're more likely to reach out and get help rather than hide away like a criminal because they use an illegal substance.

At the very least, marijuana should be totally decriminalized. Another thing Barack Obama completely sold out over.
I am a conservative libertarian, that doesn't mean i have to follow every rule in the book whether its the libertarian side or the more conservative point of views. There is a lot i disagree with, but more that i agree with. The whole "DRUGS COME FROM AND EMPOWER CRIMINAL ORGANIZATIONS" thing is pushed way out of proportion. I know a bunch of people that manufacture and distribute all kinds of shit, none of them are involved with any "CARTELS' or toher bullshit. THe only people who push for that idea/view are either a)people who have never been around drugs and have never been truly affected by them b) dopeheads who are either just starting or are so far down the rabbit hole that there's no coming back for them or C) the government and legitimate drug dealers who want to make this into a proper business and sell dope to our children.

And i agree, marijuana SHOULD BE decriminalizes. No one should ever go to jail for having a bag of weed on them? But taxed and sold to everyone at the every corner store? FUCK. NO. I know what marijuana is and what i does, I've smoked it my whole life and have been around people that have smoked it their whole lives. Very few people can actually handle being a true pothead and still function in normal society.

And no it wasnt the knives, you know i was a conservative libertarian because i've told you numerous times. I dont think you seem to know what the Gadsden flag stands for anyway. Find me a legit libertarian politician that wants to legalize hard drugs.
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