The News Thread

I am a conservative libertarian, that doesn't mean i have to follow every rule in the book whether its the libertarian side or the more conservative point of views.

Fair enough.

The whole "DRUGS COME FROM AND EMPOWER CRIMINAL ORGANIZATIONS" thing is pushed way out of proportion. I know a bunch of people that manufacture and distribute all kinds of shit, nonoe of them are involved with any "CARTELS' or toher bullshit.

Actually my mother was a drug dealer so I am aware that it's not some big evil comic book villain empire distributing drugs, but by definition you are immediately a criminal the moment you sell illegal drugs and personally I think that's a problem.

the government and legitimate drug dealers who want to make this into a proper business and sell dope to our children.

I don't see that happening, it's not like the government and businesses are selling alcohol to children right now so I don't see how that would follow with drug decriminalization.

And i agree, marijuana SHOULD BE decriminalizes, No one should ever go to jail for havin a bag of weed on them? But taxed and sold to everyone at the every corner store? FUCK. NO. I know what marijauna is and what i does, Ive smoked it my whole life and have been around people that have smoked it their whole lives. Very few people can actually handle being a true pothead and still function in noraml society.

I think a part of the inability to function as a pothead in normal society is that the illegality of the lifestyle creates a subculture wherein potheads become more and more isolated in their activity in fear of being arrested.

Of course, psychotropic drugs can fuck with your brain too.
"If they wouldn’t do anything when children were murdered I have no hope that Repugs will ever do the right thing," she wrote. "I’m actually not even sympathetic bc country music fans often are Republican gun toters."

Typical bourgeois corporatist-progressive asshole mentality. I bet she's one of those #ImWithHer virtue-signalers. Just take a giant shit on the working class who attended the concert, it's okay they're all just a bunch of rednecks.

I don't see that happening, it's not like the government and businesses are selling alcohol to children right now so I don't see how that would follow with drug decriminalization.

Are you saying teenagers cant buy alcohol out here? You reading the laws straight out of the book does not equate to what actually happens out here. We were drinking beers all day when i was a teenager. And when i say children im not just talking about 8 year old kids. Im talking about washing away our youth just because some money hungry politician who will never be affected by dope want to tax it, sell it and put more money in their pockets. Its harder for kids to get dope right now than it would be if it is legalized and sold in every corner store ... which sadly is actually where its at today so yeah its all going to shit imo because of those three groups of people i mentioned.

I think a part of the inability to function as a pothead in normal society is that the illegality of the lifestyle creates a subculture wherein potheads become more and more isolated in their activity in fear of being arrested.

Of course, psychotropic drugs can fuck with your brain too.

Lol, no on the first part, Yes on the second. Potheads become more and more isolated because of the weed bruh.

oh and you definitely are immediately a criminal if you sell hard-drugs. And no real person thats doing jail-time for slanging would tell you otherwise.
Are you saying teenagers cant buy alcohol out here? You reading the laws straight out of the book does not equate to what actually happens out here. We were drinking beers all day when i was a teenager. And when i say children im not just talking about 8 year old kids. Im talking about washing away our youth just because some money hungry politician who will never be affected by dope want to tax it, sell it and put more money in their pockets. Its harder for kids to get dope right now than it would be if it is legalized and sold in every corner store ... which sadly is actually where its at today so yeah its all going to shit imo because of those three groups of people i mentioned.

I smoked weed before I even touched alcohol, so yes of course this stuff still gets into the hands of young people regardless of legality.

Until we lift the drug use stigma and decriminalize drugs I think the criminal subculture of drugs will keep snatching people up, who will then feel as if they have no recourse because they're now criminals.

All that aside, I don't believe it's anybody's right to tell another what they can or cannot put in their body.
If you smoking and selling crack puts the lives of my loved ones at risk, then i have the right to put something in the body of those people who are selling/using those drugs, and that something is called a bullet. a wadcutter preferably
Yes it is their right if it effects the lives of others and their communities.

Many things can potentially affect those around you. Getting a divorce for example can absolutely ruin a child's life.

If you smoking crack puts the lives of my loved ones at risk, then i have the right to put something in the body of those people who are selling those drugs, and its called a bullet.

If a crackhead attacks you, sure.

again, are you implying that cocaine, heroin etc should be decriminalized?

If i walked outside and caught someone slanging heroin or crack to the neighborhood kids i would pistol-whip him until every one of his teeth and both of his eyeballs popped out.

And comparing what would happen to a kid if he ends up turning into a junkie or a crackhead to a kid whos parents have split up? Are you serious? I know tons of successful people whos parents split up ... and come to think of it most of the fuck ups i know have had both of their parents(shitty dope head ones some of them are). I had one friend whos mom and dad used to sit there and hit a meth bong with him. I've seen paretns shoot up with their kids. That comparison was pretty fucking ridiculous tbh

I am resting firmly in the bosom of Milton Friedman, Thomas Sowell and Walter E. Williams. :saint:
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If i walked outside and caught someone slanging heroin or crack to the neighborhood kids i would pistol-whip him until every one of his teeth and both of his eyeballs popped out.

Well you Frank Castle fuck, I'm okay with that. I assume with drug decriminalization, like alcohol, they'll sell it in a way that requires proof of age etc.

And comparing what would happen to a kid if he ends up turning into a junkie or a crackhead to a kid whos parents have split up? Are you serious? I know tons of successful people whos parents split up ... and come to think of it most of the fuck ups i know have had both of their parents(shitty dope head ones some of them are). I had one friend whos mom and dad used to sit there and hit a meth bong with them. I've seen paretns shoot up with their kids. That comparison was pretty fucking ridiculous tbh

The indigenous Australian and black American communities have two things in common; broken families and drug crimes. :old:

i wonder if good ole Milton has ever done any of those drugs, or has had any loved ones who have been affected by them. Or has lived in a community that was devastated by them. Please go back to C) of my said groups

oh and re: above post ... decriminalization and legalization are not the same thing.
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Annnnnd i disagree... who is he to decide who and how much money one can donate to whoever they think is the rightful man for the job? If i wanted to support someone with every cent in my pocket, i should be able to. That is un-American as fuck tbh.
I figured as much, I was hoping that some of the forum leftists (@Einherjar86 @zabu of nΩd @Baroque @crimsonfloyd @Funerary_Doom etc) might give me their opinions on the Justice Democrats.
Seeing as less than 1000 people own half of the world's money, why don't we just limit those people's political donations?
and split parent = drug crimes? I love that connection bro, its so solid. Only people with broken families do drugs. Gotcha. How about we count how many of the people here have divorced parents? I certainly don't know any of them that are true fuck ups, and if they are i doubt its because Mommy and daddy broke up. Thats one of the biggest scapegoats ever.
Seeing as less than 1000 people own half of the world's money, why don't we just limit those people's political donations?

I dont see how anyone has the right to tell me(or anyone else) how much of my own money i can give to a person who i think is the right one for the job. No lets just go dump all of the money into the media machine and brainwash the public like the left has been doing for the past 10 or so years? Is that more acceptable?

And i agree with Dazed's above post.
I dont see how anyone has the right to tell me(or anyone else) how much of my own money i can give to a person who i think is the right one for the job. No lets just go dump all of the money into the media machine and brainwash the public like the left has been doing for the past 10 or so years? Is that more acceptable?
I'll never understand why you conservatives put yourselves in the same category as a small group of financial elites, with Dick Cheney-like powers to put countries to war for their personal gain, when talking about rights.
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