The News Thread

It would definitively decrease crime by removing drug users and individual drug sellers out of the criminal category, so...


I didn't say that. You've misrepresented what I've said multiple times by this point.



What a bunch of fucking conservatives. :D
I didn't say that. You've misrepresented what I've said multiple times by this point.


View attachment 11958

What a bunch of fucking conservatives. :D

What exactly does that picture prove? Do you think hard drugslike crack and meth had ruined communities back when that ancient picture was taken?They were sniffing blow in disco ballrooms or clubs back then. You think they were aborting babies left and right when that picture was taken? Also do you think the the libertarians of today are "PRO-CHOICE ON EVERYTHING"? :lol:

Should i link you to my last post or do you just want me to repeat myself? FIND ME A SINGLE LIBERTARIAN POLITICIAN THAT IS FOR LEGALIZING HARD DRUGS.

And that is exactly what you said by trying to imply they are inexplicably linked to decriminalization and are pro-choice on EVERYTHING. Again, find me a single libertarian politician that is okay with decriminalizing hard drugs ... or you know what, while you're at it find me one that's for decriminalizing murder and rape. DONT TREAD ON ME, I JUST WANT TO RAPE AND MURDER :lol:
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It would definitively decrease crime by removing drug users and individual drug sellers out of the criminal category, so...
Why the fuck would they remove drug dealers form the criminal category? Are you okay? You said you've seen that lifestyle first hand but im not so sure about that. There isnt a single person i know that has been locked up for dealing that will tell you they know exactly why they did or are doing time. And anyone that gets locked up for slanging and cries about it has not respect from anyone in the hoods or in the system. That goes to show you that even the criminals accept the fact that selling dope is a criminal activity.

Let me go sell some meth, and then cry ab out it when i get busted. Lmfao, are you kidding?
And that is exactly what you said by trying to imply they are inexplicably linked to decriminalization and are pro-choice on EVERYTHING.

I didn't imply they were pro-choice on everything, I posted a picture that proves that at the very least, they were in the 1980's. That's not an implication.

Every single libertarian icon I know of has argued for drug decriminalization. Please show me one that argues against it.

Also, show me where I've said libertarianism = no laws. Because that was a hysterically bullshit extrapolation.

Why the fuck would they remove drug dealers form the criminal category? Are you okay? You said you've seen that lifestyle first hand but im not so sure about that. There isnt a single person i know that has been locked up for dealing that will tell you they know exactly why they did or are doing time. And anyone that gets locked up for slanging and cries about it has not respect from anyone in the hoods or in the system. That goes to show you that even the criminals accept the fact that selling dope is a criminal activity.

Let me go sell some meth, and then cry ab out it when i get busted. Lmfao, are you kidding?

Not only did the amount of hard users decline but the rate of overdose deaths, HIV and violent crimes did as well.
then link me a single Libertarian politician of today that is for legalizing HARD DRUGS. Fuck man, do i have to beg you? You think crack and meth had raped and destroyed communities back when that picture was taken? A lot of the libertarians in the 70's and 80's and even today wanted to decriminalize marijuana, that does not equal to Libertarians of TODAY wanting to legalize HARD DRUGS(for the thousandth fucking time H-A-R-D D-R-U-G-S) .. which is what your are fucking arguing with me against. Just because you want to be ignorant and say YEAH LEGALIZE ALL DRUGS does not mean you have to tack that ignorant thought process on the libertarians of today, which for the thousandth time are MOSTLY CONSERVATIVE for fucks sake and mostly fall under the republican umbrella.

You ignore almost everything i say in every one of my posts and just push the tiny little things you have to say through.

All im getting out of this is that you are probably a country bumpkin who has never really seen what the drugs i'm talking about can actually do to a community. "BU BUT BUT MY MOM SOLD WEED OUT HERE IN THE BOONDIES SO I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT CRACK HEROIN AND METH CAN DO TO COMMUNITIES" :lol:
Mr. Johnson may seem at least a little unreasonable to both ends of the political spectrum—he’s for gay marriage, drastically slashing the size of government, opposing military interventions abroad, immigration reform, and eventually legalizing just about every drug, marijuana and heroin included—but he sees himself as someone who will end up on the right side of history.

On the Libertarian Party's website their platform says:
Individuals own their bodies and have rights over them that other individuals, groups, and governments may not violate. Individuals have the freedom and responsibility to decide what they knowingly and voluntarily consume, and what risks they accept to their own health, finances, safety, or life.

The prescribed role of government is to protect the rights of every individual including the right to life, liberty and property. Criminal laws should be limited in their application to violations of the rights of others through force or fraud, or to deliberate actions that place others involuntarily at significant risk of harm. Therefore, we favor the repeal of all laws creating “crimes” without victims, such as the use of drugs for medicinal or recreational purposes.
That article states he is for legalizing heroin.

I can tell you're getting exhausted, you're devolving into all-caps strawman fallacies and making weird extrapolations about what I'm saying.

I said my mum sold weed to demonstrate that I understand drug dealers aren't some cartoonish mafia empire, I didn't say anything about that giving me insight into how harder drugs affect communities. Please stop making ridiculous and infantile assumptions.

I have drug addicted cousins, uncles and so on. I know what drugs do, it's why I don't fucking take them.

So in other words you cant link me to single politician who backs your view on HARD DRUGS SHOULD BE LEGALIZED. Thanks.

I dont give a shit what someone does in their own home. but that's rarely the case when it comes to hardcore dugs since IT EFFECTS THE COMMUNITY AND EVERYONE AROUND THEM, not just THEIR BODIES. How do you fail to see this?
That article states he is for legalizing heroin.
That article(if we are talking about the same one) is pointing out how he is an idiot. Prescription "heroin" has been legalized for years and its called morphine, opium etc(so its funny that hes so clueless on the topic)and while they try to regulate it there are more people who are addicted and their lives have gone down the toilet because of those prescriptions then there was from actual heroin deaths. So how does that work in your favor? Instead lets just legalize black tar heroin and let everyone shoot up and ruin their communities? that's the answer amirite?
So in other words you're arbitrarily dismissing Gary Johnson as an example.

Clearly you do.

Dude, i was the one who brought him up, and that's beacuse the man is a joke and does not represent the majority of libertarians in this country. Again, you are fucking clueless. Stick to your kangaroos politics.

Clearly you do.
yes because selling drugs clealry has nothing to do with the community, right? Its just "In their own home" right? You're being a fucking idiot right now.
yes because selling drugs clealry has nothing to do with the community, right? Its just "In their own home" right? You're being a fucking idiot right now.

Businesses would sell the drugs. People would use the drugs, in the privacy of their own home. Basic stuff.

Ron Paul on hard drugs:
Q: You say that the federal government should stay out of people's personal habits, including marijuana, cocaine, even heroin.

A: It's an issue of protecting liberty across the board. If you have the inconsistency, then you're really not defending liberty. We want freedom [including] when it comes to our personal habits.

Q: Are you suggesting that heroin and prostitution are an exercise of liberty?

A: Yes, in essence, if we leave it to the states. For over 100 years, they WERE legal. You're implying if we legalize heroin tomorrow, everyone's gonna use heroin.

How many people here are going to use heroin if it were legal? I bet nobody! "Oh yeah, I need the government to take care of me. I don't want to use heroin, so I need these laws!"

A: I never thought heroin would get applause!
Businesses would sell the drugs. People would use the drugs, in the privacy of their own home. Basic stuff.

Ron Paul on hard drugs:

but thats not how the drug world works, and to imply THEY JUST USE DRUGS IN THEIR OWN HOMES once again indicates that you have no fucking clue. If it doesn't effect the communities and people around them then i dont care, but to even imply that it doesn't or wont automatically voids anything you would hve to say here.

OH and again lol@ drug dealers aren't criminals :lol: I hope no one ends up selling some crack or meth to your son and turn him into a junkie junkie when grows up. Then you'll be eating your own words. Do i have the right do start beating on everyone in my house right now if i felt like it? I mean, we are inside our own home afterall. LIBERTYYY!!!!
If it doesn't effect the communities and people around them then i dont care, but to even imply that it doesn't or wont automatically voids anything you would hve to say here.

If you truly felt that way, we wouldn't be debating right now. If you're going to write me off arbitrarily just do it, I hate being flirted with.

Do i have the right do start beating on everyone in my house right now if i felt like it? I mean, we are inside our own home afterall. LIBERTYYY!!!!

But don't take muh guns though right? Never mind that irresponsible parents allow their children to accidentally kill themselves with their guns. LIBERTYYY!!!! :D

OH and again lol@ drug dealers aren't criminals

Did I say that? In fact I said the opposite, that we need to legitimize drug dealing in the form of creating businesses that can be regulated, that can avoid malicious tainting of the product and so on.
And I gave you Gary Johnson and Ron Paul.

No, I gave you Gary Johnson and you still didn't pick up on what i was implying. The guy is a complete joke and does not REPRESENT most of the libertarians in this country.

I asked you for a Libertarian politician of today. And you brought up Ron Paul? When was the last time that he was involved in active politics? Also he doesn't say "LEGALIZE HARD DRUGS", he basically says "leave it to the states to decide".
No, I gave you Gary Johnson and you still didn't pick up on what i was implying. The guy is a complete joke and does not REPRESENT most of the libertarians in this country.

Even though he was the Libertarian Party's nominee? I mean, yes the guy is fucking retarded but he does in some sense represent a large enough portion of the libertarians because he was the party's nominee.



I gave you Gary Johnson first. ;)