The News Thread

Compared to back in Michigan wages seem a bit higher, a lot of even just fast food places are offering starting pay around $10 or so.

I'm not sure if that's just oil boom related (somewhat doubt it is since Fargo is so far from the oil fields.) It isn't like the average anyone can get job is paying huge bucks though.

Either way, a lot of the jobs the oil boom created are drying up. Even here with the highest population in the state, it seems like businesses are constantly closing (though another is always right there to take it's place.)
Hillary probably is pissed she never got buggered by Harvey...she "never heard the rumors" about her old man either- bitch is a little slow on the uptake. Even gross perverts aren't interested in nailing her
I wonder if Hollywood sicko insiders have a secret handshake, or cuff links or something? I'm picturing a "stonecutters" style illuminati with weird robes and groping scene hieroglyphs carved into the cave walls

Water rates in Maywood are among the highest in the Chicago region, in part to pay for the 38 percent of water the village loses before it ever reaches the taps of residents like Hylton.

So rates are highest for those farther from the water source and to cover losses in transport. Sounds like it's time to invest in infrastructure and/or move, but why do that when one can just rhee about it.
it talks about that, but the argument would then never end but only gain more ground. why is the infrastructure so poor in black neighborhoods? racist use of funds!

thought the circular-ness of that story is interesting
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...never getting laid makes you give up on life and want to blow people up. Guy his age should be fixated on pussy, instead their religion makes it so you can't even LOOK at chicks- can't jack off...American chicks won't date them because they're weird. Radical Islam seems like a calling for weird dudes who can't get pussy, or get along with women

I emphasize how all the mighty human edifice of Go knowledge, the joseki and tactics developed over centuries of play, the experts teaching children from an early age, was entirely discarded by AlphaGo Zero with a subsequent performance improvement. These mighty edifices of human knowledge, as I understand the Hansonian thesis, are supposed to be the bulwark against rapid gains in AI capability across multiple domains at once. I said, “Human intelligence is crap and our accumulated skills are crap,” and this appears to have been borne out.
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ALL I cared about at 18 was banging girls...

When I was 16,18 I worked outside in the woods in the middle of nowhere everyday cutting down trees,splitting wood, mowing,driving tractors,etc.., there was no females around to have sex with at all or anything. IDK, maybe I could have fucked a tree,who knows! maybe i'll cut down some tree's and make a firepit in my aparment.
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When I was 16,18 I worked outside in the woods in the middle of nowhere everyday cutting down trees,splitting wood, mowing,driving tractors,etc.., there was no females around to have sex with at all or anything. IDK, maybe I could have fucked a tree,who knows! maybe i'll cut down some tree's and make a firepit in my aparment.
But what's the difference?