The News Thread

Lifehack: maybe he should make a rain barrel off his gutter...? at least he could pour water in his toilet and not have to shit in a bucket. Is he burying his turds in his yard?
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You mean to tell me utility companies have you by the balls? and paying bills is harder for poor people? Wha..?? I tried paying only part of my electric bill once in college...they shut my power off, then charged me a shitload to turn it back on- offering proof of me being white probably wouldn't have helped, and this was in the heyday of white privilege.
Lifehack: maybe he should make a rain barrel off his gutter...? at least he could pour water in his toilet and not have to shit in a bucket. Is he burying his turds in his yard?

That's illegal in a lot of the USA, I'd especially imagine it is in Chicago. The rainwater that lands on your house is the gubment's property.
Yeah, I glossed over that part...same with gardens in Portland (no personal gardens) how liberal is that line of thinking? Maybe they can jack up their electrical rates then ban solar panels and generators. I'd do it anyway- beats hunkering over a 5 gallon bucket. How does this benefit the utility company when eventually LESS people are paying because their water is shut off?...honestly this guy has other priority problems we're not hearing about
Biggest load of shit ever

It makes sense when you consider that if everyone were to do it then there could be groundwater shortages (beyond those we're already causing due to overuse of our aquifers.)

It isn't some arbitrary "you can't do this" law.
Can't be that important if it's not enforced federally, as I assume it isn't since HBB said it's illegal in most places in the U.S but not all.

No, that's one thing our local government will get on your ass about if you get caught to a significant extent (e.g. more than a small ~few gallon jug). The federal government might be scarier in a lot of ways but the municipality can still fine you out the ass.
It's a complaint driven ordinance, really- if nobody complains, it's usually cool and didn't Obama and senator Merkeley (specifically) say if the law is stupid then you don't have to follow it?
It makes sense when you consider that if everyone were to do it then there could be groundwater shortages (beyond those we're already causing due to overuse of our aquifers.)

It isn't some arbitrary "you can't do this" law.
Maybe in places with low rainfall, but it's more of a health concern with people getting sick from accidentally drinking roof water or eating veggies fertilized with human feces...most rain barrels are 55 gallons and the rest overflows into the ground- not really enough to affect ground water tables. The water being used by people is treated water pulled from ground sources, anyway...? now cities are threatening people who own wells while they complain about a shortage of DRINKABLE water. Duh. I do agree water shortages are a big concern, but rain shortages and population increase are the problem. Shamen still can't make it rain