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Privileged, east coast educated white guys assert that they understand more about how minorities think than actual minorities.
Nowhere did I say I actually knew how black people felt, much less that I know more about how they feel than they do. In fact, I said I couldn't have firsthand knowledge about that. Feel free to hop off Breitbart once in a while and ackchyually read a conversation.
We all know if it had been a black guy who got pushed by a white guy and he shot him in retaliation, we'd have next to nothing to say. And for the record, I'd be on the black guy's side.
If that happened, the black guy would already be arrested and convicted.
Anyway, you originally posted about this story as an example of "good ol' boys on the right jumping at the first chance to shoot black boys" and I fail to see how this story is what you characterized it as. Pretty weird tangent considering it was your response to my post about someone offering $500 on Twitter to anybody who kills an ICE agent.
More often than not, the people who use their firearms prematurely like this aren't in an appropriate mental space to judge whether they should actually use them. They're more thrilled by the chance to do so.
It was mostly just a bit of news for the news thread, and an appropriately alternative story, I felt.