The News Thread

Did you have a point you wanted to extrapolate on with the link? The Pentagon's input on military-related entertainment isn't anything new (as evidenced by the age of some of the movies on the list).
Massachusetts man arrested for offering $500 to kill an ICE agent.
Ziobrowski's account, which he created in 2009, became "more violent and threatening" over time, the indictment said. For example, he is accused of repeatedly tweeting his desire to "slit" McCain's throat. Around February 2018, the indictment said, his tweets allegedly started to promote violence against law enforcement.

"Guns should only be legal for shooting the police like the second amendment intended," a tweet from February 24 read.

In March 2018, Ziobrowski allegedly responded to a tweet from the ICE Field Office: "Thank you ICE for putting your lives on the line and hopefully dying I guess so there's less of you?"

Hilariously small showing at Unite the Right 2. Only about 2 dozen showed up, compared with the anticipated hundreds, and they left before their event officially began. Probably wise on their part, considering the 100+ Black Bloc members roaming around. Andrew Anglin nailed it on this point:

“These post-Charlottesville marches have no purpose, other than to make anyone who supports white self-determination look like a fringe lunatic,” Andrew Anglin, publisher of the Daily Stormer, a neo-Nazi website, wrote this month in a blog post disavowing Sunday’s rally. “We do not want the image of being a bunch of weird losers who march around like assholes while completely outnumbered and get mocked by the entire planet.”

On the other side, the counter-protest turn out was enormous. I expected a pretty impressive showing and wasn't disappointed.

Trigger warning:


Idiots doing idiot things. I hope an asteroid hits the earth the very same day we have the largest activist gathering in history and just as the right-wingers crash into black bloc with their faggoty shields the entire human race is wiped right off the face of the earth.
Maybe they should stop acting like fascists then? After all, historically speaking, the evolution and emergence of communism and fascism are very different...

This is super interesting though. I'm fascinated by the origins of money.

It's not just the left. Good 'ol boys on the right jumping at the first chance to fire their guns at black boys:
Maybe they should stop acting like fascists then? After all, historically speaking, the evolution and emergence of communism and fascism are very different...

Well, I did say "fascists", and communism is far worse by every metric anyway unless you're a Jew in the Hitler version. Then they are simply equal.

This is super interesting though. I'm fascinated by the origins of money.

I am too. It's a very underrated, under the radar tool development which gets ignored by everyone due to it's ubiquity in modern life. It's far more important than "the wheel" or whatever similar early tool development, because it enabled/facilitated technological developments.

It's not just the left. Good 'ol boys on the right jumping at the first chance to fire their guns at black boys:

First chance = getting physically attacked by someone they weren't talking too/looking at? The guy probably drew quicker than I would have in that situation but you sure you wanna die on this hill? The "lady" in the video says "I have my right to park anywhere I want to park". Selfish piece of shit. The baby daddy comes out and suckershoves the guy to the ground for rightly telling the woman to stop being a selfish piece of shit. The shooter didn't simply target this woman because of her race. He has a history of challenging people for using handicapped parking when they shouldn't. He may have a history of getting jumped by young black men. The prosecutor is acting on optics.
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It's not just the left. Good 'ol boys on the right jumping at the first chance to fire their guns at black boys:

This article says that he shot the "black boy" after he pushed him to the ground. Hardly the best example to plant the anti-racism flag into. Also, this shooting is less frivolous than the black-on-black murders that happen every day in low income areas of America.

This same article also mentions that the shooter had threatened a trucker in the past for using a handicap parking space. I wonder if that trucker was also a "black boy."

Maybe they should stop acting like fascists then? After all, historically speaking, the evolution and emergence of communism and fascism are very different...

The only people acting like fascists are the leftists and a tiny collection of ethno-nationalists with no power or influence.

Also, nobody should or does give a shit about the birth differences of fascism and communism. Authoritarianism is what it is and regardless people end up worse off, degraded and usually dead under both systems.
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I like how ANTIFA got Jake Tapper to attack them after some lefty attacked a reporter. Of course, the MSM ignored it when it happened last year, but at least it's progress.

The emergence of both fascism and communism were largely as reactions to Western liberal subjugation of nations, btw. Fascists and commies were besties until Hitler stabbed Stalin in the back.
This article says that he shot the "black boy" after he pushed him to the ground. Hardly the best example to plant the anti-racism flag into. Also, this shooting is less frivolous than the black-on-black murders that happen every day in low income areas of America.

First chance = getting physically attacked by someone they weren't talking too/looking at? The guy probably drew quicker than I would have in that situation but you sure you wanna die on this hill? The "lady" in the video says "I have my right to park anywhere I want to park". Selfish piece of shit. The baby daddy comes out and suckershoves the guy to the ground for rightly telling the woman to stop being a selfish piece of shit. The shooter didn't simply target this woman because of her race. He has a history of challenging people for using handicapped parking when they shouldn't. He may have a history of getting jumped by young black men. The prosecutor is acting on optics.

I don't think any of this justifies lethal force. Apologizing for it invites chaos.
I'm not necessarily apologizing for it, just pointing out that your example is pathetic and not making the point you wish it would. He probably did resort too quickly to deadly force, but at the same time being pushed forcefully to the ground puts many people into a survivalist mentality.
I'm not necessarily apologizing for it, just pointing out that your example is pathetic and not making the point you wish it would. He probably did resort too quickly to deadly force, but at the same time being pushed forcefully to the ground puts many people into a survivalist mentality.

I don't disagree with this at all. And it was also overreaction for the victim to assault the shooter; but at the same time, being accosted by a white person unfortunately puts many black people into a survivalist mentality too.