The News Thread

Hopefully Trump and that Australian guy make good on their promises to bring in the South African farmers as refugees. Sucky situation, though tbh they have to know it has been in the works for decades.

I know I know, ZH is a mixed bag. But quoting all the sources would take far more time than sharing this headline. China is prac-tic-al. Now that they've mostly urbanized the country, they are trying to reverse the family impacts of urbanization and a 1ChildPolicy. Problem for China is, they have sooooooo maaaannnny moooore maaaales. If they force this into effect it's going to be a destabilizing political factor unless they can attract a massive amount of foreign females.....which is going to be a problem for the intensely racist Han.

The demographic cliffs in smart, developed country after country is going to be a major problem by the time we more gifted, longer living UMers pass on. Bedouin refugees et al aren't getting us out of this galaxy.

It was all of Prager iirc, not just her video.
ummm yes, she even says it in the video. But you knew that, right? You tend to do this a lot honestly. Next time take a few seconds and check out the source material before randomly spouting out whatever it is that popped up in your head after seeing a certain face or headline.

If you watched that clip, and all you got out of it is "SHE MAD" than i honestly don't know what to say to you.
I don't give a shit about her, and no one is worth listening to in a cellphone rant in a car. She could write it out if she wasn't just a p(r)etty face.
I don't give a shit about her. pretty face bla bla ... feminisiting blabla female white knights blalbla
lmao this explains a lot tbh. But why are you so mad? Who asked you to give a shit about her? The amount of ignorance you are displaying here is amazing. It seems to me your problem with her has more to do with her being the owner of a vagina.

And also, next time shut the fuck up and don't bother responding if you're not going to actually look into the post to which your are responding to
no one was shocked that it was censored, the level of hypocrisy and favorism that is being displayed by some of these platforms needs to be brought to the attention of the "general public" and fought against. Anyway, the meat of that clips starts at the 1:04 mark, which i'm doubting any of you made it to tbh.
I'd already seen it on FB which is why I didn't bother to chime in. Her complaint is basically that on the Internet the left are very quick to report things they disagree with. She also blames this on "the liberal mob" while simultaneously saying "if it's not far-left it's seen as hateful."


TBF I see a lot of complaining in the LGBT/sex-positive left-wing communities online about censorship. They get it due to the language involved in those communities because, contrary to accusations that FB is far-left in its biases, they still maintain socially conservative standards when it comes to images and language. #FreeTheNipple
Her complaint is basically that on the Internet the left are very quick to report things they disagree with.

oh c'mon, you're smarter than that. The video is not necessarily about liberals crying and reporting stuff on the internet but basically how one side is trying to silence the other in a very systematic way.

edit: also i wouldn't say far left, but facebook/twitter/instagram clearly does favor the left. They themselves have even acknowledged it. I'm just happy that they recently said they are going to add more conservatives to their staff/teams
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Mass-reportings of something you disagree with is trying to silence the other in a very systematic way.

It seems to be the case that when something is reported enough (a video trying to debunk toxic masculinity and argue in defense of positive masculinity will very likely get that reaction from SJWs/feminists etc) it will get censored quickly. This is one of the problems with social media that it's very easy to manipulate the reporting/flagging systems in place so that it overwhelms mods, luckily in Prager U's case they had it reviewed and it came back as not in violation.

And her premise is that the left tends to mass-report more often, and I agree to an extent, but as someone who has been posting anti-leftist rants for a couple of years and has only ever been punished and suspended for posting things with nudity in it, I can't say that FB is operating under a far-left bias completely.
... wow, no it was not. Her premise was exactly what i said. I'm shocked that you guys are having so much trouble with such a simply worded video clip.

and lol @ reporting and crying about things being "systematic". Systematic(in this case) is a social media juggernaut deciding they are going to take down articles/videos/etc just because they dont agree with it, not necessarily because people are crying about it. Take off the simp shades and look at the big picture