Poser Disposer
50% on steel Russia needs to take note on how to properly punish offenders with tariffs.
Edit: Ugh. They need to stop bringing up that whores name ever time Armenians are mentioned.
Guess they'll starve. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
ummm yes, she even says it in the video. But you knew that, right? You tend to do this a lot honestly. Next time take a few seconds and check out the source material before randomly spouting out whatever it is that popped up in your head after seeing a certain face or headline.It was all of Prager iirc, not just her video.
lmao this explains a lot tbh. But why are you so mad? Who asked you to give a shit about her? The amount of ignorance you are displaying here is amazing. It seems to me your problem with her has more to do with her being the owner of a vagina.I don't give a shit about her. pretty face bla bla ... feminisiting blabla female white knights blalbla
Her complaint is basically that on the Internet the left are very quick to report things they disagree with.