The News Thread

She literally says it around the 30 second mark, that so many people flagged it and reported it as being hateful blah blah.

and lol @ reporting and crying about things being "systematic". Systematic(in this case) is one side deciding they are going to take down articles/videos/etc just because they dont agree with it, not necessarily because people are crying about it. Take off the simpleton shades and look at the big picture

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TBF I see a lot of complaining in the LGBT/sex-positive left-wing communities online about censorship. They get it due to the language involved in those communities because, contrary to accusations that FB is far-left in its biases, they still maintain socially conservative standards when it comes to images and language. #FreeTheNipple

This is definitely true, and it goes beyond speech. Recently conservatives have been (rightly imo) miffed that the founder of Jihad Watch had his Patreon shut down on Mastercard's orders. They weren't as vocal when JP Morgan was shutting down porn stars' personal bank accounts (though they still showed a more liberal streak than Obama's Department of Justice which called the shots). The faster social conservatives stop giving a shit about the petty stuff, the sooner we can build a coalition against the neoliberal morality police.
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She literally says it around the 30 second mark, that so many people flagged it and reported it as being hateful blah blah.

Wow. I haven't facepalmed this hard in months, maybe all year. So the premise of that video THAT YOU HAPPENED TO WATCH ALL THE WAY THROUGH was her complaining about liberals reporting stuff on the internet? Am i getting this right?
Wow. I haven't facepalmed this hard in months, maybe all year. So the premise of that video THAT YOU HAPPENED TO WATCH ALL THE WAY THROUGH was her complaining about liberals reporting stuff on the internet? Am i getting this right?

No, that a video with millions of views got mass-flagged and mass-reported and FB cucked to the pressure and then retracted it. I'm less saying that her premise is that social media platforms are systematically manipulated by pearl-clutching lefties and more saying that that's her true premise that she can't see because of her victim-lens.
lmao this explains a lot tbh. But why are you so mad? Who asked you to give a shit about her? The amount of ignorance you are displaying here is amazing. It seems to me your problem with her has more to do with her being the owner of a vagina.

And also, next time shut the fuck up and don't bother responding if you're not going to actually look into the post to which your are responding to


You want someone to give a shit because you posted it.

Allie, Lauren, and Tomi are using looks and nothing else of substance to try and capture eyeballs. There are vagina-having persons saying things worth hearing, but not those three.
No, that a video with millions of views got mass-flagged and mass-reported and FB cucked to the pressure and then retracted it. I'm less saying that her premise is that social media platforms are systematically manipulated by pearl-clutching lefties and more saying that that's her true premise that she can't see because of her victim-lens.

Twitter is doing the same thing. Setting the algorithm to utilize mass blocking by lefties to bury nonSJWs users
I don't (excluding receiving physical violence). We could be listening to President Larry David talk about the magic of Venezuelan economics right now if they had their way.
yea that totally sounds like me no? It's not like i was just pointing out that you commented on something that you didn't even bother watching because of "VAGINAZZ" :lol:

I started watching it and she was ranting in a car about herself first. Got disgusted and turned it off since I already knew all of Prager was affected.