The News Thread

Who wants to bet:

1) Race of the shooter
2) That the arcade is a gun free zone


Edit: MSM confirmed shooter was a contestant in the tournament who lost and came back to shoot up the place lmao Madden is gay.

We should ban Madden tournaments to prevent this from happening again. Video games cause violence (and because Madden is for degenerate knuckle dragger jocks)
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Who wants to bet:

1) Race of the shooter
2) That the arcade is a gun free zone


Edit: MSM confirmed shooter was a contestant in the tournament who lost and came back to shoot up the place lmao Madden is gay.

We should ban Madden tournaments to prevent this from happening again. Video games cause violence (and because Madden is for degenerate knuckle dragger jocks)

Did you guess Jewish for race?
For all the alcoholics on the board:

Drinking alcoholic beverages is linked to some 2.8 million deaths each year, according to researchers who concluded that there is no safe level of alcohol use.

The authors took data from nearly 700 previous studies to estimate the prevalence of alcohol in different countries, finding that the biggest drinkers were in European countries. The average Romanian man drank the equivalent of 8.2 bottles of beer a day in 2016, the most in the world. The countries that drink the least alcohol have mostly Muslim populations.

Neither of these facts surprise me
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I had a reputation for being the liquor guy in the lab for a while, and a coworker bought me a bottle of scotch last Christmas that I haven't even opened it yet. After I was sick for a while I stopped drinking energy drinks thinking those might be responsible, and trying one again a couple weeks ago I've lost the stomach for those as well. Once you get used to drinking water all day, everything else outside of fruit juice tastes like shit. Except for Big Red soda, but I save that for roadtrips.
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I haven't looked deeply into that study but most news sites posting it won't link to the actual study, so I'll take reports with a grain of salt. Ethanol is technically a poison, so I wouldn't dispute that it's "bad", but how bad is up for debate. There's too many confounds to select one variable with no controls and look at mortality estimates and make a blanket declaration. That said, with so many other issues with health care and poor health behaviors, the blanket declaration is likely the safer public health approach.
Once you get used to drinking water all day, everything else outside of fruit juice tastes like shit.

I drink a gallon a day at work (because I have fuck else to do anyway). Other than that, it's coffee, lemonade, Arnold Palmers and the occasional energy drink and I do drink pop more frequently now that I dont drink alcohol but I average one or two a week.
Don't you usually also include Krow when listing off people who make fun of you but are also fat?