The News Thread

He picked it up on Stormfront the other day, where he gets the inspiration for half his other posts here.

Antifa is quite white (and quite trans, relatively speaking), which isn't exactly surprising given its historical roots.
He picked it up on Stormfront the other day, where he gets the inspiration for half his other posts here.

I don't even go on that site lmao. I thought it got shut down a few years ago.

Obviously my vague and provocative memes and one liners get you going even though you complain about them.

I found that gif on Facebook like most other memes I gladly steal.
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I don't even go on that site lmao. I thought it got shut down a few years ago.

Obviously my vague and provocative memes and one liners get you going even though you complain about them.

I found that gif on Facebook like most other memes I gladly steal.

And I've heard Facebook suppresses conservative voices. Please. Have fun following Nazi propagandist pages.

They don't really get me going. I'm just not afraid to call Nazi propaganda Nazi propaganda.
I don't follow Nazi propagandist pages. Even if I did, that doesn't make me a Nazi in and of itself. If I follow SJW pages, does that make me an SJW? I am in pages where people follow certain other pages to make fun of them in other groups by posting screen caps from these groups they follow ironically (ie: members of pro gun pages follow anti gun pages and then post screen caps of posts in the anti gun pages to the pro gun pages for a quick and cheap laugh).

Please continue to have this perception of me that doesn't exist since it obviously helps you sleep at night because I ironically post ((())) and pictures of Jews laughing.

The whole 'muh Jews' thing isn't exclusively a Nazi propagandist talking point anymore but if you got outside of your elitist, privileged echo chamber you would know that.
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Your "irony" doesn't change what you actually share.

And, yes, privileged echo chamber, just what being born and raised in one of the poorest counties in Appalachian Ohio entails -- migrating to an inordinately conservative agricultural region of Southern Maryland later in my childhood certainly helped to seal my elitist upbringing.
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Didn't Stormfront lose it's webhost?

Jews are vastly overrepresented in certain career fields, whether that's a "good" or "bad" or "is" thing. But once again, merely noticing is a problem.

They can't all be as awesome as von Mises. ;)
Didn't Stormfront lose it's webhost?

Jews are vastly overrepresented in certain career fields, whether that's a "good" or "bad" or "is" thing. But once again, merely noticing is a problem.

They can't all be as awesome as von Mises. ;)

Probably did.

Noticing it isn't a problem. It's been noticed for a while, as has the high percentage of Jewish Nobel Laureates. Jewish academics tend not to emphasize it for obvious historical reasons.

As it would happen, I stumbled across a genealogical tie between the Austrian School and German/Austrian Corporatist/Monarchist ideology (and sense a profoundly similar world-view in terms of how society orders itself), but I've got it sitting on the back-burner because I don't feel like going back reading the Mises works in the dusty section of my book collection.

AntiFa aren't just overwhelmingly white, they're also overwhelmingly dripping with class privilege.

I'll diverge with you there a bit there, though I would say that they're dripping with classist ideology.

This spring the U.S. Education Department reported that in the 2015-2016 school year, "nearly 240 schools ... reported at least 1 incident involving a school-related shooting." The number is far higher than most other estimates.

But NPR reached out to every one of those schools repeatedly over the course of three months and found that more than two-thirds of these reported incidents never happened. Child Trends, a nonpartisan nonprofit research organization, assisted NPR in analyzing data from the government's Civil Rights Data Collection.

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As it would happen, I stumbled across a genealogical tie between the Austrian School and German/Austrian Corporatist/Monarchist ideology (and sense a profoundly similar world-view in terms of how society orders itself), but I've got it sitting on the back-burner because I don't feel like going back reading the Mises works in the dusty section of my book collection.

Yeah, I've actually never read Human Action, although I own two copies (my dad's old copy he never read and then a newer copy I purchased on sale). I did read probably 2/3s of Man, Economy, and State by Rothbard back in like 2011, and it's sitting up there with the two copies of HA. I wouldn't mind reading Human Action but that's a significant unrelated time commitment for someone in a PhD program. I probably should get Socialism, as that is a shorter work. However, I know the main takeaway is ultimately "price signals" , soooooo.....

In other "News", this is a perfect example of common hack journalism:

No, he fucking can't. "Net worth" figures do not in themselves provide any sort of estimate on liquid wealth.
ANTIFA clearly has its greatest strength in the epicenters of white and Jewish liberal privilege, e.g. Berkeley, Boston, and New York City. This isn't a coincidence. Fucking Tim Kaine's son got arrested clad in black after the election.

If these faggots had any writing or shitposting abilities they'd start calling him Two Minute Trump and do what they can to make it stick like all of Trump's pet names for other people.
That reminds me of this kid I went to high school with who was dubbed "Two Minute Timmy". His name wasn't Timmy, but he got that moniker after a dissatisfied girl bemoaned the fact that she walked all the way to his house after school only for their afternoon interlude to last a mere two minutes. Carry on...
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*Dude aggressively approaches Uber driver*
*pulls gun on innocent person*
"You know I got a pistol? You want me to shoot you?"
*Uber driver shoots the guy*
Dude: "I didn't shoot you"

lmao. Don't approach a guy menacingly and say you have a gun and imply you will use it and continue to have a menacing demeanor and expect nothing to happen.

The guy who shot was a recent police academy graduate and a licensed CCW holder. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Video in the article. Apparently the guy thought it was his girlfriend in the Uber. It wasn't. Alcohol is the devil:

The deputies are siding with the Uber driver too. Good. This is totally justified.
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