The News Thread

I half-agree with the article in that Ocasio-Cortez is experiencing disproportionate criticism, not only from Reps/conservatives but also her own party. They don't get all the reasons right though.

“This is a person not ready for prime time, certainly not ready for Congress,” the ever-quoted voice of the Washington establishment Norm Ornstein tweeted in response to her answer on a question about Israel. “She should stop campaigning & do a crash course on basics, including economics and foreign policy. Otherwise, she will stumble badly out of the blocks and do major damage. Early impressions hard to erase.”

Can't imagine why a Norm Ornstein doesn't want a strong independent woman not giving her unconditional support to the Jewish ethnostate.

EDIT: Meant to post this in Mort's thread but whatevs
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I haven't seen anything to indicate that she's dumber than the average congressman or senator. Just prone to hyperbole, much like Trump.
I have no idea how dumb the average congressman or senator is, but she's certainly about as uneducated and clueless as Trump as well as just as prone to hyperbole. That's why I'd love to see them debate. What the fuck would they even talk about? Simply enthralling.
She is a fellow alumnist of Ein's. Apparently an expensive undergraduate education does get you connections, if not education. Chalk one up for Caplan's signaling theory.
No one saw these statements and said Ryan is unfit to serve in Congress. No one told him to go put training wheels back on. No one told him he wasn’t ready for primetime.

I feel like i've read the exact opposite for many years now? :lol:
That was pretty mild compared to many videos displaying black violence that you can find. Standing in front of the car of a crazy person is just dumb. Someone commented that he likely did it so that the charges could be upgraded from vandalism to assault, lmao, the things we have to do to get violent trash off the streets.
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Anyone wondering why a guy that livestreamed himself patting and harassing a US senator got shut down by social media needs some perspective. I love Alex Jones, but the dude is a disruptive attention-whoring junk-peddling clown.