The News Thread

It's not really surprising. Infrastructure in most of these countries is shit and people tend to live near rivers so waste will inevitably end up in them.
The US can't even take care of its own. It doesn't need to be taking in people from farflung reaches of the planet. Let the Clinton Foundation take care of them in situ, since Hillary's warmongering in Libya created a fuckton to begin with.
Despite the lefty perspective of the article, best news I’ve read all day. 30,000 refugees is still a lot though. I’d say 30 is more appropriate and they have to be attractive females

New Caps on Refugees Forecast the End of a Nation’s Humanitarian Legacy

Awesome news.

About 85,000 refugees came to the US in fiscal year 2016, according to State Department figures. That number plummeted to a mere 33,000 the following year — marking the first time ever that the US resettled fewer refugees than any other country in the world

Really? Does Lichtenstein take in more refugees than us? How about North Korea? Last I checked, even Japan takes in on the order of hundreds of refugees annually, not tens of thousands.

And gotta love the opinion piece stuff in that article.

At the same time, Europe is becoming increasingly dangerous for refugees and immigrants who already live there. Thousands of anti-immigrant far-rightists, including neo-Nazis, “hunted” in the streets for anyone who “looked foreign” for several days in Chemnitz, Germany, following the murder of a Cuban-German man in August. The man was allegedly killed by a man from Syria and a man from Iraq, and anti-immigrant bigots blamed the death on refugees and immigrants in general. Immigrants and refugees in Greece have also been subjected to horrific “lynch mobs” carried out by members of the neo-Nazi party the Golden Dawn, which has dozens of members in Greek Parliament.

A small number of refugees relative to the home population commit disproportionate rape and murder, but the real problem is that the home population is threatening violence in response.
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Soon as I see this in reference to SJWisms I just assume the writer is A. an idiot or B. A liar. Out of 150+ countries only the US doesn't help X minority demographic? Sure.

I'm guessing it's typical left-wing racism.

"The United States has the highest crime rate in the world*!"
"The United States spends the least on the welfare of its citizens in the world*!"

*We define the world to be wealthy countries with majority-Anglo/Germanic populations
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Awesome news.

Really? Does Lichtenstein take in more refugees than us? How about North Korea? Last I checked, even Japan takes in on the order of hundreds of refugees annually, not tens of thousands.

And gotta love the opinion piece stuff in that article.

Crap comparisons. Those countries have NEVER been net importers of people, whereas the US almost always has been, with the exception of the interwar years when the nativists and America First crowd put immigration to a halt. This is, in fact, a radical reversal of policy, and it's not as though the last 8 years were marked by the US taking in more refugees than ever--refugee intake averaged higher under Reagan, who campaigned in part on reducing refugee flows, than under Obama. I've got a nice little write-up on this with a spread sheet on the numbers if you'd like to check it out. The thrust of the paper itself will probably cause you to puke in your mouth, but that's only the first and last two paragraphs of the paper.

A small number of refugees relative to the home population commit disproportionate rape and murder, but the real problem is that the home population is threatening violence in response.

I've heard the stories about Sweden, but that's a bit north of my area of study. In Germany, the statistics don't really bare this out, and yes I say this acknowledging some of the stories that broke immediately following the refugee crisis, like the New Years event. I don't have the chance to look up the numbers at the moment and shoot you the source, but neo-nazis participate in a lot of crime across the country and it doesn't break international headlines. It always breaks international headlines if the perpetrator is a refugee or Muslim.

Also, you seem to be forgetting that refugees outside of Latin America are chosen by American authorities and then let in. Africans and Western/Central Asians can't walk here.
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It’s pretty stupid that the USA is “expected” to take in hundreds of thousands of refugees by default. The default (and no-brainer logical) position of EVERY country should be “we’ll take x number with qualifications that would be almost immediately independent/productive, and maybe y number that we have extra money to spend on after everything else more important has been spent on”

I bet your paper is lefty shit good only for ass wiping
It’s pretty stupid that the USA is “expected” to take in hundreds of thousands of refugees by default. The default (and no-brainer logical) position of EVERY country should be “we’ll take x number with qualifications that would be almost immediately independent/productive, and maybe y number that we have extra money to spend on after everything else more important has been spent on”

I bet your paper is lefty shit good only for ass wiping

Like the pathetic little picture book you made for your crush? Go watch more pick-up videos on YouTube and kick rocks, midget.
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Crap comparisons. Those countries have NEVER been net importers of people, whereas the US almost always has been, with the exception of the interwar years when the nativists and America First crowd put immigration to a halt. This is, in fact, a radical reversal of policy, and it's not as though the last 8 years were marked by the US taking in more refugees than ever--refugee intake averaged higher under Reagan, who campaigned in part on reducing refugee flows, than under Obama. I've got a nice little write-up on this with a spread sheet on the numbers if you'd like to check it out. The thrust of the paper itself will probably cause you to puke in your mouth, but that's only the first and last two paragraphs of the paper.

What percent of those imports in history were refugees? It's not like we took them in out of sheer goodwill. Abraham Lincoln took lots of Irish and disproportionately had them killed as draftees. FDR only took in the early Jews fleeing Nazi Germany, many of whom educated and/or wealthy, we didn't take in the poor ones.

I've heard the stories about Sweden, but that's a bit north of my area of study. In Germany, the statistics don't really bare this out, and yes I say this acknowledging some of the stories that broke immediately following the refugee crisis, like the New Years event. I don't have the chance to look up the numbers at the moment and shoot you the source, but neo-nazis participate in a lot of crime across the country and it doesn't break international headlines. It always breaks international headlines if the perpetrator is a refugee or Muslim.

Also, you seem to be forgetting that refugees outside of Latin America are chosen by American authorities and then let in. Africans and Western/Central Asians can't walk here.

Can you post the German statistics?

Not sure what your point is there, that's pretty obvious.
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