The News Thread

When large numbers immigrate together it makes assimilation harder because they don't have to assimilate. Throw on top of that the "progressive" dissonance claiming that assimilation is oppression (but Americans need to "immerse" themselves in foreign cultures) and you have a recipe for unrest.
What percent of those imports in history were refugees? It's not like we took them in out of sheer goodwill. Abraham Lincoln took lots of Irish and disproportionately had them killed as draftees. FDR only took in the early Jews fleeing Nazi Germany, many of whom educated and/or wealthy, we didn't take in the poor ones.

This is a complicated question because "refugee" as a word wasn't really used in the same way we do today until the UN codified it's definition in 1951(?[going off the top of my head it]). Google NGram depicts this well (and the slight spike in the 1860s is informative).;,refugee;,c0

In any case, waves of migration to the US were usually spurred by economic and political unrest. The Irish are an easy case here, and they were also the first we tried to keep out by requiring a minimum amount of square-footage per head on a boat. Germans were affected by the same potato blight and also faced political prosecution after the failed 1848 revolutions. Eastern European Jews came en masse from their schtetls after the Russian autocrat started encouraging pogroms in the late-19th early 20th-century. I don't know much about the Italians. How many of them specifically could have been designated refugee is a different question, but I think it's safe to assume a fair amount. Most came from countries where they faced political persecution. France's nack for falling to revolution probably plays into why we never received large inflows from France (well, that and the existence of Quebec). FWIW Washington himself designated the US as a land whose "bosom is open to receive the prosecuted and oppressed of all nations."

We excluded the Chinese in the 1880s, but didn't have much of an immigration system otherwise until after WWI. Law, in addition to political calculation, played into refugee policy in the 30s and 40s.

Can you post the German statistics?

I spent way more time on this than I wanted to and still couldn't find what I was looking for because general crime statistics from the BKA seem to divide it up by the different states, and I'm not interested in spending the time with that math. It's also quite impossible to find comparative statistics, and, adding to that, crime statistics have jumped and plummeted over the last few years, flux with rapidly changing circumstances. At the peak of the crisis, it was a mess because they were, of course, not prepared, and many lived in camps with terrible conditions for an extended period of time, which plays into the crime spikes immediately following the influx.

I'm going to be brief because I've gotta run in a few.

I'll start out with what the crowd wants: sexual offences. I couldn't find an article on 2018, which is frustrating because crime has plummeted since the dust of the crisis settled. A little bit on what's in it: the theme plays on the groping scandal; reported sexual offences are in fact higher with refugee populations; most offences happen in asylum shelters themselves.

Here you can find the most recent official report, post-crime plummet. Crimes are lowest among refugees from nations at war, particularly Afganistan, Iraq, and Syria. Overall, crime has dropped among the populations.

Crime dropped by 10% last year, the most significant drop since 1993, right after all those East German migrants were brought in.

Right-wing extremist crime, however, has spiked and is the highest in 15 years, about 24,000 in total. Left-wing crime has dropped 25%, to 1702 in total.

I'll end with something that pissed me off. Fucking Gatehouse, of course they're publishing pieces in German and stoking the right. They do quite a lot of that nice, provocative crime pornography, by naming names of a few victims, and then adding some other lists. In any case, they do say one thing I think is important: that actual figures are likely higher than reported, which I agree. However, this applies to both refugee/immigrant and native born Germans, and is likelier more true for the latter als the former. #MeToo has certainly shown just how pervasive it is and how often it goes unreported.

When large numbers immigrate together it makes assimilation harder because they don't have to assimilate. Throw on top of that the "progressive" dissonance claiming that assimilation is oppression (but Americans need to "immerse" themselves in foreign cultures) and you have a recipe for unrest.

That's not the case in Germany. Integrationspolitik is a big deal and every step in the migration process directly relates to integration policies.

For what it's worth, it's not the case in the US either. I know you like to take handful of hystericals on campus and pretend their views were mainstream (they would like that of course), but they're not and you're casting straw men.

last I saw was that crime stats stopped reporting race/ethnicity to curb a response to the violence/hysteria/whatever it is

Race and ethnicity I'm unsure of (it's not allowed in FRA, for example, because the constitution doesn't allow it), but the thrust of your point isn't correct. They do collect statistics specifically regarding immigrants/refugees.
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23% of burglary drop in one year seems to beg a lot more criticism than it's getting.

Roughly 40,000 such crimes were recorded in 2017, marking a 4.9 percent decline. More than half of these crimes were believed to have a right-wing motive behind them.

is legit? seems like quite an assertion/allegation. 20k+ crimes are just poltical and not the "regular" type of crime?

Anti-Semitic crime rose by 2.5 percent in comparison with 2016. The vast majority (95 percent) of these crimes were reportedly carried out by the far-right. But how this particular statistic is recorded has been heavily criticized due to the fact that any swastikas sprayed on a wall is automatically attributed to the far-right.

nothing to support this? not sure on this website.

Der Spiegel journalist Jörg Diehl reports that roughly 20 percent of all known crime is not recorded in the annual police report.

“The federal prosecution service, which only deals with certain terror investigations, saw a rise in its extremism investigations from 68 in 2013 to 1,200 in 2017,” Diehl writes.

indicated that 93 percent of sexual offences are not reported and only 12 percent of hate crimes are reported.

idk, seems to be little out there.
I bet your paper is lefty shit good only for ass wiping

You're confusing his paper with your tongue.

I've heard the stories about Sweden, but that's a bit north of my area of study. In Germany, the statistics don't really bare this out, and yes I say this acknowledging some of the stories that broke immediately following the refugee crisis, like the New Years event. I don't have the chance to look up the numbers at the moment and shoot you the source, but neo-nazis participate in a lot of crime across the country and it doesn't break international headlines. It always breaks international headlines if the perpetrator is a refugee or Muslim.

If I recall correctly, the crimes attributed to refugees in Germany weren't even attributed to those coming from crisis areas like Syria.

EDIT: you already made this point. Didn't realize I wasn't on the most recent page.
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You're confusing his paper with your tongue.

If I recall correctly, the crimes attributed to refugees in Germany weren't even attributed to those coming from crisis areas like Syria.

EDIT: you already made this point. Didn't realize I wasn't on the most recent page.
Licking ass is more dignified than being a lefty
Arg, I'd be interested to know how you got to the US, and how you came to be filled with such hatred. Apart from just being a dumbass.
I was born here and what fills me with hate is looking at my paycheck and seeing how much the government steals and uses on stupid shit like illegals, refugees and the poor and how lefties want even more to be stolen and given to the abovementioned as well as for free college and healthcare and other dumb shit

What does give me a consoling sense of calm and peace is knowing that there are people suffering and dying out there while I’m fucking hookers
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I was born here and what fills me with hate is looking at my paycheck and seeing how much the government steals and uses on stupid shit

I can honestly relate in a very small way to that. It seems like the government takes half my damn check. Fucking blows. Somehow I'm in a higher tax bracket too at the end of the day.
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See you’re only a stone’s throw from being like me

That chunk taken out of your paycheck could be so much smaller if not for those lowlifes I enumerated

And it will get so much bigger if the lefty agenda is implemented
My check is mainly going to be used to pay for Trump's tax cuts in the coming years. My $10 increase in take home pay was great, can't wait to help the rich get richer. It's all a scheme to get rid of social security and medicare. "Oh, well the government is bankrupt (due to our massive tax cuts for the rich) and we need money, so let's get rid of everything the poor relies on and has paid into for their entire working lives".
Doesn't SS have a surplus or some shit? I remember it did years ago at least

I was born here and what fills me with hate is looking at my paycheck and seeing how much the government steals and uses on stupid shit like illegals, refugees and the poor and how lefties want even more to be stolen and given to the abovementioned as well as for free college and healthcare and other dumb shit

What does give me a consoling sense of calm and peace is knowing that there are people suffering and dying out there while I’m fucking hookers
See you’re only a stone’s throw from being like me

That chunk taken out of your paycheck could be so much smaller if not for those lowlifes I enumerated

And it will get so much bigger if the lefty agenda is implemented

And then you see some motherfucker with an EBT card buying unhealthy shit which will lead to health problems and them applying for Medicaid which is more of your tax dollars and the cycle repeats

But ozz ur fat and eat unhealthy shit 2 so u'll prolly need Medicade in da futoor too fantasy lol Manilla Road roolz amirite?!
And then you see some motherfucker with an EBT card buying unhealthy shit which will lead to health problems and them applying for Medicaid which is more of your tax dollars and the cycle repeats

I love when people post anecdotal stories of 'that one time they saw EBT abuse' and ignore the millions of working families that need it to survive. Better get rid of it because of a few bad seeds though right?
Do you know the main reason a person can have a job but still need food stamps?

Because he / she makes the conscious decision to have kids

A single person can survive on minimum wage with no government assistance no problem

It’s the KIDS who make them qualify to receive YOUR money!

Rich people did not make them fuck and conceive. They had the AUDACITY to go “hey I make minimum wage but I’ll have a kid anyway cuz i’ll get food stamps”. Dont blame rich people or Walmart or amazon or the minimum wage.

Maybe if there was no social safety net they’d think twice about reproducing eh? Make sure they have enough money to support a whole family on their own before nutting raw dog in a fertile pussy?