The News Thread

SYG shouldn't apply there. The fat hicks were ultimately shooting a guy with no gun over a mattress in a dumpster which they were dumpster diving to get out. Furthermore, 2 guns vs none, and shooting after the first shot(s) hit. This is cop level overkill.
SYG shouldn't apply there. The fat hicks were ultimately shooting a guy with no gun over a mattress in a dumpster which they were dumpster diving to get out. Furthermore, 2 guns vs none, and shooting after the first shot(s) hit. This is cop level overkill.

Orange shirt threw a bat after the first two shots in case that was missed. I missed it the first time I watched the video.
SYG shouldn't apply there. The fat hicks were ultimately shooting a guy with no gun over a mattress in a dumpster which they were dumpster diving to get out. Furthermore, 2 guns vs none, and shooting after the first shot(s) hit. This is cop level overkill.

And Trayvon Martin was just walking home from buying some Skittles.

All of that is irrelevant. He made repeated verbal threats and motions, then grabbed a lethal weapon, then likely made a move towards them holding the lethal weapon, then got shot at twice, then continued by hitting one of them with the bat, and then got his head blown off. From the footage it even looks like the exit point was the back of his skull, meaning he was probably killed still facing them. Not to mention that he has an extremely long history of violence.
And Trayvon Martin was just walking home from buying some Skittles.

All of that is irrelevant. He made repeated verbal threats and motions, then grabbed a lethal weapon, then likely made a move towards them holding the lethal weapon, then got shot at twice, then continued by hitting one of them with the bat, and then got his head blown off. From the footage it even looks like the exit point was the back of his skull, meaning he was probably killed still facing them.

I must have seen different clips because I didn't get the latter bit of that. They were all making verbal threats. The deceased was a dumbass as is/was his GF, but the armed persons instigated and far outgunned the deceased, and shot him multiple times at close range. Equivocating a trash disposal argument, with visible armed and effectively numerical superiority in broad daylight with neighborhood patrol at night with no known superiority regarding burglaries is some progressive logical fuckery.

Not to mention that he has an extremely long history of violence.

Haven't seen anything about this, but I wouldn't be surprised if the two hicks do also.
I must have seen different clips because I didn't get the latter bit of that. They were all making verbal threats. The deceased was a dumbass as is/was his GF, but the armed persons instigated and far outgunned the deceased, and shot him multiple times at close range. Equivocating a trash disposal argument, with visible armed and effectively numerical superiority in broad daylight with neighborhood patrol at night with no known superiority regarding burglaries is some progressive logical fuckery.

Haven't seen anything about this, but I wouldn't be surprised if the two hicks do also.

Orange shirt the first recorded threat and was not remotely calm.

Daddy hick's first threat was measured "If you come any closer I'm going to kill you"; that was a warning. I don't know how the "Take your swing" stuff will hold in court since it could be interpreted as instigating, but I think it depends on a lot of factors including what may or may not have happened before the recording started. Orange shirt was instigating too, of course, saying "Point it at me" many times all the while daddy hick remained calm with the gun held down at his side. Obviously they shot at close range, are you suggesting their right to defend themselves against a melee threat increases with distance to said threat? If it was a cop, he would have shot within the first second that orange shirt picked up the bat and been praised as a hero. It's pure class hatred that's driving the villainizing of the hicks.

Orange shirt was arrested a dozen times just last year for violence and disorderly contact, including one time for threatening to kill a mailman with the same baseball bat because the mailman walked too close to a window. No crime records exist of the hicks afaik, and I don't see any reason to believe so outside of bigotry against two men for being white, fat, and shirtless. They were totally calm through the entire process, orange shirt was a literal crazy person hopped up on pharmas.
Orange shirt was arrested a dozen times just last year for violence and disorderly contact

Post link pls. If it is true that he was arrested for multiple instances of disorderly conduct then nothing of value was lost but it's still murder.

Edit: Danke. Yep, total miscreant no longer breathing my air. Zero value lost confirmed.
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Dude was a dumbass for not going back inside when he saw they both had guns. I have no sympathy for that dude or his family for him being an idiot

Edit: "go get my BB gun" lmao like that is going to be more powerful than 00 buckshot you dumb motherfucker
Daddy hick's first threat was measured "If you come any closer I'm going to kill you"; that was a warning. I don't know how the "Take your swing" stuff will hold in court since it could be interpreted as instigating, but I think it depends on a lot of factors including what may or may not have happened before the recording started. Orange shirt was instigating too, of course, saying "Point it at me" many times all the while daddy hick remained calm with the gun held down at his side. Obviously they shot at close range, are you suggesting their right to defend themselves against a melee threat increases with distance to said threat? If it was a cop, he would have shot within the first second that orange shirt picked up the bat and been praised as a hero. It's pure class hatred that's driving the villainizing of the hicks.

Orange shirt was arrested a dozen times just last year for violence and disorderly contact, including one time for threatening to kill a mailman with the same baseball bat because the mailman walked too close to a window. No crime records exist of the hicks afaik, and I don't see any reason to believe so outside of bigotry against two men for being white, fat, and shirtless. They were totally calm through the entire process, orange shirt was a literal crazy person hopped up on pharmas.

You're engaging in character assassination, which may be warranted. That has nothing to do with the situation here.

1. Based on the current story, the whole issue was mattress disposal. Why are they having an armed encounter over mattress disposal? If "Orange shirt" is as bad as you say, it makes some sense.
2. Multiple shots at close range, some with a shotgun.
3. I don't have class hate on hicks. They are a better class of people than the pseudo intellectuals surrounding me.
4. Orange shirt confronted armed dudes with a bat. That's some dumb shit.
They are a better class of people than the pseudo intellectuals surrounding me.

You think that people who shot another person over--apparently--a dumpster mattress are part of a better class of people than those who political opinions you disagree with?

That makes sense.
You're engaging in character assassination, which may be warranted. That has nothing to do with the situation here.

1. Based on the current story, the whole issue was mattress disposal. Why are they having an armed encounter over mattress disposal? If "Orange shirt" is as bad as you say, it makes some sense.
2. Multiple shots at close range, some with a shotgun.
3. I don't have class hate on hicks. They are a better class of people than the pseudo intellectuals surrounding me.
4. Orange shirt confronted armed dudes with a bat. That's some dumb shit.

Character assassination is fully valid if relevant. A mentally ill man with a history of anger management issues and violence is a less credible source of information than two men without any known similar history. Much of the verbal testimony in the media takes the wife's word at face value.

1. That isn't fully known yet. The hicks claimed multiple run-ins with the guy before. The son wasn't even originally present, it was just the dad and the orange shirt and his wife. By the wife's own testimony, she saw daddy hick pull a gun out of his shorts at the site of confrontation. Given orange shirt's mental state, there's a good chance he became manic and made threats prior to daddy hick pull out the gun. Neither was likely visibly armed prior at the start of the confrontation. After things started to escalate, the son then appeared with a shotgun.
2. Again, yes, and? Maybe they should have shot him in the foot as well? Are you a leftist now?
3. Well you made assumptions against their character with no clear basis for doing so.
4. Yep.
You think that people who shot another person over--apparently--a dumpster mattress are part of a better class of people than those who political opinions you disagree with?

That makes sense.

You can't differentiate an instance versus class. Cool. A transgender person just shot a bunch of coworkers. Guess all transgenders are mass shooters now.
You think that people who shot another person over--apparently--a dumpster mattress are part of a better class of people than those who political opinions you disagree with?

That makes sense.

Leftist academicians regularly promote gross, wide-reaching acts of unprovoked violence. These guys were just defending themselves. If you think a pencil-pushing Marxist is better than a hick just because the former wears a nice shirt, that's the problem of your own moral compass.
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You can't differentiate an instance versus class. Cool. A transgender person just shot a bunch of coworkers. Guess all transgenders are mass shooters now.

Good people on both sides, amirite?

Leftist academicians regularly promote gross, wide-reaching acts of unprovoked violence. These guys were just defending themselves. If you think a pencil-pushing Marxist is better than a hick just because the former wears a nice shirt, that's the problem of your own moral compass.

But fashion is everything...

And please don't lecture me about morality. You think right and wrong can be calculated and plotted on a graph. That's the real moral tragedy here.
And please don't lecture me about morality. You think right and wrong can be calculated and plotted on a graph. That's the real moral tragedy here.

No I don't. I accept the subjectivity of morality. I believe that there are objective quantitative outcomes in response to enforcement of certain moral values, however.
Good people on both sides, amirite?

Seems like a non sequitur but ok. That episode could have been sliced a bunch of different ways. CNN et al prefers to slice it as a "gun problem", since "right wing" and "toxic masculinity" weren't an option. I've been around hicks most of my life. They aren't great people, but they do many necessary things. Leftist academia and most liberal art majors aren't and don't. They don't engage in much crime personally but they vote for the worst sorts, and they do little of real value. I have many inlaws of the Texas hick variety, and they help provide some of the best infrastructure in the world while also being persons I have little in common with. However, I can crack a beer with them and talk about the stupid shit the progressive "educated" superiors promote or enforce.
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