The News Thread

Social Security has turned into a transfer program from young people to old people. As far as the "social safety net" goes:

Like seat belts and helmets, increased "safety" nets increase risky behavior. When it's very localized this is less likely to occur because you are accountable to the community. Faceless bureaucracy removes that constraint.
I love when people post anecdotal stories of 'that one time they saw EBT abuse' and ignore the millions of working families that need it to survive. Better get rid of it because of a few bad seeds though right?

It's a fucking problem when these people have EBT because they are working poor but still use some of that money they get while working to spend on shit like alcohol, tobacco, or whatever the fuck else they don't need to survive. Maybe if they didn't buy that shit, they wouldn't need to be on EBT
It's a fucking problem when these people have EBT because they are working poor but still use some of that money they get while working to spend on shit like alcohol, tobacco, or whatever the fuck else they don't need to survive. Maybe if they didn't buy that shit, they wouldn't need to be on EBT

Yeah, that's obviously bad. Do you think that example is indicative of the majority of EBT beneficiaries?
Yeah, that's obviously bad. Do you think that example is indicative of the majority of EBT beneficiaries?

I honestly don't know but given societal trends it is highly likely this is at least 50% of cases

edit (because @Satanstoenail likes when I edit stuff): EBT is fine if you don't abuse it. I don't know what percentage of people abuse it though
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Is this an argument against seat belts and helmets?

There's increasing (but still minimal) talk about eliminating plastic shell helmets in football for this reason. Car safety is also a bit different than cash transfers economically, but the behavioral incentive structures have sufficient parallel.

As far as EBT goes, my limited time working at a rural NC supermarket had plenty of anecdotal evidence of EBT "fraud", "fraud" meaning that regardless of reported income, they weren't going to starve without it. I loaded EBT purchased groceries into luxury SUVs. I watched people use EBT and cash combined to eat "high on the hog" as it were. Steaks, Lobster, Beer, etc. Not exactly eggs, milk, and bread.
I bet your paper is lefty shit good only for ass wiping
You're confusing his paper with your tongue.

Actually lol'd.

It's all a scheme to get rid of social security and medicare. "Oh, well the government is bankrupt (due to our massive tax cuts for the rich) and we need money, so let's get rid of everything the poor relies on and has paid into for their entire working lives".

Actually lol'd.
Anyone defending orange shirt needs a shotgun to the face. The two fat hicks are heroes and people are only attacking them out of classism and racism.