The News Thread

"im constantly crying about trump causing right wing terrorism but i can't make the connection here so forget it" lmao got it.

LOL. If you want to engage in debate with me, your gonna actually have to use reasoning. I never even mentioned Trump until you did. Since when is supporting Trump necessary to be a right wing extremist. There were right wing extremists far before Trump. I'm ignoring the rest of what you said in this chunk, since it was a rant that had nothing to do with what I said. If you're gonna come with that sort of weak shit, debate with CiG instead.

again, so pathetic and expected. You're the easiest person here to read. So terrorism and murders only matter when they are politically motivated? So that guy wanting to kill jews was strictly political? I bet youre one of those peoplewho think terrorism has to be related to politics. I'm telling you, the dots that you connect are, in the words of the great Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson ..... AAMMMAAAAAYZIN!

It's literally not terrorism if it's not politically motivated. But I guess the US Code of Laws is Fake News.

And I never said other murder doesn't matter (though it is off topic). You are terrible with inferences.
It's literally not terrorism if it's not politically motivated. But I guess the US Code of Laws is Fake News.


If you're gonna come with that sort of weak shit, debate with CiG instead.

You're not as smart, adult or reasoned as you think you are.

And I never said other murder doesn't matter (though it is off topic). You are terrible with inferences.

Right-wing terrorism was off-topic when you brought it up initially. Bernie Sanders is statistically more likely to be killed by a young black male than a right-wing terrorist.
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Since when is supporting Trump necessary to be a right wing extremist. There were right wing extremists far before Trump. I'm ignoring the rest of what you said in this chunk, since it was a rant that had nothing to do with what I said. If you're gonna come with that sort of weak shit, debate with CiG instead.

lmao, oh okay. Thank you for explaining that to me. The level of ignorance that you're displaying here is beyond belief tbh. I literally told you the same thing you have been putting on repeat in my first post you mentally deficient hippie. The fact that you are still having trouble digesting what i said says a lot. I wont continue this with you until you regenerate some braincells and go back and reread what i wrote.

It's literally not terrorism if it's not politically motivated. But I guess the US Code of Laws is Fake News.
:lol: you cant possibly be this braindead. This is the reason no one here should take you seriously. Do i need to link you to a fucking dictionary that defines what terror, terrorism and terrorist means? Or do you let the government or a politically hijacked and loaded definition of the word define what they actually mean? If i come to your house right now and smash in your windows, set up a barricade and assault everyone and anyone that comes and goes i am literally terrorizing you. The word terror is not married to politics, but i'm amazed that i actually have to explain this to you like you're a fucking 12 year old. TERROR CAN ONLY OCCUR WHEN POLITICS IS INVOLVED :lol: how fucking retarded does that sound? BUBUBUT THE US CODE OF LAWS SAYS ..... :LOL: Sorry but i havent adopted the sheep mentality that you have so i dont let the government define words for me that have had definitions that are basically etched in stone. Here is what the actual definition of the words are from a fucking dictionary ....


a state of intense fear
the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion
an advocate or practitioner of terrorism as a means of coercion

And you keep taking shots at CIG but as much as i dislike the guy, fact of the matter is that he is a fucking genius compared to the likes of you(quite possibly the dumbest person here) and im being completely honest here my man.
which is the reason he needs someone like me to pop him every now and then ...


Not well over half, I was mistaken. But a significant percentage have opted to stay in Mexico.

More than 1,700 people in the convoy have applied for asylum, while others have returned home, according to Mexico’s government. The Honduran ambassador said on Friday the group officially had 3,500 members. Other estimates go much higher.

By Saturday, more than 100 Honduran migrants opted to seek refugee status and enter the temporary work program proposed by President Enrique Pena Nieto on Friday, said Mexico’s National Migration Institute. Many others rejected the offer.
Can someone explain to me why the caravan went through Mexico if they're seeking asylum? Wouldn't they just stop and stay in Mexico if they're seeking asylum?

Would you really want to seek refuge in a country populated by sexually larcenous deviants?
Criteria for asylum acceptance according to current law

Poverty? NOPE

Gang violence? NOPE

Domestic violence? NOPE

(Any other sob story NOT one of the below 3) NOPE

Natural disaster? Did it really happen and is it severe enough? If yes, ok but temporary. If not, NOPE

Religious persecution? NEED CONCRETE PROOF. If you have that, ok but temporary. If not, NOPE

Political persecution? NEED CONCRETE PROOF. If you have that, ok but temporary. If not, NOPE.

...that is how it should be enforced, but it isn’t. Many are let in based on sob stories, lies, and without sufficient proof.
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... lmfao

In 2017, Dr. Snipes admitted in court that her office had allowed non-citizens and felons to vote and was particularly vulnerable ahead of major elections.

In 2012, a Broward elections official complained about Snipes tendency to “find” additional ballots in close elections. Ilene Lieberman, a Broward County Commissioner and Canvassing board member, told the Miami CBS affiliate in 2012, “When the canvassing board recessed on Saturday we were basically told there were between 150 and 165 ballots remained to be counted, that they had to double check, that they hadn’t been counted before. And when we came back on Monday the report showed 963 new ballots.”

Snipes also presided over a “phantom voting district” of 2000 voters who were using illegal addresses, many of them at a UPS Store, claimed as their places of residence.

Republican Party officials sued Snipes’ office in 2016 over the illegal counting of 180,000 mail in ballots, she admitted that she didn’t know the meaning of the word “canvassing.” Snipes’ office had been opening ballots illegally, without the legally required participation of other members of the canvasing board.

and these are the people that some of you are supporting? :lol:

Glad this fuckhead didn’t take more people out. Apparently his plan was to run down as many people as possible and explode a bunch of gas bottles in the tray of his ute while he ran around stabbing people.
My wife was supposed to be in the city when it happened but changed her mind thank fuck.
:lol: you cant possibly be this braindead. This is the reason no one here should take you seriously. Do i need to link you to a fucking dictionary that defines what terror, terrorism and terrorist means? Or do you let the government or a politically hijacked and loaded definition of the word define what they actually mean? If i come to your house right now and smash in your windows, set up a barricade and assault everyone and anyone that comes and goes i am literally terrorizing you. The word terror is not married to politics, but i'm amazed that i actually have to explain this to you like you're a fucking 12 year old. TERROR CAN ONLY OCCUR WHEN POLITICS IS INVOLVED :lol: how fucking retarded does that sound? BUBUBUT THE US CODE OF LAWS SAYS ..... :LOL: Sorry but i havent adopted the sheep mentality that you have so i dont let the government define words for me that have had definitions that are basically etched in stone. Here is what the actual definition of the words are from a fucking dictionary ....


a state of intense fear
the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion
an advocate or practitioner of terrorism as a means of coercion

And you keep taking shots at CIG but as much as i dislike the guy, fact of the matter is that he is a fucking genius compared to the likes of you(quite possibly the dumbest person here) and im being completely honest here my man.

This is like playing chess with a checkers player. I reference US law and you reference the dictionary. Obviously, terrorism has colloquial meanings, but the legal defintion is the one that actually matters in determining what is and is not terrorism. And that definition specifically identifies terrorism as political violence against noncombatants.
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