The News Thread

Yes, because he thought Trump didn’t go far enough. That doesn’t imply that he wasn’t a right winger. Since when is supporting Trump a necessary condition of being far right?

Facism is considered far a right wing ideology. That’s not exactly something Huffington Post invented.

What evidence is there that he was pro-fascism? He was a Ron Paul and Badnarik supporter. Right-libertarian, sure, but not fascist unless this is some kind of lefty horseshoe theory.

General crimes/murders aren’t what I was talking about, as most of those are personal, and not politically motivated. So, yes, it was a massive red herring to bring it up in the context of terrorism. But if you can’t or choose not to see the difference, I’m not gonna go back and forth with you for eight pages with you on it.

Why do you care about politically motivated murder so disproportionately?
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by one of your awesome left wing sources? From what i heard he was white, so you can already get the propaganda machine rolling and say he was a white supremacist neo-nazi right winger.

Yes, because he thought Trump didn’t go far enough. That doesn’t imply that he wasn’t a right winger. Since when is supporting Trump a necessary condition of being far right?

"im constantly crying about trump causing right wing terrorism but i can't make the connection here so forget it" lmao got it. It's like you guys pick and choose when to inject him into any of the agendas y'all are pushing. He's a fake conservative one day, and neocon(are you going to mirror the same argument with that word or do you fail to see that most of them are indeed alt right wing nutbags?) the other day. Pathetic

Also you are talking to a "right winger" who doesn't like Trump, so i'm the last person you need to be pointing out obvious facts(something a simpleton does) to, especially after i basically said it myself in the same post. Hence the reason i even stated that your comeback was going to be "bububut i said right wingers not republicans". This is all rather funny coming form someone who passes themselves off as some kind of intellectual.
Or by just walking down the street tbh

I don't call that a coincidence after CA just elected the most pro gun control Governor they've seen

Yeah outside of the weather this state is fucking garbage and is filled with the filthiest people in this country. The sewer of the United States. I'm really hoping prop 9 pops back up on the ballot the next time around.
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Yeah outside of the weather this state is fucking garbage and is filled with the filthiest people in this country. The sewer of the United States. I'm really hoping prop 9 pops back up on the ballot the next time around.

>State compliant handgun (magazine no more than 10 rounds in capacity)
>Strictest gun laws in the counntry
>Concealed carry illegal
>Shooting still occurred

Gun control is so great but a boatload more laws will be passed.

"It'll work this time, right all?"
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General crimes/murders aren’t what I was talking about, as most of those are personal, and not politically motivated.
again, so pathetic and expected. You're the easiest person here to read. So terrorism and murders only matter when they are politically motivated? So that guy wanting to kill jews was strictly political? I bet youre one of those peoplewho think terrorism has to be related to politics. I'm telling you, the dots that you connect are, in the words of the great Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson ..... AAMMMAAAAAYZIN!

The shooter was a Marine vet with a possible PTSD diagnosis.
CLEARLY THAT MEANS HE WAS A RIGHT-WINGER AMIRITE? :lol: I can already see how the media is going to spin this.
>State compliant handgun (magazine no more than 10 rounds in capacity)
>Strictest gun laws in the counntry
>Concealed carry illegal
>Shooting still occurred

Gun control is so great but a boatload more laws will be passed.

"It'll work this time, right all?"
in other words ...

expect a lot more killings and shootings in California, just like all the other states with the strictest gun laws. Because guess what, criminals don't buy their fucking guns legally and register them. They are going to continue getting their hands on firemarms just like they always have. Just take away more guns from the people who actually own them for their intended(mainly) purpose, which is to protect themselves and the people around them from said scumbags. The fact that some people don't see this pretty obvious fact is mind-numbing.
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:lol: at all of the tweet comparisons coming out showing Dem reps calling for Sessions to resign in 2017 and then now claiming his resignation is a threat to democracy etc etc.
Ian David Long: What we know about the gunman in the Thousand Oaks bar shooting.


LOOK AT THAT RIDICULOUS FACE LMFAO i started laughing uncontrollably in my cubicle
Many of them have sought asylum in Mexico--well over half, I think.

Those coming to America likely feel that Mexico won't/can't protect them from the dangers they face in their home countries. It's easier for Honduran gangs to get to someone in Mexico than someone in America.