The News Thread

With all of the right wing terrorism going on in this country, you might be right.

Statistically much more likely to be killed by a gangbanger or an illegal.

i find it funny that some people here (you and especially some of the clueless foreigners here who constantly fantasize about our political system)automatically related everything that is being spoken to politics. "HEY I'M HUMAN TRASH. WHY? BECAUSE THE POLITICAL GAME ALLOWS IT!!!!" ok sure, no one said you're not allowed to say what you want or that you cant be that piece of garbage that you are striving so hard to be. btw that's a generalization, and not about anyone in particular.

When you said you'd retaliate physically to words you essentially said he can't say what he wants. At the very least you're admitting that you're criminally minded.
When you said you'd retaliate physically to words you essentially said he can't say what he wants.
i see we have another dyslexic person here. Either that or you're just plain retarded if you think saying words have consequences means YOU CANT SAY THAT.

And yes, for example If my father died/was injured for this country and someone made fun of his death or injury i would knock them the fuck out. Don't care about what's written in the legal system. No one decides what is wrong or right for me outside of myself.
i see we have another dyslexic person here. Either that or you're just plain retarded if you think saying words have consequences means YOU CANT SAY THAT.

And to you, "consequences" is having some hoodrat spit on you? Pathetic.

And yes, for example If my father died/was injured for this country and someone made fun of his death or injury i would knock them the fuck out. Don't care about what's written in the legal system. No one decides what is wrong or right for me outside of myself.

You should go beat up Trump for mocking PoWs then.
Practically no different to AntiFa thugs who call speech violence and attack people, then fall back on the exact same "talk shit get hit" platitudes this dummy is. HUR DUR WORDS HAVE CONSEQUENCES yeah within legal bounds you fucking savage, you don't get to go around physically retaliating to words lmao.
I'm a cowardly shameless loose-lipped ho who uses free speech to justify the fact that i just cant control my own mouth

got it. That's pretty much all you've been trying to say.

And yes i'm such a huge fan of trump no? Or is your memory rather cloudy? Has anyone here talked more shit about him than i have? Was anyone here more against him being the republican candidate more so than i was? I personally thought McCain was a piece of shit but did you not see me criticizing you faggots that were over here talking shit about the man when his body was still warm? Some of you guys are really nothing more than bottom of the barrel scum, and you guys would NEVER act like that in real life but here you are on the internet posing, like the fucking cowards that you truly are.

i wish i had a set of balls
yes, we know.
I talked shit about McCain 10+ years ago to other active duty personnel when he was quite warm and I was active duty living in the state he represented in the Senate. If that makes me scum then scum no longer has the negative connotation it used to.
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I talked shit about McCain 10+ years ago when he was quite warm and I was active duty living in the state he represented in the Senate

and what exactly does that have to do with talking shit about a man literally hours after he died? I also did not like him(dont know if you skipped what i said or just love picking what to respond to and just ignoring the point of what is being said) but i also have the decency to not celebrate the mans death right after he passed away.

McCain was a terrorist supporting faggot.
you said this on the same day the man died. Such a class act you are. And yes, that's about as scummy as it gets.
Good one, TechnicallyAntifa.
i personally think you are a garbage human being. And im not even trying to be being funny here. Among the lowest of the low. That's an opinion i've held about you for quite some time too. But if you stepped outside and got hit by a bus today i'm not going to sit here and celebrate your death since im not a scumbag like you.
i personally think you are a garbage human being. And im not even trying to be being funny here. Among the lowest of the low. That's an opinion i've held about you for quite some time too. But if you stepped outside and got hit by a bus today i'm not going to sit here and celebrate your death since im not a scumbag like you.

I'm not a politician who supported terrorists and ruined thousands of lives, I'm just some guy on the Internet laughing at you because your feelings are hurt over a joke. False equivalency.

Also I don't care what a subhuman hoodrat into violence thinks about me. I'm decent enough to stop joking about the Armenian Genocide but I can easily go back to doing that just to solely fuck with you, you'll notice I haven't though so why don't you settle your stupid tits down and stop being a massive faggot.
What does having just died have to do with the truth of how horrible a person was in life? We aren't talking about petty interpersonal disagreements here; McCain was approaching psychopathy.
research? You're literally linking me to left leaning propaganda and you're referring to it as legitimate research? hahah why am i not surprised. Might as well link me to the Washington Post or Vice. The fact of the matter is that the right isn't the side that's out wearing black masks and physically assaulting people on a daily basis. I can go ahead and link you to countless pictures(no fake news articles needed) of those assaults. Fists, bats, batons, steel pipes, flames ... to peoples faces, ribs, cars etc... you name it. But yeah, dont let that stop you from regurgitating whatever is is the progtards feed you.

Ok, sorry for entering data into your safe space. I’ll let you crawl back into your hole of ignorance. Ignore three different mass killings and another attempted assassination spree in the past month, all by right wingers, and focus on some vandalism and rioting. Total apples to apples.
If you care about data and apples to apples, why even pretend as if Bernie Sanders is going to be killed by a right-wing terrorist to begin with you fucking brainlet?

lmao get the fuck out of here you baiting dickhead.