The News Thread

but that doesn't stop it from being completely tasteless and making yourself look like a complete piece of shit.

sure, but the point here is that no one should ever make jokes about the war because it's a war...which is dumb

The guy fought for his country and lost an eye so some piece of shit comedian can sit there and joke around about it?

yes, exactly

I personally would spit on pete davidson if i saw him walking down the street. Just because of that WHATEVER comment.

imagine davidson being this upset because someone made a 9-11 joke at the expense of him. jokes are fair game, you don't like it, whatever. but controlling the larger body of speech because it's a special case is stupid
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Trump was hardly doing anything even when he controlled both chambers. His whole goal seems to be making everything a "me vs the world" argument, which is going to drag as he continues to fail to deliver on promises. I think his main fear right now is going down in history as a one-term president. Repubs technically still have the House until mid-January; if they push the border wall bill and other similar measures through, and then use their 57 seat Senate (+ 3 Dems to switch) to overcome the filibuster, I'll be impressed, but I doubt they care.
but controlling the larger body of speech because it's a special case is stupid

i dont know if you had trouble reading what i said or just couldn't process it for some reason, but i clearly said YOU CAN SAY WHATEVER YOU WANT IN THIS COUNTRY, that doesn't stop it from being completely tasteless and making you look like a complete shitbag.

People should be free to make shitty jokes.
oh shit i didnt know they're not or someone said they shouldn't be.
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>Implying that a number of people who perpetrated mass shootings weren't registered Democrats.

Are those people technically left wing terrorists?
i find it ironic that he would say something like that after the fact that antifa and other foaming at the mouth liberals have been literally terrorizing this country for the past few years. It's amazing how separated from reality some people truly are.
i didn't realize you bitched like a teenage blogger at a Louis CK show

imagine davidson being this upset because someone made a 9-11 joke at the expense of him. jokes are fair game, you don't like it, whatever. but controlling the larger body of speech because it's a special case is stupid
Imagine if davidson didnt care or wasnt upset if someone singled out his fathers death and made fun of it. hurdurdur, do you even think for a second before posting some of this nonsense? And the funniest part is that this is coming from guys that get buttrammed after a few words on the internet. You guys have literally reported me before "for words" and should be the last people here to talk about "controlling free speech", which btw had literally nothing to do with what i was saying .....

i find it funny that some people here (you and especially some of the clueless foreigners here who constantly fantasize about our political system)automatically related everything that is being spoken to politics. "HEY I'M HUMAN TRASH. WHY? BECAUSE THE POLITICAL GAME ALLOWS IT!!!!" ok sure, no one said you're not allowed to say what you want or that you cant be that piece of garbage that you are striving so hard to be. btw that's a generalization, and not about anyone in particular.
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