The News Thread

"Political correctness is a real problem today, the left is actively trying to destroy freedom of speech and censor any humour that is offensive"


"Political correctness is a real problem today, the left is actively trying to destroy freedom of speech and censor any humour that is offensive"


i think it was more about "LOST HIS EYE IN WAR OR WHATEVER. WHATEVER". you can say what you want, but that doesn't stop it from being completely tasteless and making yourself look like a complete piece of shit. And i know you love the whole "HEY I HAVE A MOUTH AND I CAN JUST SHOOT IT OFF AND SAY ANYTHING I FUCKING WANT" but how can you not see this is? The guy fought for his country and lost an eye so some piece of shit comedian can sit there and joke around about it?

I personally would spit on pete davidson if i saw him walking down the street. Just because of that WHATEVER comment.
He lost his eye defending the shit comedian's constitutional right to mock politicians (which is what the guy now is) and anybody who gets buttrammed about a joke as tame as "haha he looks like a hitman from a porno" is a pussy.
The guy fought for his country and lost an eye so some piece of shit comedian can sit there and joke around about it?

I was directly addressing this. Yes, he literally lost an eye so the comedian can do that and now that the ex-Navy Seal guy is a politician he thinks he should be exempt from milquetoast mockery on a comedy program?
I don't understand what you want me to think about this story, do you want me to choose political correctness over the freedom of a comedian to tell shitty jokes? Not going to happen lmao.

SNL blows chunks but this is still just pearl-clutching and moral outrage over a joke.
wow, just wow. You are quite literally the densest motherfucker i know here if that's what you took from what i said. I have no desire to continue this with you because i think its rather disgusting that you still don't get what i was saying, YEA BRO POLITICAL CORRECTNESS! TOTALLY MAN! the fact that you dont see why people would look down on someone or take offense after said person would say something like 'HE LOST HIS EYE IN WAR OR WHATEVER. WHATEVER" says a lot about you man. but again i am not shocked and its a reminder to me of what kind of a person you really are
You're the kind of person who would spit on someone because of words. That's a literal violation of their first amendment right lmfao, to escalate speech to physical confrontation is AntiFa 101.

Btw doesn't mean I agree with what he said, that's besides the point.
You're the kind of person who would spit on someone because of words. That's a literal violation of their first amendment right lmfao, to escalate speech to physical confrontation is AntiFa 101.

Btw doesn't mean I agree with what he said, that's besides the point.

and you're the kind of moron who thinks just because you have a mouth you can say anything you want without consequences. Which is not the case in any way you want to look at it. You can go to jail for saying certain things and/or you can also get your teeth knocked out for saying certain things. And a lot of people who would knock your teeth out dont really give a fuck about the consequences. I suggest you just shut the fuck up and stop embarrassing yourself when it comes to our laws and constitution you stupid foreigner.

So you dont agree with what he said but you cant see why people would be offended about the "LOST AN EYE IN WAR OR WHATEVER. WHATEVER" part? AAAMMMMAAAYYYYZIN
Only uncivilized ghetto trash think it's okay to attack people because words upset them, and only retarded illiberal AntiFa goons believe that violent retaliation to words is normal and acceptable.

So you dont agree with what he said but you cant see why people would be offended about the "LOST AN EYE IN WAR OR WHATEVER. WHATEVER" part? AAAMMMMAAAYYYYZIN

I didn't say I don't understand why people got offended, I'm saying people are pussies for getting offended.
New ... you have absolutely no room to call anyone a pussy. You are literally one of the biggest vaginas i have ever come across. And you displayed that numerous times including today.

lol delusional. You want to spit on people because words tickled your fee-feez, get over yourself you fake alpha lmao. Sperging out so hard over a joke.
Wasn't expecting the Senate to gain as much as it did. I was betting 228 D in the House, 52 R in the Senate. I like that Cruz and Scott made it since the media was particularly keen on their heads.