The News Thread

Ironically they're falling back on the mental health defense they so hate when used to explain the motives of white males who do stuff like this or worse. After all, how could a black guy do a racist thing unless via mental derangement!?
The one about the horrific vandalism of a Holocaust memorial somewhere in New England, some expensive open-air glass sculpture, always makes me laugh because it was just some teenaged black kid vandalizing an easy target, not even any kind of racial message attached. Oy vey, broken windows, it's literally Kristallnacht all over again. Jews are the most hyper-sensitive ethnic group in the country, which is why they file the most hate crime reports despite being a tiny, under-victimized group within America. The only way we can stop all of this bullshit is by ending Jewish privilege.
Can't end something that won't even be acknowledged ("Jewish privilege"). Though if black people keep doing shit like this Polite guy did, and if Farrakhan keeps calling them termites, it will soon turn into a situation where Jewish privilege over black people in particular will be addressed at some level outside of The Root/black nationalist forums.

To the question of hyper-sensitivity: do you remember when a blind girl left a bag of dog poop at the steps of some black college group's building and they wailed about how it was a hate crime? lol.