The News Thread

I just spent the last few pages having a bitter argument with Tech, are you really this retarded?

*Trigger warning*

I don’t read most of your posts on politics because they’re worthless and I certainly am not interested in reading a multi-page debate between you and TB. You quoted me, so I read and responded to that quote.
*Trigger warning*

I don’t read most of your posts on politics because they’re worthless and I certainly am not interested in reading a multi-page debate between you and TB. You quoted me, so I read and responded to that quote.

And your response was to try and destroy me by implying that I want something you and your idiotic leftist friends want? Total self-own, like when a religious person says to an atheist "atheism is a religion hur dur."

Congrats, you're a sped.
Whatever happened to good old-fashioned bathing in virgin blood?

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The number of left wing attacks are nowhere near the number of right wing attacks, but don’t let research get in the way of a cute narrative.

Your source shows what looks like 22 murders from 2010 through 2016, which works out to about 3 murders per year. With the recent synagogue shooting (if being an anti-Semitic libertarian = right-wing), then you can bump that to 5-ish per year. It's not a red herring to bring up orders-of-magnitude more common black homicide to show how trivial right-wing extremism is in America.
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@crimsonfloyd so being a "white supremacist" automatically makes you a right winger? :lol: again, i'm not surprised. You do realize that the synagogue shooter was "anti-trump" right? The fact that you are sitting here and tying him to the right just because he was some wannabe "neonazi" tells me exactly what i already knew. That you lap up any shit the left feeds you. And also, i don't know if you've been living under a rock for the past decade or so but flashing news, most republicans love jews and support them, and in return most jews(especially the ones from the false state of israel) support the republican party and conservatives. But yeah, you just keep eating the shit they're continuously shoveling your way.

awaiting a "i said right-wingers not republicans" or another "SAFE SPACE" response.

Oh and lmfao at "some vandalism and rioting". Again, not surprised one bit. But i am starting to kind of feel sorry for you tbh
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cf is a posting NPC meme with the {college education; source journalists} DLC. Knows he needs "data", yet doesn't understand the data, knowing only what he has been told it means.
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"The suspect, described as wearing a black trench coat and mask covering his face"

I hope people were getting blasted through doors and over the bar like a 90s action movie.
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@crimsonfloyd so being a "white supremacist" automatically makes you a right winger? :lol: again, i'm not surprised. You do realize that the synagogue shooter was "anti-trump" right?

Yes, because he thought Trump didn’t go far enough. That doesn’t imply that he wasn’t a right winger. Since when is supporting Trump a necessary condition of being far right?

The fact that you are sitting here and tying him to the right just because he was some wannabe "neonazi" tells me exactly what i already knew. That you lap up any shit the left feeds you.

Facism is considered far a right wing ideology. That’s not exactly something Huffington Post invented.

And also, i don't know if you've been living under a rock for the past decade or so but flashing news, most republicans love jews and support them, and in return most jews(especially the ones from the false state of israel) support the republican party and conservatives. But yeah, you just keep eating the shit they're continuously shoveling your way.

American Jews are overwhelmingly democrats and liberal, with the exception of Orothdox Jews (which are a minority). I’d imagine most Israeli Jews support the republican party, considering how much republicans support their military (although to be fair most mainstream democratic politicians are on a similar page with regards to that issue) but haven’t looked into the numbers.
Your source shows what looks like 22 murders from 2010 through 2016, which works out to about 3 murders per year. With the recent synagogue shooting (if being an anti-Semitic libertarian = right-wing), then you can bump that to 5-ish per year. It's not a red herring to bring up orders-of-magnitude more common black homicide to show how trivial right-wing extremism is in America.

General crimes/murders aren’t what I was talking about, as most of those are personal, and not politically motivated. So, yes, it was a massive red herring to bring it up in the context of terrorism. But if you can’t or choose not to see the difference, I’m not gonna go back and forth with you for eight pages with you on it.
General crimes/murders aren’t what I was talking about, as most of those are personal, and not politically motivated. So, yes, it was a massive red herring to bring it up in the context of terrorism. But if you can’t or choose not to see the difference, I’m not gonna go back and forth with you for eight pages with you on it.

Ozz was referring to Bernie's age when he said he'd be dead by 2020, so when you randomly brought up right-wing terrorism as a response to that, that was a red herring.


You don't get to then accuse everybody else of bringing up off-topic points when your original point was totally off-topic. Basic stuff here champ.