The News Thread

what part of his platform shouldn't i like?

edit: yea there's stuff of his i don't agree with. but im tired from moshing at the Eluveitie show so il post tomorrow
1. Trump believes that America should not intervene militarily in other country’s problems without being compensated for doing so.

If America is going to risk the lives of our soldiers and incur the expense of going to war, then the nations we help must be willing to pay for our help. Using the Iraq War as an example, he cites the huge monetary expense to American taxpayers (over $1.5 trillion, and possibly much more depending on what sources are used to determine the cost) in addition to the cost in human life.

He suggests that Iraq should have been required to give us enough of their oil to pay for the expenses we incurred. He includes in those expenses the medical costs for our military and $5 million for each family that lost a loved one in the war and $2 million for each family of soldiers who received severe injuries.

AUG AGREES. make them pay for our services.

2. Speaking of the military, Trump wants America to have a strong military again. He believes the single most important function of the federal government is national defense.

He has said he wants to find the General Patton or General MacArthur that could lead our military buildup back to the strength it needs to be. While he hasn’t said it directly that I know of, Trump’s attitude about America and about winning tells me he’d most likely be quick to eliminate rules of engagement that handicap our military in battle. Clearly Trump is a “win at all costs” kind of guy, and I’m sure that would apply to our national defense and security, too.

AUG AGREES. our military must be superior to those of the terrorists.

3. Trump wants a strong foreign policy and believes that it must include 7 core principles (which seem to support my comment in the last point): American interests come first. Always. No apologies. Maximum firepower and military preparedness. Only go to war to win. Stay loyal to your friends and suspicious of your enemies. Keep the technological sword razor sharp. See the unseen. Prepare for threats before they materialize. Respect and support our present and past warriors.


4. Trump believes that terrorists who are captured should be treated as military combatants, not as criminals like the Obama administration treats them.

AUG AGREES. lock those fuckers up with no trial then kill them.

5. Trump makes the point that China ’s manipulation of their currency has given them unfair advantage in our trade dealings with them. He says we must tax their imports to offset their currency manipulation, which will cause American companies to be competitive again and drive manufacturing back to America and create jobs here.

Although he sees China as the biggest offender, he believes that America should protect itself from all foreign efforts to take our jobs and manufacturing. For example, Ford is building a plant in Mexico and Trump suggests that every part or vehicle Ford makes in Mexico be taxed 35% if they want to bring it into the U. S., which would cause companies like Ford to no longer be competitive using their Mexican operations and move manufacturing back to the U. S., once again creating jobs here.

AUG DISAGREES. it could make american corporations not profitable due to high manufacturing costs. or it might make their stuff way more expensive and thus not competitive. but i'm not a billionaire businessman so what do i know. Trump might make it work... or not. hmmm

6. Trump wants passage of NOPEC legislation (No Oil Producing and Exporting Cartels Act – NOPEC – S.394), which would allow the government to sue OPEC for violating antitrust laws. According to Trump, that would break up the cartel. He also wants to unleash our energy companies to drill domestically (sound like Sarah Palin’s drill baby, drill?) thereby increasing domestic production creating jobs and driving domestic costs of oil and gas down while reducing dependence on foreign oil.

AUG doesn't know much about this but it sounds good so he AGREES

7. Trump believes a secure border is critical for both security and prosperity in America . He wants to build a wall to stop illegals from entering put controls on immigration. (And he says he’ll get Mexico to pay for the wall, which many have scoffed at, but given his business successes I wouldn’t put it past him.) He also wants to enforce our immigration laws and provide no path to citizenship for illegals.


8. Trump wants a radical change to the tax system to not only make it better for average Americans, but also to encourage businesses to stay here and foreign businesses to move here. The resulting influx of money to our nation would do wonders for our economy. He wants to make America the place to do business. He also wants to lower the death tax and the taxes on capital gains and dividends. This would put more than $1.6 trillion back into the economy and help rebuild the 1.5 million jobs we’ve lost to the current tax system. He also wants to charge companies who outsource jobs overseas a 20% tax, but for those willing to move jobs back to America they would not be taxed. And for citizens he has a tax plan that would allow Americans to keep more of what they earn and spark economic growth. He wants to change the personal income tax to: Up to $30,000 taxed at 1%, from $30,000 to $100,000 taxed at 5%, from $100,000 to $1,000,000 taxed at 10%, from $1,000,000 and above taxed at 15%.

Aug disagrees with the tax to outsourcing, but reservedly agrees with the scaling tax.

9. Trump wants Obamacare repealed. He says it’s a “job-killing, health care-destroying monstrosity” that “can’t be reformed, salvaged, or fixed.” He believes in allowing real competition in the health insurance marketplace to allow competition to drive prices down. He also believes in tort reform to get rid of defensive medicine and lower costs.

AUG AGREES. fuck obamacare. i'm healthy as fuck and don't want to pay for poor shits' healthcare.

10. Trump wants spending reforms in Washington , acknowledging that America spends far more than it receives in revenue. He has said he believes that if we don’t stop increasing the national debt once it hits $24 trillion it will be impossible to save this country. He disagrees with Democrats who think raising taxes is the answer and says that when you do that you stifle the economy. On the other hand, when you lower taxes and create an environment to help businesses they will grow, hire more workers, and those new workers will be paying taxes that become more tax revenue for the government.


11. Even though he says we need to cut spending, he does not want to harm those on Medicare, Medicaid, or Social Security. He believes that the citizens have faithfully paid in to the system to have these services available and that the American government has an obligation to fulfill its end of the bargain and provide those benefits. Therefore, he wants to build the economy up so that we have the revenue to pay those costs without cutting the benefits to the recipients.


12. Trump also wants reform of the welfare state saying that America needs “a safety net, not a hammock.” He believes in a welfare to work program that would help reduce the welfare rolls and encourage people to get back to work. And he wants a crackdown on entitlement fraud.

Aug would rather he removed it entirely, but is glad Trump will cut down on welfare.

13. Trump believes climate change is a hoax.

14. Trump opposes Common Core.

15. Trump is pro-life, although he allows for an exception due to rape, incest, or the life of the mother.

AUG is pro-abortion and DISAGREES

16. Trump is pro 2nd Amendment rights.

17. Trump’s view on same-sex marriage is that marriage is between a man and a woman, but he also believes that this is a states’ rights issue, not a federal issue.


18. Trump supports the death penalty.” Sounds like a platform to me.
Trump's platform is not perfect but Aug TRUSTS IN TRUMP. is there another candidate whose platform is better (based on Aug's principles)? i'm really interested to know tbh
The way that people equate the bad parts of present day Islamism with the simple minded narratives on supposed grievances caused by the West at any point in our history, including medieval times is one of the most depressing things in the world.

I hope the liberal middle class people enjoy their pathological altruism and their testosterone free feel good high, because in a matter of decades that is all that they will have.
We won't even hardly build desalination plants on earth....

I don't think anyone has suggested desalinization for Mars. Think any kind of water means there is an ability for life to live there currently + an ability to create an atmosphere in the long term.
National Review ...

The seventh Planned Parenthood video should have been a bombshell. Former StemExpress employee Holly O'Donnell, who has appeared in several of the videos released by the Center of Medical Progress, describes how a technician at Planned Parenthood Mar Monte's Alameda Clinic in San Jose, Calif., showed her the still-beating heart of an aborted baby("kinda cool" the technician calls it), then ordered O'Donnell to harvest the brain - a procedure that requires her to "cut down the middle of the baby's face" (Adds O'Donnell, rightly: "i cant even describe what that felt like".) Assuming this account is accurate, Planned Parenthood violated state and federal laws; in fact it committed out-and-out murder, since the definition of human being in both the state and federal criminal codes applies to an ex utero infant with a heartbeat. It will come as no surprise that major outlets - to name just a few: the New York Times, the Washington Post, ABC, NBC, CBS - had carried no news of the video 24 hours later. They have demonstrated no interest in investigating these grave charges, nor has the current administration. The refusal of both to do so is a disgrace almost as shameful as the on they're ignoring.


Assailing Republican presidential candidates' opposition to abortion, Clinton said that their "extreme views about women" were something we'de expect "from some of the terrorist groups" and, perhaps worse, out of date. These may be the toughest words she has said about terrorists on the campaign trail so far. But what distinguishes terrorist groups and makes them a matter of public concern is not their failure to be au corant but rather indifference to human life, their dehumanization of those whom they kill, and their willingness to rationalize killing innocents in the name of ideology. That doesn't sound like pro-lifers.

how? Is it because Putin shook hands with obama one day, and bombs the ever-loving fuck out of the rebel "allies"(allies, lmao) of the US the next day? :lol: Putin is more of a man than obama will ever be.

them bombing the shit out of the syrian rebels is a plus in my books. As much as i dislike Russia and how they run their country(to a certain extent), they sure in the hell know how to fucking handle their shit. Asad and his regime are the rightful and legitimate leaders of that country, regardless of what US propaganda feeds most people here.

i agree with just about everything Putin says there in regards to Syria.
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I just reckon it's hilarious that they bomb the fuck out of everyone.Syria is trouble make country so they bomb everyone there.Pretty much.Theyre the weird al Yankovich of the world.
Yeah, they're definitely one of bullies on the world stage. They just don't camouflage it like we do, they let their nuts hang. I'm pretty sure that they only bombed the rebels and ISIS tough. And im positive that the rebels along with the US are going to push the whole "BUT THEY'RE BOMBING US AND NOT ISIS" nonsense. They both need top be eradicated, so fuck em both.
Russia's role in declaring their right over countries that were once part of the USSR is "camouflage"-ing, I would say.

They've been arming the Assad regime from the start, this doesn't make anything different.