The News Thread

You do know that Stalin and Mao killed far more people than Hitler, right?

I'm well aware of that, but it was far more due to saying: "Don't do that stupid farming shit, come and do this metal refining uber-stuffz instead" (resulting in mass starvation) rather than saying "Kill these fuckers because they are a different race to us and also disproportionately richer due to their superior business skills." Do you really wish to to debate which is the more evil of the two? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Yeah, Communists never purged anyone because of their race or economic/political status.

Pretty sure UA is one of those people who loses his car in parking lots every time he goes somewhere.
I don't think Mao is a comparable figure to Hitler really. The majority of deaths that can be attributed to Mao come from poor agricultural policies that lead to famine and mass starvation.

He is still responsible for those deaths, but it isn't like Hitler who actively had millions killed.

EDIT: Not to say that political killings didn't happen.
I'd rather be gassed on purpose than starved to death "by accident". Especially when you look at the body count, I don't care what the reasons were, Mao was by far the worst in history.

Stalin was pretty comparable to Hitler for ethnic cleansing, we just don't get SIX MILLION JEWS!!!! put in our faces about it constantly.
Comparing Mao to Hitler is simply apples and oranges: one was a dumb fuck, and the other was a hateful fuck. Either way, they both proved this very simple and eternal truth about human nature:

Misanthropy FTW
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SS posted about the Holodomor months ago. could be a band name, album name, song name, whatever it's metal as fuck!!! it should be done to the refugees invading europe.
Every news channel(minus one ;)) that i put on yesterday opened up with tying these types of mass shootings to the lefts gun control agenda and blaming the republicans. UGH! They have a complete stranglehold on the media.

Are the details even out yet? Was the gun even registered?
You can't really argue that it happens a lot more often here than in any other developed country. The facts aren't deniable.
A few interesting articles form the Sep 21st issue of National Review, might be a little dated but whatever...

The Denver City Council is delaying the opening of a Chick-fil-A at the city's international airport--on the grounds that the political views of the chain's owner, Dan Cathy, are undesirable. Cathy, who is a committed Christian, remains opposed to same-sex marriage, and has in the past donated to organizations committed to that view. A majority of the council disagrees with this position, and has in consequence elected to throw a roadblock before the seven-year deal. Typically, approval of the airport concessions is routine, even pro forma. Not in this case. "We can do better than this brand in Denver at our airport, in my estimation," one member of the board supposed. Another councilman, Paul Lopez, described the issue as a "moral one". We can only hope that the city's leadership reacquaints itself with the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, lest the contretemps become a legal matter too.


... Flanagan was unbalanced: A self-hating gay man who had been canned from a string of TV jobs because of his volatile temper, and who thought Jehovah told him to murder. But he was also a black racist, who specialized in false claims of workplace discrimination(e.g., saying that a reporter was "in the field" was an allusion to "cotton fields") He also claimed that the Charleston church killings pushed him over the top. Criminals are responsible for their own actions, and the actions of the mad are often over-determined. Society, however, should strive not to provide them with extra rationales for mayhem.
You can't really argue that it happens a lot more often here than in any other developed country. The facts aren't deniable.

It (gun violence on the whole) also happens a lot more often in the least developed ghettos in the country.