The News Thread

Do you consider all violations of the law to be disqualifying for a president? Did you consider perjury to be an impeachable offense when Bill Clinton's presidency was on the line? Did you consider HRC's illegal gross negligence of handling classified information to be disqualifying towards her own candidacy? If not, what makes Trump's unsuccessful attempts to obstruct justice disqualifying and not those of others?
I wouldn't conflate "undeserving of the presidency" with "justification for impeachment."

Do you consider all violations of the law to be disqualifying for a president?

Not all, no. I don't think Obama should have been disqualified because he smoked weed in college, or whatever.

Did you consider perjury to be an impeachable offense when Bill Clinton's presidency was on the line?

I was too young to really consider it when it happened; but now I do, yes.

Did you consider HRC's illegal gross negligence of handling classified information to be disqualifying towards her own candidacy? If not, what makes Trump's unsuccessful attempts to obstruct justice disqualifying and not those of others?

All else being equal, I'd have to answer yes.

Of course, all things aren't equal; and I did say that I believed Trump wasn't qualified before the results of this investigation. If we think back to the election and I recall weighing my options, I voted for Clinton because I thought she was the better option. I don't think she was a good option. Furthermore, a lot of the damning information about Clinton came out after the election.
In a fair turn at the middle ground, I'll agree with you that Trump vs Hillary was a terrible set of choices, and in a better universe neither would have been the two options to choose between. I think the evidence and the "smoke" swirling around the Clintons suggest they may be the two most (successfully) corrupt and conniving politicians in our lifetime either in the US or Europe. Trump is many bad things, but he is also an open book, and I think that's a large part of what got him elected (on top of his ability to entertain a crowd).

All I'm saying about the investigation and all the coverage and collateral damage is that it was based on the flimsiest of pretexts and the majority of media outlets were "breathlessly" repeating "the walls are closing in" and "another bombshell" about what turned out to be a big nothing burger. Some individual commenters and pundits have noted that all of that has given Trump ammo for 2020, but that level of self-awareness is poorly distributed. For example, if Rachel Maddow had even one honest/self-aware ounce in her body she should either resign or grovel for like a week straight to her listeners. But no, I'm already seeing the denial stage of grief in everyone from random Twitter users to Rep Schiff.

In a turn back to the middle ground, in retrospect Obama was a better option than McCain (may he rot in hell), and a tossup with Romney. With all his warts, and what we know now about how Trump has behaved as President, I'd still take him over HRC though. The DNC does have Yang as an option this year if they want to beat Trump, but the media coverage seems to be set to push Harris. I expect that to be a losing effort.
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I would think this would be the case if the DNC pushes Bernie out like they did with HRC. If it happens organically, I imagine this won't be the case.

Yeah I commented before I read it, they'd specifically protest vote for Trump if Bernie lost due to cheating and establishment favouritism. It's going to be hilarious if Elizabeth Warren wins the nomination, because she's potentially an even weaker opponent for Trump than Clinton was. He trolled her so brutally she scientifically proved she's about as Native American as Richard Spencer is African.
this article seems to be saying that Obama somehow had the power and then failed to perform some-sort of action that would have resulted in Hillary winning the 2016 election instead of Trump

but of-course that doesn't fucking make sense
Obama actually seemed like he was going through a huge ass amount of effort to make sure the democratic nominee replaced him (even before Hillary became the democratic nominee)
especially that whole thing where Michelle Obama was trying to get women "vote against the misogynist guy"
if hillary had become president she would have given bernie a job in the white house

She was in conspiracy with the DNC to literally fuck Bernie out of a fair running, and you think after she sleazed her way into the white house she would have reached out to Bernie? Well, maybe she would have done that to secure BernieBro support, but let's not pretend like Clinton was any kind of friend to Bernie. He wants big money out of politics and that fat cunt is one of the biggest there is.

i don't get it
why did bernie's supporters reject hillary in the 2016 election??

Because she's trash, a warhawk, a corporatist and doesn't represent any of the things they support. Most BernieBros chose to vote for Jill Stein if I remember rightly.

why would the bernie supporters vote for fucking trump when bernie again fails to become the dem nominee??
this makes no fucking sense to me

As a protest, they're saying they'll do it because they hate Trump, it would make a statement to vote for someone you hate against your party if they don't stop with their dodgy DNC ways.