The News Thread

When representatives promise free stuff, that's buying votes with the either the money of the voters or of other voters.

Oh well now we're getting into a much more foggy definition of big money in politics. One could easily say Trump promising jobs back to people in areas where the industry has dried up is big money but I don't really agree with that definition of it myself.
Oh well now we're getting into a much more foggy definition of big money in politics. One could easily say Trump promising jobs back to people in areas where the industry has dried up is big money but I don't really agree with that definition of it myself.

Well improving employment options can involve a variety of different policies. You can simply "buy" jobs, or you could cut harmful and counterproductive regulation which would both reduce government costs and improve employment options. Much more vague than promising things like yangbucks or free healthcare or free college.
It's not really vague when you consider that Bernie is simply advocating for things that many other countries already have. They're not wild untested theories or something.

I didn't say they were. The US also isn't like those other countries, but that's an aside to my claim.
Sorry I misread your post, you said the Trump example was more vague. So because Trump's promises were vague they're not big money examples?

They are vague so they can be interpreted however the electorate wishes. Broadens the appeal between the "cut red tape" types vs the "give me free things" types. Also allows him freedom to fulfill them either way as well if he so chooses.
Bernie is simply advocating for things that many other countries already have
why can't America just copy-paste the good things from other countries??
other countries have free college
other countries have legal marijuana
other countries have heroin/cocaine addicts going to re-hab instead of prison
other countries have min wage a living wage with caps on how much money cosmetic surgeons are allowed to make
other countries have going to the E-R being free
why the fuck can't we copy those things??

American's are dumb-asses
it's like when the girl-scouts were on the news for their curriculum being useless and misogynistic and it got to the point where the girl-scouts actually had to change their curriculum, but then they made it out to be like it was such a horribly complex thing to do but if the girl-scouts reall really had to change their curriculum, then the obvious solution would have been to just have the girl-scouts just copy-paste the curriculum of the boy-scouts, but then, instead of the girl-scouts copy-pasting the curriculum of the boy-scouts, this happened
girls in boy scouts - Google Search
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Other countries have different geographies, demographics, and economies. This is why "free stuff" can't be simply copy/pasted. The US does now have legal marijuana in some states and it's probably only a matter of time before it's nation wide. Free ER isn't going to solve a problem of a sick populace, in fact many healthcare initiatives are designed to reduce ER use because it's clogged with poor people getting free ER service for bullshit like the flu.

Speaking of demographic problems, damn. When Macron has to admit it, you know it's bad:

"Political Islam wants to secede from our republic," he said, asking the government to be “intractable” against it.

“We are talking about people who, in the name of a religion, pursue a political project,” he said.

He said the control of funds from abroad to some organizations should also be strengthened.
At least 11 people died in the protests, around 8,400 were detained and over 2,000 were injured, and subsequently nearly 1,800 got prison sentences.

so this^^ was necessary to get min wage increased to a living wage??

wonder what it will take here in the USA-

Researchers found that of the 29 percent of young Americans who have a high school diploma, no criminal record and no chronic medical issues, just 17 percent would be qualified and available for active duty, and 13 percent would qualify, be available, and achieve a satisfactory score on the Armed Forces Qualification Test.


“You know, lieutenant, fat people don’t make good soldiers,” said retired Lt. Gen. Sam Ebbessen, recalling the words of an advanced individual training instructor master sergeant he worked for at Fort Dix, New Jersey. “They’re a weak link in the chain, and they get themselves and others killed.”

Big issue for military staffing. Bigger issue is this clear attack on body positivity of "perfectly healthy" prediabetics.
why can't America just copy-paste the good things from other countries??
other countries have free college
other countries have legal marijuana
other countries have heroin/cocaine addicts going to re-hab instead of prison
other countries have min wage a living wage with caps on how much money cosmetic surgeons are allowed to make
other countries have going to the E-R being free
why the fuck can't we copy those things??

We have free college; it's just limited to outstanding students. Overall we tend to graduate more students than nations with free college, i.e. if we wanted to play ball with Germany, we'd have to kick half of our undergrads out, which would make people mad.

We have legal marijuana. Why are you still in Texas if you care about that?

Virtually no one goes to prison for simple possession/addiction, and even in cases where theft/burglary are at play, courts often give rehab and an alternative to jail.

Fuck off commie, learn a skill. In which countries are there caps on cosmetic surgeons anyways?

ER is free if you don't mind bankruptcy. No one is going to garnish your wages to pay the ER. The people that cannot afford medical care due to lack of insurance in general are unlikely to need good credit anyways.