The News Thread

Hadn't known that CNN would promote such hateful and ignorant statistics:

View attachment 20541
this chart seems to indicate that if a bunch of white guys get shot and a bunch of black guys get shot
the white guys are more likely to survive being shot
culture differences and slow response-time in ghettos and racism in hospitals could theoretically make this a real thing

white people being more likely to survive gunshot wounds than black people
this chart seems to indicate that if a bunch of white guys get shot and a bunch of black guys get shot
the white guys are more likely to survive being shot
culture differences and slow response-time in ghettos and racism in hospitals could theoretically make this a real thing

white people being more likely to survive gunshot wounds than black people

Pretty much anyone that survives the first 10 minutes after being shot and seeks medical help immediately is going to survive overall.
Gotta love how the media is trying to trump up (heh) a Trump connection with Epstein while trying to hide the fact that Billery were frequent flyers. So much for poundmetoo.
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fwiw, at 5:00

If Epstein confirms the involvement of both Clinton and Trump, we'll officially have had four pedophile presidents, continuing an American tradition that goes back to Jefferson.
What he says about Trump being the only one to give him time over the phone, answer questions, with answers that had positive results, matches up with this claim that after the first trial Trump basically ostracized Epstein.

Edit: what Dak said.
Pretty much anyone that survives the first 10 minutes after being shot and seeks medical help immediately is going to survive overall.
i still stand by the post you quoted
like maybe there's a cultural thing
maybe there are some ghetto black people who are getting shot and then surviving for only a mere 10 minutes because they're not seeking medical help or something
It was interesting to see the mainstream European media cover that story, but for the American media to enforce radio silence.
Apparently search engines are scrubbing Epstein Clinton results but not Trump, decided to test it out myself:


Edit: to be fair, if you type "Epstein Bill" Bill Clinton comes up.
When I type “Epstein clin” Google fills it in with options for “Epstein Clinton pardon,” “Epstein Clinton photos,” and just “Epstein Clinton.” So I don’t know what kinda shit Australia’s pulling, but here in the States Google’s not hiding anything.
I did it because an American first tested it. It's probably just an issue that has since been fixed.

Apparently at one point typing in "Epstein Trump" had "Epstein trumpet" coming up in the top results. What the fuck? :lol:

It was interesting to see the mainstream European media cover that story, but for the American media to enforce radio silence.

It won't change perceptions much. People still love Gandhi and Mother Theresa even after problematic details came out about them. Guess we'll have to wait until like 2027 when the tapes become unsealed.
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