The News Thread

Beto O'Rourke proposes 'war tax' as part of veterans' plan.

Money collected through the "war tax" -- which he is proposing for future wars -- would go into a new trust fund for veterans established at the outset of each war.

Households making less than $30,000 per year would pay $25; those making less than $40,000 would pay $57; those making less than $50,000 would pay $98; those making less than $75,000 would pay $164; those making less than $100,000 would pay $270; those making less than $200,000 would pay $485; and those making more than $200,000 would pay $1,000.

"This new tax would serve as a reminder of the incredible sacrifice made by those who serve and their families," O'Rourke's plan says.

Whaaaaa hahahahahahahaha this is what I needed on a Monday:

When asked by The New York Times about Russian president Vladimir Putin’s comments about Western liberalism being “obsolete,” Trump took that to mean literally liberals living on the west coast of the United States.

“He’s sees what’s going on, I guess, if you look at what’s happening in Los Angeles, where it’s so sad to look, and what’s happening in San Francisco and a couple of other cities, which are run by an extraordinary group of liberal people,” Trump told the Times.

Damn MSM, asking the president about things he doesn’t understand. Like politics.
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Whaaaaa hahahahahahahaha this is what I needed on a Monday:

Damn MSM, asking the president about things he doesn’t understand. Like politics.

That's actually a fucking hilarious response, but for different reasons. Trump manages to keep being a broken clock that is right more than twice a day.

Serious question: Do you think Russia is a serious geopolitical threat? And if so, why?
What the hell is he right about? He didn't even say anything.

I think that Russia would welcome the demise or radical transformation of America, and I'm unconvinced that they're not doing anything to bring that about. I'm not sure I see them as the bogeyman that a lot of democratic politicians do.
What the hell is he right about? He didn't even say anything.

LA and SF are the reductio ad absurdum of western liberalism, and those cities are literal shitholes. You don't think Putin knows that? He does. Was Putin being far more nuanced than that? Sure. So what?

I think that Russia would welcome the demise or radical transformation of America, and I'm unconvinced that they're not doing anything to bring that about. I'm not sure I see them as the bogeyman that a lot of democratic politicians do.

I will agree with you that they would welcome and are/have been working towards a transformation of the US, and their 5th column is convinced/has convinced itself that Trump is the 5th column. Outside of Russia's nuke stockpile (a huge caveat to be sure), they aren't a military threat whatsoever to the US.
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View it from the lens of people who support him. That Trump got a question about Western liberalism and his mind went straight to American neoliberals and he shat on them is exactly what his supporters want, even if it was a product of his ignorance or a misunderstanding.

Only lefty fart-huffers and Shapiro-esque pseudo-intellectuals think this mistake is some kinda blow to Trump. Everyone else is laughing and saying "yeah Democrat-run cities suck balls."

This is just nothingburger stuff that all the policy wonks and nerds care about. Do you think the average derp knows what the fuck "busing" means or won't need further clarification if asked a question about "Western liberalism"? Remembering that Trump isn't a lifelong politician, he makes the same mistakes as average derps and now you have the Eins of the world and articles like ThinkProgress' saying "wow this retard couldn't even pass middle school civics he doesn't even know what these political phrases mean."

The US left is more out-of-touch than they know, a ridiculous conglomeration of race hucksters, technocrats, neoliberal warhawks and smugnorant assholes. :lol:
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Damn, you guys really can't let a joke at Trump's expense go by without making it about my elitism and out-of-touchness. I appreciate your concern, but it won't change how objectively hilarious it is that a sitting president doesn't know what "western liberalism" means when spoken aloud by a Russian president.

That you find his ignorance funnier than his desire to shit on coastal liberals shows the difference between you and I - that's all I'm saying. It's the old Clintonite or Maherite juxtaposition of uneducated rube vs savvy intellectual. No issue with jokes at Trump's expense, but I find it amusing that the left can't seem to see that the angles they come at him from necessarily rubs off on people who aside from billions of dollars are no different to Trump.

When ThinkProgress smugly chuckles about "middle school civics class" they don't realise they're also shitting on a lot of people. People who I'm sure they hope would vote Democrat rather than Republican. Why would they?
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Ein also just ignored the point that he's (an infinitesimal, necessarily unwitting) part of the Russian conspiracy to radically change America, which predates Putin by decades, which isn't even really controlled by Russia anymore.
Most Americans know what busing is. It was a highly contentious issue in its day and talk of it never ended since then. Its recent break into the headlines might be introducing an international audience to it, but that doesn't make it new and it certainly doesn't make it some woke, coastal talking point middle America is unaware of.
Most Americans know what busing is. It was a highly contentious issue in its day and talk of it never ended since then. Its recent break into the headlines might be introducing an international audience to it, but that doesn't make it new and it certainly doesn't make it some woke, coastal talking point middle America is unaware of.

(PS: I know what the fuck busing is. I have trouble with your vague ass comments lately. If you're implying that I just now learned of busing you're mistaken, nor am I saying it's a "woke coastal talking point" all I'm saying is I highly doubt if you asked the average American about it they'd a) know what it is and b) wouldn't need some clarifying details even if they knew what it was.)
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Most Americans know what busing is. It was a highly contentious issue in its day and talk of it never ended since then. Its recent break into the headlines might be introducing an international audience to it, but that doesn't make it new and it certainly doesn't make it some woke, coastal talking point middle America is unaware of.

If by Middle America you mean geographically, there weren't enough blacks living there in the 60s for it to be a big issue. Busing was a big issue in the South and southern bordering states like Arkansas and Missouri.