Moderators know how to troll Yang; ask semi-incorrect technical questions about Yang's proposal, give him two minutes to pack in as much stuff about tax categories as possible and put people to sleep, then go back to the stars.
Slalwell is basically likening teaching in a black neighborhood to going in tour in the military. And now he's sucking Biden's dick.
Have to admit that nearly everyone "sounds" better than nearly everyone else yesterday, but I missed the medicare bits yesterday so who knows how it will turn. Only Pete gave a few Spanish words so far.
Every candidate raising their hands in response to "Would you give health insurance to undocumented workers?" would make a great Trump ad.
"Asylum" is officially the new "green card".
Pete's the first one to drop the Christ card too. Of the big names he's probably having the worst showing so far.
Fact-checkers were nice to yesterday's debate because the candidates didn't make any remotely controversial claims, just emotional appeals. Biden just implied that the 3 million illegals he and Obama deported were all serious violent criminals.
A second two-button scenario, moderator just led in China talking about how they sell their goods artificially cheap, and then the candidates agree but say price-raising tariffs by Trump are ruining everything, lmao. And Yang looking tired already and talking about muh Russia.
Slalwell just raped Pete. And Harris just ohnoyoudiint'd the moderator. And is now dropping the segregation bomb on Biden, and he's just bowing his head like Bernie did when BLM hijacked him.
Biden: "My time's up", wew, whiteboi got fucked
Apparently being a dumb blonde is the "I have the right to speak indefinitely on abortion issues" card
Slalwelll now fucking Sanders too, and Biden wants biometric triggers on all guns.
Hippie GILF unironically has my vote. I love her. She totally blew out Yang too.
Yang had a decent close though, giving a shout-out to non-liberals and pitching the big tent.