The News Thread

O'Rourke told CNN's DJ Judd early Friday that Cain's tweet constituted a threat.

"Yeah, it sure reads like one to me, and I think it's a really irresponsible thing for him to do, especially somebody who is a public servant and in a position of public trust to be sending that kind of message to this country," O'Rourke said. "We are a nation of laws, and if that ends up becoming the law of the United States of America, then we expect the people of this country to comply with it."

Like Jim Crow laws and slavery? Great argument.

I love how Cain basically reiterated the "...from my cold dead hand" line, and they reacted like he was saying he was going to track him down and blow him away lmao. Fucking pussies man.
Glad to see gun bans rising to the top of the Dem agenda, will ensure more NRA support and Republican blowback by 2020. The debate was cute, with everyone kissing Beto on the forehead, kind of his one last send off before he retires into total irrelevance.

Have to give Warren a little credit in that she was the only candidate to acknowledge that assault rifles and spree shootings are only a tiny portion of the total gun homicide rate, though naturally she didn't mention the cause (blacks) nor the impossible solution (handgun bans).
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this is a little scary

Trump says he doesn't need a trade deal with China before the 2020 election

like what if the democrat nominee wins the next election??
then that person has inherited a problem that kinda needs to be solved instantly
this kinda ballsy statement seems like narcissistic Donald somehow thinks he already knows the outcome of the 2020 election,
like he's not even thinking about the possibility of someone else winning the election and the kind of problem he's just created for his replacement if he looses re-election
this is a little scary

Trump says he doesn't need a trade deal with China before the 2020 election

like what if the democrat nominee wins the next election??
then that person has inherited a problem that kinda needs to be solved instantly
this kinda ballsy statement seems like narcissistic Donald somehow thinks he already knows the outcome of the 2020 election,
like he's not even thinking about the possibility of someone else winning the election and the kind of problem he's just created for his replacement if he looses re-election

Every president inherits problems, and the trade war is basically a non-problem anyways. The easy button fix for Dems is simply to end all tariffs that Trump started, though that has obvious PR consequences regarding now-purple MI/WI/PA. Maybe they can end one or two specific tariffs, call those the worst ones, convince Xi to end one or two minor tariffs just for show, and claim they've mutually fixed things and the world is saved. 2020 is basically a red carpet for Dems right now. If the recession hits before the election, and indicators suggest it will iirc, and if it's a deep enough recession, then they could even reach 55+ senators like they did in 2008.