The News Thread

inb4 "Gee what a shame President Warren committed suicide with two slugs to the back of her head, oh well now I'm President, thanks for making me your Vice-Prez rip in peace." - Hillary Clinton

Not out of the realm of possibility that it's a Warren/Clinton ticket if she gets the nomination. I think that is likely to happen personally.

With another big Nothingburger with the Ukraine shit, Trump is pretty much a lock for 2020 imo.
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I never understood why it is considered questionable to accept donations from criminals anyways. For ideological cases maybe, e.g. a donation from an abortion clinic bomber or jihadist or something, but if some globalist child pimp wants to donate to a research university, who cares?
i actually agree here
if something awesome gets funding
does it really matter where the money comes from??
I never understood why it is considered questionable to accept donations from criminals anyways. For ideological cases maybe, e.g. a donation from an abortion clinic bomber or jihadist or something, but if some globalist child pimp wants to donate to a research university, who cares?
For one, it's a massive conflict of interest. Many donations aren't just donations - they often establish mutually beneficial relationships, like where the beneficiary puts the donor's name on a building and gives them name recognition, which helps the donor grow a business that's funding their criminal activities, or gives them political clout which makes them less likely to be criminally investigated. It might also create a money laundering opportunity by giving them tax breaks. I'm sure there's other reasons I'm not thinking of.
i've never got a flu shot and have never caught the flu. I also get plenty of vitamin D daily .... didn't know that made a difference though.

I don't think I was specifically aware of some connection between VitD and flu; I usually up my VitC in response to any possible onset of flu symptoms or in response to flu exposure. But I take a D supplement already. If you read through the technical information (or not even), the flu shot is a massive scam unless maybe, you are a most sickly person, and refuse to get healthy versus getting a shot. Even then it's a coin flip at best.
Anybody else think it's somewhat curious that Greta Thunberg is being touted as this great voice of rebellion, for shitting on the elites and politicians, telling them off and so on, at events hosted by these same people, as they applaud to her scornful speeches?

It's like one of those unrealistic movies where some guy goes to a corporate board meeting and gives them what-for, and afterwards they stand and clap and then make him the CEO or some random shit.