The News Thread

Looks like there's a lot of kvetching about anti-Semitic crime in the Twitterworld as well, some funny stuff, particularly:

DeBlasio is the shabbos goy NYC mayor who gleefully celebrates locking teenaged whites up for the """crime""" of chalking swastikas on pavement and Proud Boys for the crime of defending themselves against antifa, yet you have blacks committing many of the recent assaults on Jews in NYC and he'll bend over himself justifying sending them back on the streets with a bit of pocket change. I fucking love it. This has been underway ever since the liberal-left recently turned on Louis Farrakhan and deplatformed him following the Pennsylvania synagogue shooting. There is a notable contingency of blacks whose Jew-hatred has been overlooked (not wrongly; we still have the 1A) simply because they're too valuable a voting bloc and Jews are usually too wealthy and segregated for it to be a problem worth worrying about. This conflict is a win-win situation for anyone that doesn't live in a ghetto or Manhattan.



The false god of wokeness dies, the next Great Awakening is upon us. Should repeat for emphasis that this one of God's Chosen is a "fact checker".
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Proud Boys for the crime of defending

So theres this one wokelet name Christopher Cantwell who started writing a new Mask comic book and has turned the book into a complete left wing propaganda piece. Here are the covers to the last two issues ...



so on the first page there was a group of "white supremacists" giving the usual klanish type of speech and i just tossed to book bag in its baggie and returned it. Went on his twitter and found this tweet ....

"This cover by @patric_reynolds and @leeloughridge is my favorite of any comic issue I’ve written. Proud Boys in green hats atop the Lincoln Memorial ruins. Big Head takes on Neo-Nazis and also goes nuts during a live TV debate."

I asked him why he would trash the proud boys by referring to them as nazis and white supremacists(they even have hispanics and blacks in that organization) and if he supports homegrown terrorists like antifa" and the dude basically flipped out and started calling me a nazi and then blocked me, lmao.

Funniest part is i literally give zero fucks about the proud boys, i just hate it when people blindly trash others without getting their facts straight, regardless of what side is doing it.
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Libtards have done more to legitimize Proud Boys et al than anybody else in America, including Trump. The founder Gavin McInnes basically abandoned them ages ago but faggots like ^him^ place them on a pedestal constantly.
Most of the entertainment industry is tainted beyond saving now. I only recently discovered that Disco Elysium game, which seems to be far-left propaganda (they even get a Chapotard to voice act one of the characters) though I plan on playing it to make sure what I saw wasn't out of context.

At least regarding Gavin, I know I saw some video recently where he was upset about the sentencing of one of the Proud Boys after that NYC scuffle. afaik he gave up on trying to be a ringleader for them, but he still supports them and hasn't disavowed them (to his credit).
How did he urge them into violence? Self-defense isn't violence. Free speech in a public area isn't violence. I don't dispute that he's a faggot though (he made out with Milo Yiannopolis after all).
Yes Gavin is a buttgay degenerate, but how did he urge anyone into violence? I listened to a snippet of that video (the guy behind it apparently someone whose career revolves around e-celebs) and heard some British-voiced cunt whine about "senseless barbarism, self-defense or not" and "turning whites against each other". This is why no one gives a fuck about you Anglo subhumans, your very social fabric is servile and backstabbing.
How did he urge them into violence? Self-defense isn't violence. Free speech in a public area isn't violence.

If your homoerotic street gang has tiered rewards for getting into a violent altercation/getting arrested, you are by definition urging them to engage in violence and/or illegal activity. The whole self-defense gimmick really just means that you want your Proud Boys to purposely be coaxed into violence at the slightest provocation, so then Gavin can say "nuh-uh it was SeLf-DeFenSe" so he doesn't get arrested himself.

Not denying that many genuine incidents of self-defense occurred but that whole membership requirement thing he made up absolutely means he's inciting violence among his cucked fellowship. He's just doing it in a way that won't get him into legal trouble.

Yes Gavin is a buttgay degenerate, but how did he urge anyone into violence? I listened to a snippet of that video (the guy behind it apparently someone whose career revolves around e-celebs) and heard some British-voiced cunt whine about "senseless barbarism, self-defense or not" and "turning whites against each other". This is why no one gives a fuck about you Anglo subhumans.

Ok Jewlet.
speaking of barbarism, id probably impale(and no, not the kind of impaling Milo is into)both of those fags for the sake of true conservatism.


btw, clearly im not being serious ... just in case any snowflakes get offended
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im gonna have to disagree with Proud Boys being some type of organization who is out there to beat people up. They voice what they believe, and will defend themselves if need be. Dont find anything wrong with that.

Oh ad i have to mention this .... as someone who's been raised in the streets of LA, i thought their little weenie "jump in" initiation was hella funny.

omfg this is way too funny. :lol: I swear i would knock every one of those dudes out by myself. I know girls who punch harder than them.
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Says the retard defending Gavin's homo-right group equivalent to AntiFa. :lol:

This says it all:

violence and/or illegal activity

Whether it's an and or an or is kind of the important part.

I'm almost positive I've seen you post that video of the baton-wielding antifa guy being knocked out by a Proud Boy (who was later cleared after it was ruled a valid self-defense). But I'm guessing you found some new e-gossip expert to follow on Kiwifarms or Discord or whatever shithole you hang out on. The fact that you went from being a Mort-loving leftist to a cuckold MRA on this site has always said it all though. You don't even have an ideology, just some kind of reactionary e-celeb fetish that occasionally colors your posts.