The News Thread

awwww sheeyt ...
Gavin deserves credit because he was "upset about the sentencing of one of the Proud Boys after that NYC scuffle" and quit the "not a gang" gang but didn't disavow them. Okay...? lol he's as confused a faggot as you are.

I'm almost positive I've seen you post that video of the baton-wielding antifa guy being knocked out by a Proud Boy (who was later cleared after it was ruled a valid self-defense).
Not denying that many genuine incidents of self-defense occurred


But I'm guessing you found some new e-gossip expert to follow on Kiwifarms or Discord or whatever shithole you hang out on. The fact that you went from being a Mort-loving leftist to a cuckold MRA on this site has always said it all though. You don't even have an ideology, just some kind of reactionary e-celeb fetish that occasionally colors your posts.

You clearly don't know much about Kiwifarms if you think it's the kind of place "e-gossip experts" exist in lmao and after all, you're the Redditfag. I don't use sites like that, I think I used Discord once in my life years ago for StarCraft discussion, that's it. If there's anybody whose views and postings online colour my own views it's you and Dak so that's very ironic. Other than this place, YT and FB I don't go anywhere else.

Whether it's an and or an or is kind of the important part.

Not really. Gavine's rules as he stated them himself are that you have to get into a violent altercation or get arrested for any crime. Then when pressed he says "well, in self-defense" but if you say to someone they have to go and be violent but only in self-defense to be in the not-gang, it follows that people will go out and look for any provocation to fight.

It's that old (not that you'd know because you're a coddled homokike) "hit me first so I can knock you out" thing people do when they want to squabble. I'm not even necessarily saying I care if they go around trying to not-fight in their not-gang but what I dislike is absolute pussies like Gavin cheering this stuff on, pretending to care when they get charged, leaving the not-gang because he doesn't want to be tied to a recent classification of his not-gang being terroristic according to the FBI - and then playing armchair saviour and acting like he's making such huge sacrifices when in reality he's just kissing men and boomer-ranting about dumb shit on YT.

Meh, same old weak stuff from the forum autist.
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man that guys seems like such a fucking lame. I bet he himself has never thrown a proper punch in his life. A guy who french-kisses other men and doesn't knock how to use his fists is sitting their and making fun of others is hilarious to me. he looks more like a faggot hispter lefty to me.

He started off as a lefty punk rock douche, and he's one of the founders of Vice. Also yeah he fights like a retard, look at this shit:

Granted it looked somewhat chaotic but I dunno, I cringed. Also it looked like he was first to get physical here, ironic. He bragged about that "fist fight" for so long afterwards too.

Oh ad i have to mention this .... as someone who's been raised in the streets of LA, i thought their little weenie "jump in" initiation was hella funny.

omfg this is way too funny. :lol: I swear i would knock every one of those dudes out by myself. I know girls who punch harder than them.

It looks like some high school mates giving out birthday punches lmfao. 100% poofters, sure a few are legit tough guys (like that Samoan dude Tiny) but the rest are HBB-tier spastics in polos.
He bragged about that "fist fight" for so long afterwards too.

lmfao, i saw no fight there. lol that guy is such a broad. I swear all this stuff that i saw today has conceived me that he is a closet homo.

(like that Samoan dude Tiny) but the rest are HBB-tier spastics in polos.
didnt know Tiny was a proud boy, thought he was some ballsy super christian dude who didnt need a group of betas behind him.
Honestly he can be pretty fucking entertaining. He definitely made Rogan nervous at times. :lol:

im gonna have to disagree with Proud Boys being some type of organization who is out there to beat people up. They voice what they believe, and will defend themselves if need be.

Wanted to point out that the short clip I shared has part of a story Gavin tells about some Proud Boys who he says went to a rally "just for fun." Like a lot of protest and counter-protest gangs they do get up to their fair share of altercation-seeking.
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Gavin deserves credit because he was "upset about the sentencing of one of the Proud Boys after that NYC scuffle" and quit the "not a gang" gang but didn't disavow them. Okay...?

Yes. Explain what is the issue.

You clearly don't know much about Kiwifarms if you think it's the kind of place "e-gossip experts" exist in lmao and after all, you're the Redditfag. I don't use sites like that, I think I used Discord once in my life years ago for StarCraft discussion, that's it. If there's anybody whose views and postings online colour my own views it's you and Dak so that's very ironic. Other than this place, YT and FB I don't go anywhere else.

Imagine claiming expertise on Kiwifarms and then pretending you don't have a substantial internet presence, lmao. I got recent evidence that you're hiding your e-drama flex anyways so I already know you're lying.

I have like 10 posts on Reddit, most of which I think I made over a short period several years ago. I'm a chanfag, not a Redditfag.

Not really. Gavine's rules as he stated them himself are that you have to get into a violent altercation or get arrested for any crime. Then when pressed he says "well, in self-defense" but if you say to someone they have to go and be violent but only in self-defense to be in the not-gang, it follows that people will go out and look for any provocation to fight.

It's that old (not that you'd know because you're a coddled homokike) "hit me first so I can knock you out" thing people do when they want to squabble. I'm not even necessarily saying I care if they go around trying to not-fight in their not-gang but what I dislike is absolute pussies like Gavin cheering this stuff on, pretending to care when they get charged, leaving the not-gang because he doesn't want to be tied to a recent classification of his not-gang being terroristic according to the FBI - and then playing armchair saviour and acting like he's making such huge sacrifices when in reality he's just kissing men and boomer-ranting about dumb shit on YT.

Thank you for at least making an argument, but I don't see how that follows. The right of self-defense has been substantially curtailed in modern liberal cities, and so to be arrested and claim self-defense is not remotely a badge of shame. While there are obviously going to be a few thuggish tards that get sucked into the hype just looking to fight for the sake of it, same as any visible movement, the intent of the group as a whole is pretty clear, which is the promotion of self-defense against political aggression. There's nothing morally wrong with "hit me first so I can knock you out" when the person that hit first also tends to be the one provoking. Obviously, if Bob goes around calling black people my pals for the purpose of provoking a punch, just to shoot in "self-defense", that is illegal, murder, and not valid. If Bob goes around at right-wing rallies wearing a MAGA hat without insulting anyone, and a leftist antifag punches him, he has every right to defend himself.
Yes. Explain what is the issue.

I just disagree. All I see is a coward pretending to care about his retarded minions when it's convenient, as he simultaneously abandons them. If you think that's worthy of credit, m'kay fair enough.

Imagine claiming expertise on Kiwifarms and then pretending you don't have a substantial internet presence, lmao.

I've used Kiwifarms in the past when I used to hate-watch DSP's gaming streams, it's just people shitting out tinfoil theories and then other people shitting on those theories for being too tinfoil. It's not the kind of environment where individuals rise to the level of Internet cult leader, like your new idol Gavin McFaggot. You're giving me way too much credit, I'm damn near a boomer when it comes to online stuff.

Thank you for at least making an argument, but I don't see how that follows. The right of self-defense has been substantially curtailed in modern liberal cities, and so to be arrested and claim self-defense is not remotely a badge of shame. While there are obviously going to be a few thuggish tards that get sucked into the hype just looking to fight for the sake of it, same as any visible movement, the intent of the group as a whole is pretty clear, which is the promotion of self-defense against political aggression. There's nothing morally wrong with "hit me first so I can knock you out" when the person that hit first also tends to be the one provoking. Obviously, if Bob goes around calling black people my pals for the purpose of provoking a punch, just to shoot in "self-defense", that is illegal, murder, and not valid. If Bob goes around at right-wing rallies wearing a MAGA hat without insulting anyone, and a leftist antifag punches him, he has every right to defend himself.

Gavin says his Proud Boys went to a rally "for fun" and walked into a huge mob of protestors calling them cowards or whatever. That's hardly the same thing as this perception that they're just these principled western chauvinists who only fight when they're attacked at their own rallies. Though that has definitely happened too.

Ultimately though I think there's a misunderstanding here and it's partially my fault. I wasn't morally condemning Proud Boys for attacking AntiFa, honestly I don't even give a shit if a Proud Boy (or anybody else) walks up to some masked mongoloid and hits them first, I pretty much consider the mere presence of AntiFa in their gear waving commie flags as some kind of provocation in itself - my criticism was primarily that Gavin basically incites this stuff to go down and then sits back and brags as if he were there on the ground putting in work with his bare hands, when in reality he's just a faggot on YT.

If he doesn't get his hands dirty and put himself at actual risk, he doesn't get to sit back and act like he's taking some big risks. Furthermore the moment the FBI said Proud Boys were white nationalist terrorists he quit the group entirely. Big risks, he should fuck off back to Canada and stop encouraging good American lads to go blue balls and fight people.

That's my view on it. I don't give a single shit if people beat up AntiFa.
I just disagree. All I see is a coward pretending to care about his retarded minions when it's convenient, as he simultaneously abandons them. If you think that's worthy of credit, m'kay fair enough.

I don't really care about Gavin himself and I'm not defending his physical prowess (not that I'm anyone to comment on physical prowess). But I thought that he did contribute to the legal defense of some of the guys charged, and that he was keeping in touch with them, even if he's not physically showing up to any of the rallies. If I'm mistaken about that, then fair enough.

I've used Kiwifarms in the past when I used to hate-watch DSP's gaming streams, it's just people shitting out tinfoil theories and then other people shitting on those theories for being too tinfoil. It's not the kind of environment where individuals rise to the level of Internet cult leader, like your new idol Gavin McFaggot. You're giving me way too much credit, I'm damn near a boomer when it comes to online stuff.

I'm referring to the general culture of doxxing and e-stalking. It's not about following people to like, it's about following people to hate.

Gavin says his Proud Boys went to a rally "for fun" and walked into a huge mob of protestors calling them cowards or whatever. That's hardly the same thing as this perception that they're just these principled western chauvinists who only fight when they're attacked at their own rallies. Though that has definitely happened too.

Ultimately though I think there's a misunderstanding here and it's partially my fault. I wasn't morally condemning Proud Boys for attacking AntiFa, honestly I don't even give a shit if a Proud Boy (or anybody else) walks up to some masked mongoloid and hits them first, I pretty much consider the mere presence of AntiFa in their gear waving commie flags as some kind of provocation in itself - my criticism was primarily that Gavin basically incites this stuff to go down and then sits back and brags as if he were there on the ground putting in work with his bare hands, when in reality he's just a faggot on YT.

If he doesn't get his hands dirty and put himself at actual risk, he doesn't get to sit back and act like he's taking some big risks. Furthermore the moment the FBI said Proud Boys were white nationalist terrorists he quit the group entirely. Big risks, he should fuck off back to Canada and stop encouraging good American lads to go blue balls and fight people.

That's my view on it. I don't give a single shit if people beat up AntiFa.

Give me particular examples. There is a right to respectful counter-protest. Simply showing up to protest a rally is not grounds for invalidating a self-defense claim.

The rest I guess I can kind of agree with, but it again depends on the extent to which he incites things and the extent to which he sits back. I agree that he's not some 250lb pure muscle superhero Chad beating up antifa, but that's not all there is to it. While he was probably rich before Proud Boys and probably still rich today, I imagine that his name is more or less ruined beyond whatever immediate support he has from his friends and followers. No silly faggy Vice Mag is going to be inviting him to their board of directors or whatever anytime soon. He probably has lost millions of potential dollars that could have been kept by simply not being political and not founding the Proud Boys, was deplatformed from most social media, and even "Conservative Inc." disowned him when Blaze TV fired him. And now he's taking on the SPLC in court.

I don't follow him very closely (everything I do know about him is pretty much incidental stuff I've seen on /pol/ regarding broader antifa and police-related stories) so maybe there's a lot of stuff I've missed, but despite his obvious ego and degeneracy, he's done more for the cause of self-defense as a figurehead than most other public figures I can think of.
I don't really care about Gavin himself and I'm not defending his physical prowess (not that I'm anyone to comment on physical prowess). But I thought that he did contribute to the legal defense of some of the guys charged, and that he was keeping in touch with them, even if he's not physically showing up to any of the rallies. If I'm mistaken about that, then fair enough.

AFAIK his idea of helping them out was stepping down as the leader of the not-gang so they could bring up in court that it's not a gang because it has no leadership.

I'm referring to the general culture of doxxing and e-stalking. It's not about following people to like, it's about following people to hate.

I wouldn't call documenting what goes on in people's Twitch streams "e-stalking" or whatever, but Kiwifarms is HUGE and I only ever stuck in the gaming lolcow threads, laughing at ragequits etc. Way worse shit goes on in Discord, Skype or on Twitter with pedos/zoosadists.

Give me particular examples. There is a right to respectful counter-protest. Simply showing up to protest a rally is not grounds for invalidating a self-defense claim.

Gavin's thing is urging his followers to put themselves in situations that will lead to violence enacted in self-defense. It's not spontaneous or organic, it's premeditated via the not-gang's rules. If the only way to rise to the top in the ranks of the Proud Boys is to get into a violent altercation "for the cause" but it can only be in self-defense, it logically follows that people will seek to manufacture these altercations as best they can. For example, Gavin's story I mentioned about some Proud Boys going to a rally "just for fun" where they walked into a crowd of protestors and started antagonizing them.

I'm not saying any of this violates any laws, that's kinda the point. Gavin is savvy. Though he also said breaking the law works too, whatever that might entail. Maybe he meant they should cruise bus stops for some good ol' boys.

I agree that he's not some 250lb pure muscle superhero Chad beating up antifa, but that's not all there is to it.

It's not even about that. Gavin is certainly bigger than the average AntiFa soyboy, not to mention half of them in the streets beefing are women. Part of it is this #ConservatismIsTheNewPunkRock thing he promotes and how it relates to his public image. He's not really out there getting rough and bumped around, his minions are.

While he was probably rich before Proud Boys and probably still rich today, I imagine that his name is more or less ruined beyond whatever immediate support he has from his friends and followers. No silly faggy Vice Mag is going to be inviting him to their board of directors or whatever anytime soon. He probably has lost millions of potential dollars that could have been kept by simply not being political and not founding the Proud Boys, was deplatformed from most social media, and even "Conservative Inc." disowned him when Blaze TV fired him. And now he's taking on the SPLC in court.

I don't follow him very closely (everything I do know about him is pretty much incidental stuff I've seen on /pol/ regarding broader antifa and police-related stories) so maybe there's a lot of stuff I've missed, but despite his obvious ego and degeneracy, he's done more for the cause of self-defense as a figurehead than most other public figures I can think of.

I'm not sure how much of that was bravery and how much was stupidity, I guess in practical terms there's no real difference. It's hard to look at someone with such a long-running series of dumb mistakes and think of him as anything other than a moron though.
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