The News Thread

Yeah, he mentioned the advanced lung cancer during the speech so the shoutout on its own wasn't too inexplicable, but a Medal of Freedom was very surprising (and apparently Rush had no idea it was coming as well).
I read my parents' copy of that book a long time ago (along with See I Told You So), good times.

Michael Savage was always my favorite of the big conservative radio guys (until he got banned from the UK and went from 90% narcissism to 100%), but I liked Rush too. Especially during the Clinton era, his show being where I first learned about Vince Foster and all the other people that suddenly killed themselves or died. Certainly one of the most important figures of modern American conservatism, probably did more than any individual politician to put the Republicans back on the attack. He kissed W's ass too much though.
Certainly one of the most important figures of modern American conservatism

probably did more than any individual politician to put the Republicans back on the attack.

the guy's a right wing pit-bull all the way down to the bone.

I dont remember where i got my copy of The Way Things Ought To Be from but it was "to Dave, from Mom & Dad" or someshit. And i actually read it after hearing about it in the holy grail of modern conservatism, Righteous Indignation.
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He so dearly wanted to be the nominee for 2020

I will say that he looks amazing for 72 though. Total gdilf.

Trump acquitted.


I will say that he looks amazing for 72 though. Total gdilf.

Dat Mormon lifestyle I suppose. Speaking of, anybody see this weird theory about Romney's vote being about prophecy fulfillment?

Although generally debunked as apocryphal by modern historians, the so-called White Horse Prophecy dates to 1844 when Smith himself was a candidate for president of the United States. The Mormons — members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints — have long regarded the U.S. Constitution as a divinely inspired document.

According to the legend, Smith predicted that someday the Constitution would be in extreme danger — hanging “like a thread as fine as silk fiber”— and that a member of the church would ride in on a white horse to save it.

“I think Mitt Romney is under the impression that he is going to be the white horse Republican who will save the country,” said Salt Lake City historian Will Bagley, a frequent critic of the church and its leaders. “Whether or not that would happen is a different matter, but I think if it came down to picking between Mitt Romney and Mike Pence, most people would go with Romney.”
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Biden pretty horrible on that debate last night. Warren's strategy of "Dems don't care about black people, but they will once i'm elected" is horrible :lol:
... the whole thing was rather hilarious tbh. Tom Steyer kept repeating the same exact words that we've been seeing in his commercials here all day with his whole "ANY DEMOCRAT IS BETTER THAN TRUMP, MY DAD PROSECUTED NAZIS" etc. 2020 is pretty much a lock for Trump. Cant wait to see all the wokelets go nuts again
that dude is far too angry, but hilarious delusion to bring up Nuremberg trials and Trump's impeachment :lol: I guess Pete or Bernie it'll be.
The NH debate was the first one I couldn't finish. Seems like they gave Butt the most airtime, and he's the emptiest suit possible.
dont count 'ole Joe out yet. But yeah it will be an easy win whichever way it goes. the twink has zero chance of beating Trump and if Sanders takes the primaries expect more of the dem's to turn on him and continue to sabotage his campaign. But regardless, these are just lambs to the slaughter ...