The News Thread

iirc Snoop Dogg was vocal and angry about Louis Farrakhan being deplatformed; someone must have put chemicals in his son's water supply as revenge.

EDIT: Is it confirmed he's gay or is he just doing some weird fashion thing? The photos make him look like he's trying to be Prince (who was technically still 100% hetero afaik).
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Why does other people’s queerness make you so uncomfortable?
... but you don't make me uncomfortable.

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Why does transgenderism among 12 year olds make you comfortable?
no way dude, we should give zero fucks about what's going on with the youth of our country, especially when they're from the same fucking city and state some of us are trying to raise our families in(is this where i roll my eyes like a little bitch?). The amount if blind ignorance some of these rabid progtards display on a regular basis is mind-blowing tbh.
funniest part is the last few times we interacted(including today) was because you actually responded to my posts .... which had nothing to do with you. Sooooo yeah.

He insults you and says you're not worth responding to constantly, and then he totally drops his discussion with me to sling shit with you. What a dramawhore. :lol:

Well, TB’s obsession with responding to all my posts (photoshops and all) strikes me as more time-consuming than having a reaction to your bigotry. ;)

Feelz come easier to cucks like you I guess. :D

Anyway CNN doing what CNN does; smearing people. This time the journalist who dug up and leaked the Bloomberg audio about stop-and-frisk:

I love this idea that it's old audio and Bloomberg has changed, he's seen the light, at the time he didn't understand the negative impacts blah blah blah. It was from fucking 2015. :tickled:
Trump made a Twitter post about the Bloomberg audio and then deleted it quickly; I'm guessing it wasn't because he was afraid of being called a racist himself (since most of the media calls him one) but because he wants it in reserve in case Bloomberg becomes the nominee. I'll laugh so fucking hard if Bloomberg is really the best the DNC can do for 2020.

Didn't Prince come out against gay marriage or some shit? Weird dude, I always thought he was bisexual.

Don't know about his political views, but he became Jehova's Witness at some point, and they tend to be a little on the crazy side (see also: Ben Carson). iirc he actually stopped playing a fair chunk of his earlier discography for religious reasons, though I think he always kept had his effeminate fashion sense.
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He insults you and says you're not worth responding to constantly, and then he totally drops his discussion with me to sling shit with you.

Well, that’s because you made reference to something I said during an earlier conversation; so I thought it was appropriate to do so as well.

Come on guys, keep up. ;)