The News Thread

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so Dwayne Wades 12 year old son came out as a trannie a few days ago and now Snoops son comes out? :erk: Smh. Perfect examples of why this is the last state anyone should be raising a family in.

Wait wot. Taking the bait, I have to ask. :rolleyes:

Are you suggesting that a presence of homosexuals in a state impairs the ability to raise a family there? Serious question, I can't get my head around this post.
"presence of homosexuals" Lulz. I'm going to go ahead and "take the bait" here ....but is that what your little alcoholically warped mind was able to get out of my post? :lol: Homosexuals and trannies arent exclusive to California you nitwit, but their hamfisted messages and ideologies are forcefully pushed upon everyone out here ... even grade school children. You guys who are not familiar with this state but seem to always want to throw in your worthless two cents(like ein is also doing here, when the guy has probably never met a Mexican in his life) need to really familiarize yourself with what's going on out here before you guys try to "wrap your empty but yet so inflated" heads around the facts.

The coronavirus exposes the history of racism and “cleanliness.”

Gotta love Vox. Let Ms. Wu sneeze on you, and give you the flu, or you're not only an alarmist but a xenophobe too.
Vox. Legit journalism :lol:
"presence of homosexuals" Lulz. I'm going to go ahead and "take the bait" here ....but is that what your little alcoholically warped mind was able to get out of my post? :lol:

You linked a story about a homosexual person *existing* and called it an example "of why this is the last state anyone should be raising a family in." So yeah it's as simple as that. How are those two things connected in your mind?

Homosexuals and trannies arent exclusive to California you nitwit

Exactly. So how is a homosexual person coming out a problem of the state.

Feel free to insult me some more btw, but honestly I'm immune to your high-blood pressure madman rages so if you cease to do it it will save you some time and bandwidth. :rolleyes:
Hopefully you move out here to Cali and your son is transformed into a full blown tranny at the age of 10, maybe then you'll understated what i'm talking about.

Yeah I was sort of hoping to understand your thoughts without moving to California and having a transsexual child there. Oh well, nvm.
Honest question. Arent you a hermie? Not surprised why you'd have hard time understanding something that any normal human being with common sense would have immediately picked up on. Also, like i said .. you clearly are not familiar with what's going on in this state. "bububut EXISTENCE" :lol:
Let Chinese kids sneeze in your mouth, bigot.
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i guess i really do need to sit you on my lap and explain things. Here, let me try and keep this simple .... i wouldn't want to raise my kids anywhere where pretending to be the opposite sex is slowly turning into the norm, and even encouraged in some parts. We have cities in this state that are run by full on gay/trans governments(like Palm Springs for example) who have been pushing their agendas into every corner of society/culture down here ... including the school systems. A 10 year old kid shouldnt even know what a transsexual is ... but yet we have them out here being dragged out to parades where sick perverts are walking around in whips and chains. You have full blown trannies and drag queens reading them stories in grade school. Just about everything that is wrong with this nation basically comes out of this disgusting shithole of a state.

wut wot? I mean, you dont realize how ridiculous your question was? "Whats wrong with them existing"? I dont know whether to call you a retard or just scratch this off to you not being familiar with California. But i'm gonna go with the latter since since you deiced to picke out and respond to just one part of my post and ignore the rest.
Feel free to insult me some more btw, but honestly I'm immune to your high-blood pressure madman rages so if you cease to do it it will save you some time and bandwidth. :rolleyes:

Insults are the only way TB knows how to respond to questions about his comments. I’m going to talk about him like he’s not here because I don’t think anything much is going on upstairs anyway.

I await my personalized insult.
... oh look, the scorned twat who cant stop mentioning me just because i've continually handed him his own ass for the last few weeks. Lulz, you must really like the taste of my balls!

Insults are the only way TB knows how to respond to questions about his comments.
you remember when you "questioned my comments" about media bias a few days ago only for me to slap you up with the facts and have you rage out and call me a bitch or whatnot? :lol:
I didn't take an L honeypot. You haven't responded to my suspicions about your reasoning and what your "facts" actually demonstrate.

Did either of you even read that study cited by the Daily Wire? Did you compare the language of the article with the language of the study?

For starters, the study isn’t about liberal bias across the media but about specifically financial journalists working with large financial industries. It does state that about 50% of all financial journalists claim to “lean left,” with about 30% moderate and the remaining conservative. But the study doesn’t say that these ideological affiliations bias their reporting; of anything, it claims that desire to maintain access to industry insiders biases them to publish positive stories.

Second, I don’t think it’s a massive revelation that lots of journalists outside of financial reporting “lean left”; but that doesn’t translate into media bias at the scale of corporate power and communications. News conglomerates are companies, and they have no financial interest in promoting left-wing economic values or models. Although certain journalists evince political biases, that doesn’t mean these translate into deep-seeded left-wing bias with media corporations themselves.

Finally, the Rasmussen polls aren’t actually about journalists’ biases but about what voters perceive as media bias. As I think is clear based on some of the posts here, bias and facts aren’t mutually exclusive; one can present facts in a biased manner. The Daily Wire article is an example of facts presented in a biased manner.
is that the post that came days after i had shut you down with these....





....yeah, shut the fuck up and stop crying about the fact that the right has ONE fucking outlet in the sea of left wing shit that dominates our mainstream media.

The influence of the Democratic Party on mainstream media bias against conservatives is not going over well with American voters. According to a recent Rasmussen Reports poll, a majority of respondents disagree with the decision of the Democratic National Committee to exclude Fox News from hosting any of its primary debates for the 2020 presidential election.

The survey found that 56 percent of likely voters want the Democrats to allow Fox News, the most watched cable news network in the country, to host at least one of the 12 primary debates that the Democratic National Committee has scheduled ahead of the 2020 election. Conversely, only 28 percent of respondents agree with the decision to blacklist Fox News from hosting a debate, while 15 percent of respondents are undecided.

This reaction from voters reflects the widespread disgust with the much too close for comfort relationship between the Democratic Party and the liberal media. For more than two years, the mainstream media has amplified the talking points of the left and attacked President Trump at every opportunity. At the same time, the press has grudgingly covered positive business and economic developments and the many global accomplishments that President Trump has enjoyed on the world stage.

While this disregard for journalistic ethics is nothing new, the degree of media bias has gotten worse over time. In 2014, an Indiana University survey found that only 7 percent of journalists identified as Republicans while 28 percent identified as Democrats. In 2002, the same study found that 18 percent of journalists identified as Republicans and 36 percent said that they were Democrats. In just more than a decade, a two to one Democratic Party advantage had grown into a four to one discrepancy

A study conducted by the Center for Public Integrity during the 2016 election revealed that more than 96 percent of political donations from journalists went to the Hillary Clinton campaign. Moreover, just a few weeks ago, prominent television journalist Lara Logan warned that the mainstream media harbors serious political bias, arguing that the right leaning news outlets often get drowned out by the liberal publications.

The American people have taken notice of the increasingly shrill left wing echo chamber in the press, and they are starting to get fed up with “news” headlines that simply parrot Democratic Party talking points. According to a Monmouth University survey last year, 77 percent of voters think that “fake news reporting happens at least occasionally” in the mainstream media, an increase from 63 percent of voters who thought so in 2017.

By excluding a major cable news network with journalists who are willing to ask candidates tough questions, the Democratic National Committee is only doubling down on its heavy influence on the mainstream media and denying voters the right to know all the facts about the people vying to become our next president. American voters are certainly not pleased.

In 2013, a 59% majority reported a perception of media bias, with 46% saying mass media was too liberal and 13% saying it was too conservative.

A September 2014 Gallup poll found that 44% of Americans feel that news media are "too liberal" , 19% believe them to be "too conservative"

In 2017, a Gallup poll found that the majority of Americans view the news media favoring a particular political party; 64% believed it favored the Democratic Party, compared to 22% who believed it favored the Republican Party.

yes because you cant respond to facts. You're the same dude who is sitting here and claiming that the local news networks dont trash on the right every chance they get. How about we ask every other person on this forum that watch their local news and see what they say? Do you even watch those networks for implying something that would make you look this fucking clueless and ignorant? :lol: Dont know how you expect anyone to take you seriously when you spew out false nonsense like this. I'm starting to think you might actually not be lying on purpose but are just completely disconnected from the general public and live in your own little bubble. Either way, you're just making a fool of yourself.

more facts for dat ass...

Ask journalists, and they'll likely tell you they play things right down the middle. They strive to be "fair." They're "centrists." Sorry, not true. The profound leftward ideological bias of the Big Media is the main reason why America now seems saturated with "fake news." Journalists, besotted with their own ideology, are no longer able to recognize their own bias.

Despite journalists' denials, it's now pretty much a fact that journalism is one of the most left-wing of all professions. But until recently, that wasn't thought to be true of financial journalists — who have a reputation for being the most right-leaning and free-market-oriented among mainstream journalists.

If that was ever true, it sure isn't today, a new study suggests.

Researchers from Arizona State University and Texas A&M University questioned 462 financial journalists around the country. They followed up with 18 additional interviews. The journalists worked for the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, Washington Post, Associated Press and a number of other newspapers.

What they found surprised them. Even the supposedly hard-nosed financial reporters were overwhelmingly liberal. Of the 462 people surveyed, 17.63% called themselves "very liberal," while 40.84% described themselves as "somewhat liberal."

Media Conservatives: Endangered
When you add it up, 58.47% admit to being left of center. Along with that, another 37.12% claim to be "moderate."

What about the mythic "conservative" financial journalist? In fact, a mere 0.46% of financial journalists called themselves "very conservative," while just 3.94% said they were "somewhat conservative." That's a whopping 4.4% of the total that lean right-of-center.

That's a ratio of 13 "liberals" for every one "conservative." Whatever happened to ideological diversity? Please remember this as you watch the business news or read a financial story in the paper. You might want to take its message with a grain of salt. That's especially true if the piece seems unduly harsh on the free-market system and its many proven benefits. Or if it lauds socialism as an "answer" to society's ills.

This is an enormous problem for the media — perhaps bigger than they realize. A Rasmussen Reports survey in late October found that 45% of all likely voters in the midterm elections believed "that when most reporters write about a congressional race, they are trying to help the Democratic candidate."

Just 11% said the media would try to help the Republican. And only 35% said they thought reporters simply try to report the news in an unbiased way.

Rasumussen notes that this "helps explain why Democratic voters are much bigger fans of election news coverage" than others. They see it as favorable to their own beliefs.

Media Bias Is Real
Even so, that doesn't keep people from seeing the harsh reality of bias.

A post-election survey of 1,000 voters by McLaughlin & Associates found that "a forceful plurality (48%) of respondents believe the media coverage is unfair and biased" against President Trump. Even 16% of Democrats agreed.

It used to be thought that, sure, the cultural beat writers, book reviewers and Op-Ed writers all shared a common intellectual bent and thus were more likely to be left-leaning than other reporters. But these recent studies show that's not true. The taint of bias now infects all of journalism, not just the cultural and opinion spinners.

Media Bias: Data Don't Lie
It wasn't always this way. Along-term study of reporters' leanings and attitudes, "The American Journalist in the Digital Age," shows that the drift toward liberalism has been going on for years within journalism. In 1971, Republicans made up 25.7% of all journalists. Democrats were 35.5%, and independents were 32.5%. Some 6.3% of responses were "other."

By 2014, the year of the last survey, the share of journalists identifying as Republican had shrunk to 7.1%, an 18.6 percentage point drop. From having near-parity with the journalist Republicans in the 1970s, Democrats today outnumber Republicans today by four to one.

Meanwhile, the share of journalists calling themselves "independent" has surged to 50.2%. In case you think the growing body of Independents qualifies as "the center," think again.

Repeated surveys show that independents are usually left-of-center on social issues, but centrist on fiscal issues and many issue of governance. So you should really characterize them as "moderate left."

A Reader Turn Off?
Bad news for journalists, and bad news for journalism. Because as Americans continue down their path of growing mistrust of the mainstream media, they will start looking for alternatives.

Will they find new, more trustworthy sources of news? Or will they just turn it off entirely? Either one isn't good for journalists, or good for America.

It's time the journalistic mainstream addresses this problem. Smug denial is no longer an option. It starts with owners, publishers and editors demanding fairness in their reporting and weeding out obvious bias. While they're at it, they should elevate the idea of unbiased news coverage to a goal, even if it's not attainable.

They are when being disingenuously cited by a third party site. I only saw one actual reference to a university study (ASU). The Indiana link was a bust, which I mentioned; you didn’t acknowledge.

...that cites a study by Emory U (which you can actually access).

Not doing yourself any favors pal.

what a lying sack of shit you are ....

... sources ...

Nathan Y. Sharp
Texas A&M University - Department of Accounting

Andrew C. Call
Arizona State University (ASU) - School of Accountancy

Scott A. Emett
Arizona State University (ASU) - School of Accountancy

Eldar Maksymov
Arizona State University (ASU) - School of Accountancy

Monmouth University ....

Gallup Polls...

Indiana University source...
Willnat, Lars, and David H. Weaver. 2014. The American Journalist in the Digital Age: Key Findings. Bloomington, IN: School of Journalism, Indiana University.

Center for Public Integrity ....

Rasmussen Reports ...

and even a site that usually favors the likes of scum like you ....

And lets be real, we both know i can keep going and link you to endless studies, polls, articles that prove exactly what i said. That the mainstream media basically belongs to the left.

Emory U lmao....





.. only for you to respond with "you have way too much time on your hand". I get it, you've lost sleep over this and have been simmering for days now .... but just let it go my man, let it go.